中国激光, 2023, 50 (16): 1602402, 网络出版: 2023-07-11  

基于OCDR的飞秒激光直写光波导微结构在线监测 下载: 599次

On‑Line Monitoring of Optical Waveguide Micro‑Structure Fabricated With Femtosecond Laser Direct Writing Based on OCDR
夏龙 1,2王新悦 1,2吴胜保 1,2,*崔省伟 1,2冯亭 1,2姚晓天 1,2
1 河北大学物理科学与技术学院光信息技术创新中心,河北 保定 071002
2 河北省光学感知技术创新中心,河北 保定 071002

Femtosecond laser direct-writing plays a key role in optical waveguide device fabrication owing to its advantages of being maskless, true three-dimension, high precision, and flexibility. However, due to the lack of a mature theoretical model that can completely describe the interaction mechanism of the laser pulse with different materials, numerous experiments are required to determine the set of optimal processing parameters. Scanning electron microscopy or atomic force microscopy can provide high-resolution images of fabricated samples, but they generally need the sample to be destroyed, which is a time-consuming process. An optical microscope combined with a laser processing system can be used for in-process monitoring. However, the material to be processed needs to be transparent to illumination, and the resolution of the optical microscope is generally limited. Recently, methods based on optical coherence imaging have been proposed to obtain depth information in addition to a two-dimensional image. However, owing to the limited dynamic range detection, these methods cannot be used to measure the weak scattered signal induced by the small refractive index of the material in optical waveguide device processing. Therefore, in-process techniques for efficiently determining the processing parameters of femtosecond laser direct-writing optical waveguide devices are useful and significant.


The backward reflection signal induced by femtosecond laser direct-writing optical waveguide devices was used for the in-process monitoring of the key processing parameters. We developed coherence domain reflectometry (OCDR) (Fig. 1) with a large reflection dynamic range (-10 dB to -95 dB) and high accuracy (±1.0 dB) to measure the reflection signal. By directly writing micro-nano defects in the core of a single-mode optical fiber with different processing parameters, backward reflection signals were generated and subsequently detected by the OCDR connected to one port of the fiber (Fig. 2). The variation tendency of the measured reflection curve was used to determine the optimal processing parameters, and the reflection for a specific case was used to identify the type of change in the material (Fig. 5).

Results and Discussions

The influence of three key parameters, that is, the pulse energy, pulse frequency, and direct writing speed of the femtosecond laser, on the backward reflection signal in fiber micro-nano processing is studied using OCDR. By increasing the pulse energy (fixed pulse frequency of 1 kHz), the variation tendency of the measured reflectivity can be divided into four different regions A, B, C, and D (Fig. 4), where the abrupt change point (0.355 μJ) between A and B is identified as the pulse energy threshold, and B is the optimal region for optical waveguide device writing owing to its relatively low return loss and large reflectivity tuning range. A similar behavior is also observed when the pulse frequency is changed (fixed pulse energy 0.415 μJ) (Fig. 6). By scanning the pulse frequency at different pulse energies, the threshold points for different setups of the two key parameters are obtained (Fig. 7). The results show that the threshold energy gradually decreases with an increase in the pulse frequency. By the distributed monitoring of the reflection signal along the direct writing path, we find that the reflectivity decreases with an increase in the writing speed (Fig. 8), and the uniformity of the reflectivity curve can be improved by multiple writing (Fig. 9).


A distributed sensing technique based on OCDR for the in-process monitoring of direct-writing microstructures in optical waveguides with femtosecond pulses is proposed. The measured backward reflection signal is used to determine the optimal fabrication parameters. The influence of three key parameters, that is, pulse energy, pulse frequency, and direct writing speed, on the backward reflection signal in fiber micro-nano processing is studied by OCDR. The measured results show that the threshold conditions of the pulse energy and pulse frequency that cause material property changes can be determined quickly and accurately via abrupt changes in the reflection curve, and the type of material property change can also be identified according to the curve variation and reflectivity. In addition, the influence of the direct writing speed on the fabrication uniformity is determined by taking advantage of the distributed sensing ability of the OCDR. This work provides a non-destructive, efficient, and in-process solution for exploring the processing parameters of femtosecond laser direct-writing optical waveguide devices.

1 引言




2 实验装置及原理

2.1 OCDR系统原理

光相干域反射仪系统原理图如图1所示。该系统由经典的白光迈克耳孙干涉仪发展而来40-41,超辐射发光二极管(SLD)发出的宽带光信号经过耦合器1(分光比为90∶10)后分为参考路光和待测路光。待测路中的可调延迟线用于调节光程差,实现波导传输方向不同位置反射信号的扫描测量,延迟线最大扫描范围为60 cm,扫描一次时间为20 s,实际测量中可以根据待测区域长度调整扫描范围,缩短扫描时间。开启实时扫描后,在设定范围内进行自动重复扫描,参考光与待测样品不同位置的后向瑞利散射光在耦合器2(分光比为50∶50)中发生干涉,通过双平衡探测器抑制共模噪声,干涉信号转化为电信号,利用信号处理器获得样品不同位置的离散反射谱。

图 1. OCDR系统原理图

Fig. 1. Schematic of OCDR system

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I(t)= Es(t,2Ls)2+ Er(t,2Lr)2+2ReEr(t,2Lr)Es*(t,2Ls)



Δl=2ln 2π·λc2nΔλ

式中:λc为光源的中心波长;Δλ为光谱的半峰全宽(FWHM);n为被测单元的有效折射率。由式(2)可知,采用宽带光源可有效提升OCDR的分辨率性能。为降低色散对分辨率的影响,本系统采用中心波长在1310 nm附近、FWHM为40 nm的SLD光源,由式(2)可得系统理论分辨率约为13 μm。此外,系统的关键性能指标还包括回波测量动态范围(-10 dB~-95 dB)、回波测量精度(±1.0 dB)、长度测量范围(60 cm,空气中)、定位精度(0.1 mm)。

图2(a)所示为光谱仪实测的SLD光源的功率谱密度。可以看出,实测光谱呈高斯分布,其峰值波长为1300 nm,FWHM为39.2 nm,与理论值非常接近。图2(b)为该系统测量的飞秒激光直写光纤中相距13.5 μm的两个缺陷点的反射曲线,飞秒激光脉冲能量为0.355 μJ,脉冲频率为1 kHz。其中虚线为写入第一个点时测得,实线为写入两个点时测得。通过图2中两个反射峰峰值位置计算得到实测距离为13.68 μm,很好地验证了系统分辨率和位置测量精度。此外,可以看出,该系统可监测的最小回波损耗约为-95 dB。

图 2. OCDR性能验证。(a)SLD光源光谱;(b)OCDR测量的光纤中两个缺陷点反射曲线

Fig. 2. OCDR performance verification. (a) Spectrum of SLD source; (b) reflection curves of two defect points in optical fiber measured by OCDR

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2.2 实验装置

OCDR在线监测飞秒激光直写加工实验装置如图3所示。该装置主要由飞秒激光系统、高精度三维位移平台、显微镜观测系统、光纤夹具、OCDR系统等部分组成。飞秒激光系统发射的激光脉冲(中心波长为1030 nm,脉冲持续时间为382 fs)先通过由半波片(HWP)和偏振分束器(PBS)组成的脉冲能量控制器,再经透镜和反射镜进入扩束系统进行光斑整形,最后被油浸物镜(数值孔径为NA=1.32,放大倍数为60)聚焦后进入激光加工位移台。待加工光纤被光纤夹具固定在位移平台,光纤中的一端与OCDR系统连接,通过与位移台关联的显微镜观测系统,可实时观察垂直方向焦点及光纤的相对位置,进而确定直写加工位置。在飞秒激光加工过程中,通过实时开启OCDR进行扫描测量,即可获得光纤内部不同位置的反射信号。利用该技术也可在其他波导中进行器件加工或结构修饰监测,近期本课题组已利用OCDR实现了光芯片内部器件结构的识别及缺陷的探测和定位41如果把芯片与光纤耦合封装后置于加工平台上,则完全可实现片上波导的飞秒激光直写加工的在线监测。

图 3. OCDR系统在线监测的飞秒激光光纤微加工实验装置图

Fig. 3. Femtosecond laser fiber micromachining experimental device monitored online by OCDR system

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3 结果与讨论

飞秒激光加工参数众多,本实验系统中激光波长、脉冲宽度、聚焦物镜倍率和数值孔径为固定参数,利用聚焦透镜参数计算得到的激光焦斑43直径为496.75 nm,焦深为376.33 nm,实际加工过程中仅通过改变激光脉冲能量、激光脉冲频率及直写速率来调控加工效果,下文将分别对其进行分析研究。

3.1 飞秒激光脉冲能量对加工光纤的影响


将待加工的光纤样品夹持在精心设计的V形槽光纤夹具上,利用三维超精密移动平台实现其精确的定位和移动,将光纤一端与OCDR系统连接,基于飞秒激光在光纤纤芯中心位置写入点结构。为避免后加工的反射信号对先加工的反射信号测量的影响,采用从远端逐渐靠近OCDR测试端口的加工方式。图4所示为OCDR系统测得的反射率随飞秒激光脉冲能量变化的曲线,四条曲线标号1~4分别表示完全相同加工参数条件下重复四次实验所得的结果。实验过程中激光脉冲频率保持恒定,为1 kHz,仅改变脉冲能量。结果显示,随着脉冲能量的增加,根据反射率的变化规律,作用区域大致可分为图4中标号为ABCD的4个作用区域,且4条曲线基本完全吻合,很好验证了实验的可重复性。其中:A区未观测到任何反射信号,其原因是激光脉冲能量低于光纤非线性损伤阈值,此时光纤对激光透明;当激光能量达到~0.355 μJ时(AB区交界点),观测到反射率突变现象,由此可确定激光能量的阈值点,且进入B区后,随着激光能量的增加反射率迅速增长,该区可作为飞秒激光光纤微结构加工的最佳工作区;当进入C区后,随着功率的进一步增加,反射率趋于稳定,可能原因是高斯光束束腰处的能量饱和且达到能量阈值;继续增加激光脉冲能量,进入D区之后,反射率又开始快速增加,其原因为脉冲能量过高引起了孔洞效应44

图 4. OCDR测量的反射率随脉冲能量的变化

Fig. 4. Measured reflectivity by OCDR versus pulse energy

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为验证上述结论,本实验进一步分析了每个区域选取特征点的反射信号,并采用高倍显微镜对该位置形貌变化进行了表征。图5所示为OCDR测得的单点反射特性曲线,对应于显微图像中的左侧第一个点。值得注意的是:如果OCDR测量的多个结构在其分辨率范围内,则测得的反射曲线是多个结构反射叠加的结果;超出干涉长度,则反射率互不影响。由图5可知:A区域未测得反射信号,且显微图像上未观察到形貌变化;BCD区域测得的反射率逐渐增长,峰值反射率分别为-66 dB、-51 dB和-35 dB。光纤的圆柱形结构对显微系统成像的影响使得微结构在显微图像上呈现长条形状。进一步分析发现,D区域出现了双峰现象。这是由于结构尺寸大于OCDR分辨率,且前后边缘存在折射率突变引起的强反射,也即产生了孔洞效应。图5还给出了光纤端面反射曲线,其峰值反射率约为-22 dB。上述结果表明,通过OCDR实测反射曲线能够精确灵敏地监测飞秒激光脉冲功率引起的材料性质改变,并且快速确定飞秒激光最优脉冲能量工作区(B区),在此区域调整脉冲能量可实现最大范围的材料改性控制。

图 5. 不同脉冲能量区域特征点的OCDR测量反射曲线及显微图像

Fig. 5. Reflection curves and microscopic images of feature points in different pulse energy regions measured by OCDR

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3.2 飞秒激光脉冲频率对加工光纤的影响


图6所示为OCDR系统测得的反射率随飞秒激光脉冲频率变化的曲线。实验过程中激光脉冲能量保持恒定,为0.415 μJ,仅改变脉冲频率。结果显示,随着脉冲频率的增加,根据反射率的变化规律,作用区域大致可分为图6中标号为ABC的三个作用区域。其中:A区域在低频时未观察到任何反射信号,说明此时光纤对激光透明;当激光的脉冲频率达到~50 Hz时(AB区交界点),观察到反射率突变现象,且进入B区后,随着激光脉冲频率的增加反射率迅速增长,由此可确定激光脉冲频率的阈值点;在脉冲频率进入C区后,随着频率的进一步增加,反射率趋于稳定。考虑到脉冲能量和脉冲频率均存在阈值条件,本实验进一步在不同脉冲能量下扫描脉冲频率,得到的不同脉冲能量对应的脉冲频率的阈值条件如图7所示。结果显示,随着脉冲能量的增加,飞秒激光脉冲的频率阈值点逐渐降低。

图 6. OCDR测量反射率随脉冲频率变化

Fig. 6. Measured reflectivity by OCDR versus pulse frequency

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图 7. 不同脉冲频率条件下的脉冲能量阈值变化

Fig. 7. Pulse energy threshold versus pulse frequency

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3.3 飞秒激光直写速率以及扫描方式对加工光纤的影响


图8所示为OCDR系统测得的反射率随直写速率变化的曲线。实验过程中激光脉冲频率保持恒定,为1 kHz,脉冲能量保持恒定,为0.44 μJ,仅改变直写速率。结果显示,随着直写速率的增加,其均匀性变差且反射率会逐渐变小,呈现反比关系。当直写速率为10~20 μm/s时,反射率大小反映折射率改性程度,此时的加工均匀性最好。当直写速率为300 μm/s时,未测得明显的反射。原因如下:由于激光直写速率直接影响相邻激光脉冲的叠加比例,当直写速率取最大值时,加工点间距越大,单位体积内的脉冲数目越小,飞秒激光加工接近于单脉冲加工,此时反射率低于OCDR测量动态范围下限。此外,在直写区域首尾分别出现两个明显的反射峰,这是位移台步进电机启动和停止瞬间的暂态响应引起的。

图 8. OCDR测量反射曲线随直写速率变化

Fig. 8. Measured reflectivity by OCDR versus direct writing speed

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针对脉冲能量高于损伤阈值但当直写速率为300 μm/s时移动过程中未产生明显反射现象的情况,设计了重复扫描方案以确定该能量能够引起光纤折射率改性,扫描方向沿光纤纤芯传输方向,速度为300 μm/s,扫描长度为220 μm。图9所示为OCDR监测得到的反射率随扫描次数变化的曲线,其中曲线标号1~7表示重复扫描直写次数。第一次扫描移动过程中OCDR未测得明显的反射,而逐渐增加扫描次数后,反射率逐渐增加并趋于稳定。由此确定该能量能够引起折射率改性。OCDR没有测量到明显的反射,原因如下:高速直写加工导致单位体积内的脉冲数量过少,热累积微弱,进而改性区域的折射率变化和结构尺寸变化较小。上述分析表明,OCDR不仅能实现静态加工参数的确定,而且具有对动态加工过程中的加工效果进行分布式监测的能力。

图 9. 脉冲频率为1 kHz、脉冲能量为0.44 μJ、直写速率为300 μm/s、扫描次数为7时的OCDR反射率变化

Fig. 9. OCDR reflectivity changes when pulse frequency is 1 kHz, pulse energy is 0.44 μJ, direct writing speed is 300 μm/s, and number of scans is 7

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4 结论



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