光学学报, 2024, 44 (5): 0528001, 网络出版: 2024-03-19  


Fiber-Optic Temperature and Humidity Sensor Based on Fabry-Perot Interference and Anti-Resonance Effect
1 南京信息工程大学电子与信息工程学院,江苏 南京 210044
2 南京信息工程大学江苏省大气环境与装备技术协同创新中心,江苏 南京 210044
提出并制备了一种基于法布里-珀罗干涉仪(FPI)和反共振(AR)效应的光纤温湿度传感器。将单模光纤(SMF)和端面固化了聚酰亚胺(PI)的带涂层无芯光纤(NCF)插入非封闭硅管两端构建FPI,利用具有相似光程的空气腔和空气-PI混合腔产生光谱叠加的游标效应,显著提高相对湿度检测灵敏度。NCF包层的光和部分折射进丙烯酸树脂涂层的光耦合形成AR,利用温度引起涂层折射率的改变导致AR非透射波长产生漂移,实现对温度的高灵敏度测量。实验结果表明:在10%~80%的相对湿度范围内,相对湿度灵敏度为510.25 pm/%;在26~35 ℃的温度范围内,温度灵敏度可达-4.48 nm/℃。该传感器具有成本低、灵敏度高的优点,在生物医学、健康监测等方面具有重要的应用价值。

The temperature and relative humidity (RH) measurement plays a crucial role in various fields such as food processing, environmental monitoring, and biomedical applications. Fiber optic sensors have been extensively studied due to their prominent advantages of low cost, small size, strong immunity to electromagnetic interference, and high sensitivity compared to traditional electronic hygrometers. Fiber optic sensors based on the Fabry-Perot interferometer (FPI) structure feature simple fabrication process and stable performance. However, previously proposed fiber optic temperature and humidity sensors exhibit low sensitivity or are limited to single-parameter measurements. Therefore, the development of temperature and humidity dual-parameter sensors with stable performance and high sensitivity holds practical significance. The cascaded structure allows for the connection of multiple fiber optic sensing units, enabling simultaneous multi-parameter measurement. The vernier effect is utilized to amplify the humidity measurement sensitivity, while the anti-resonance (AR) effect of polymer-coated no-core fiber (NCF) provides high temperature measurement sensitivity. We propose and fabricate an FPI cascaded AR temperature and humidity dual-parameter fiber optic sensor, which further enhances the temperature and humidity measurement sensitivity and eliminates the need for complex FFT demodulation processes.


The sensor is composed of cascading an Fabry-Perot (FP) cavity and an NCF with a polymer coating. Meanwhile, the single mode fiber (SMF) and the NCF with polyimide (PI) cured on its end-face are placed into a non-enclosed silicon tube. The non-enclosed silicon allows the humidity-sensitive material PI to have sufficient contact with water molecules in the air. The air cavity is selected as the sensing cavity, while the air-PI mixed cavity serves as the reference cavity. The superimposition of the spectra from the air cavity and the air-PI mixed cavity produces a vernier effect, enabling easy and highly sensitive RH measurement by tracking the spectral envelope of the sensor. The light transmitted through the FP structure further transmits into the NCF. In the NCF segment coated with acrylic resin, the refractive index of the coating is higher than that of the cladding, which causes partial reflection of the light at the interface between the coating and NCF, while the rest is refracted into the coating and reflected at the coating-air interface, which creates MPI inducing the AR effect in the coated NCF. When the external temperature changes, the refractive index of the coating alters, resulting in a wavelength shift of the non-transmitted light for temperature measurement. Real-time temperature and RH can be calculated by adopting a decoupling equation system. The characteristic wavelengths of the reflected and transmitted spectra are measured, and the temperature and RH are simultaneously changed to validate the accuracy of the calculation formula. Additionally, error analysis is performed on the experimental results based on the set standard values, with RH and temperature relative errors of 0.74% and 0.19% respectively, which indicates that the sensor has a certain level of practicality.

Results and Discussions

Under the temperature of 29.5 ℃, the sensor's spectral drift characteristics are tested as the RH increases from 10% to 80% (Fig. 5). As the humidity grows, the resonance wavelength of the FPI envelope shifts towards longer wavelengths, with the RH sensitivity of 510.25 pm/%. The characteristic wavelength of the AR spectrum shows a red shift in the range of 10% to 60% and a blue shift in the range of 60% to 80%. With the humidity kept at 33%, the temperature is increased from 26 ℃ to 35 ℃, and the interference spectrum wavelength is recorded every 1 ℃ (Fig. 6). The envelope wavelength of FPI interference spectra remains unchanged with the rising temperature. Due to the high thermo-optic coefficient of the acrylic resin, the temperature change alters the refractive index of the coating, affecting the non-transmitted wavelength. The characteristic wavelength of the AR spectrum shows a blue shift with increasing temperature and exhibits amplitude variations with a slope of -4.48 nm/℃.


We present a high-sensitivity cascade sensor based on FPI and AR effects for temperature and RH measurement. The sensor incorporates an SMF with a PI film-coated NCF that is inserted into an open-ended silicon tube. By superimposing two FPI spectra with similar optical paths, a vernier effect is generated to amplify the sensor's low sensitivity. The high-sensitivity RH measurement is achieved by detecting the envelope movement. The AR effect is formed by the optical coupling of the NCF high refractive index acrylic resin coating and the low refractive index cladding, which produces a shift in the non-transmitted wavelength due to the refractive index change of the coating caused by temperature. The experimental results show that within the range of 10% to 80%, the RH sensitivity is 510.25 pm/%, which amplifies the original sensitivity by approximately five times. In the range of 26 ℃ to 35 ℃, the temperature sensitivity is -4.48 nm/℃. In summary, the proposed sensor features simple fabrication and high sensitivity and holds potential practical significance in such fields as health monitoring and biomedical applications.

1 引言

相对湿度(RH)的精确测量在食品加工、环境监测和生物医学等领域具有十分重要的作用和意义1-2。相较于传统的电子湿度计,光纤传感器因其成本低、体积小、电磁抗干扰性强、灵敏度高等突出优点而得到深入研究3-4。其中,基于法布里-珀罗干涉仪(FPI)5-6结构的光纤传感器具有工艺简单、性能稳定等优点,尤其对引起法布里-珀罗(FP)腔长度或者折射率变化的物理量非常敏感,被广泛应用于高灵敏度高精度的湿度测量7-8。温度作为重要的物理参量,其变化会直接影响相对湿度的平衡状态9,实际应用中往往需要对温度、相对湿度进行双参数的同步测量。在测量相对湿度的FPI传感器中引入只对温度敏感而对湿度不敏感的光纤布拉格光栅(FBG)10-12成为实现温湿度双参数测量的重要技术手段。2018年,Wang等13报道了一种FBG级联聚酰亚胺(PI)填充中空毛细管尖端的FPI光纤传感器,实验测得的相对湿度和温度灵敏度分别为22.07 pm/%和9.98 pm/℃。然而,FBG传感器受到光纤材料自身低热膨胀系数的影响,其温度灵敏度的进一步提高受到限制。2020年,Tong等14提出一种马赫-曾德尔干涉仪(MZI)15-16和FPI结合的温湿度双参数光纤传感器,将一段单模光纤(SMF)拼接在两个具有大芯偏移的SMF之间,用相对湿度敏感材料石墨烯量子点和聚乙烯醇(GQDs-PVA)包覆,通过监测FPI和MZI的光谱实现温湿度的同时检测,其相对湿度灵敏度和温度灵敏度分别提高到132 pm/%和370 pm/℃。由于该传感器基于单独的湿敏材料实现温湿度测量,因此其温度敏感特性相对较弱。2022年,Li等17提出一种基于级联C型光纤的FPI温湿度传感器,在SMF之间拼接两段C型光纤,两段C型光纤内分别填充了对温度和湿度具有不同敏感性的聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)和聚乙烯醇(PVA)材料,温度和相对湿度灵敏度分别达到-722 pm/℃和-128 pm/%。虽然该传感器在结构上采用不同的敏感材料来提升温度灵敏度,但与前述研究相比,其相对湿度灵敏度偏低,并且在解调过程中需要额外进行滤波以处理光谱数据。


2 传感器的设计与制备

2.1 传感器的结构及传感原理


图 1. 级联传感器结构示意图

Fig. 1. Schematic of cascade sensor

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Iλ=A12+A22+A32-2A1A2cos φ1-2A2A3cos φ2+2A1A3cosφ1+φ2,                               


φ1=4πnAirLAirλ, φ2=4πnPILPIλ,


dFSR,1=λ22nAirLAir, dFSR,2=λ22nPILPI,dFSR,3=λ22nAirLAir+2nPILPI









λ0=pneffDNCF2L1, p=0,1,2,,

式中:neff=nCladding sin θn为NCF的有效RI;DNCFL1分别为NCF包层的直径和长度;p为自像数。基于MMI效应的NCF透射强度27可表示为









                  I=10lgAη0,n2R¯0,n+Bη0,nexpi2πnCladdingL1P0,nL1λ2,           (12)


2.2 传感器的制备

游标效应参考信号与传感信号的FSR差值越小,包络的FSR越大,但dFSR,1dFSR,3过于接近,包络线就会太大而超出仪器的检测范围。NCF越长,AR的干涉谷越尖锐,但也更容易受到应力的影响。综合考虑后选择长度为136 μm的空气腔、16 μm的PI腔以及12.5 mm的NCF。光纤传感器的制作过程如图2所示。首先,将一段硅管(内径为150 μm,外径为350 μm)用体积分数为40%的氢氟酸(HF)溶液腐蚀处理220 min后形成一个腐蚀孔,通过腐蚀孔能使腔内的湿敏材料与空气中的水分子充分接触,如图2(a)所示。其次,将长度为12.5 mm(L1)带聚合物涂层的NCF(包层直径为125 μm,涂层直径为245 μm)与一段SMF(纤芯直径为9 μm,包层直径为125 μm)进行熔接,聚合物涂层为NCF制造商提供的原始丙烯酸树脂涂层,根据光纤熔接过程的需要,去除了NCF熔点附近5 mm的涂层,如图2(b)所示。再次,用一段蘸取了PI溶液(固化率为20%)的光纤对准NCF端面,使之涂覆上厚度约为16 μm(LPI)的PI薄膜,如图2(c)所示。将涂膜后的NCF放入温度为130 ℃的真空干燥室2 h,确保PI膜充分固化。然后,将一段端面平整的SMF插入硅管中,端面固化好PI的光纤结构插入硅管另一端,并通过微位移平台控制端面之间的距离,如图2(d)所示。为了获得更好的光谱,确定SMF和PI端面之间的距离为136 μm(LAir)。最后,使用UV胶将光纤和硅管之间进行固定,形成基于FPI和AR效应的级联光纤结构,如图2(e)所示。其中,SMF纤芯的折射率nCore为1.467,周围空气的折射率nAir为1,PI的折射率nPI为1.7,NCF包层和涂层的折射率nCladdingnCoating分别为1.446和1.510,涂层厚度d为60 µm。

图 2. 级联传感器的制作流程图。(a)HF溶液腐蚀硅管图;(b)SMF和带涂层的NCF熔接图;(c)NCF端面涂覆PI图;(d)光纤插入硅管图;(e)FPI级联AR结构图

Fig. 2. Manufacturing process diagrams of cascaded sensors. (a) Diagram of silicon tube corroded by HF solution; (b) diagram of fusion between SMF and NCF with coating; (c) diagram of PI coated NCF end face; (d) diagram of fiber insertion into silicon tube; (e) diagram of FPI and AR structure cascade

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3 实验结果与分析

传感器的实物图和性能测试的实验装置如图3所示。该实验系统主要由光谱范围为1510~1590 nm、分辨率为0.001 nm的SM125光纤光栅解调仪、隔离器、温湿度箱、传感器和计算机组成。光纤光栅解调仪作为光源和光谱仪,通过光纤跳线与传感器连接。为了避免通道2中的光对通道1中反射光谱产生影响,在系统中引入隔离器。温湿度箱由密闭容器中内置JF-956S数显加热平台构成,通过调节箱内水蒸气(H2O)和氮气(N2)的含量来调节相对湿度,并使用GM1362湿度计记录湿度值。温度调控范围为0~400 ℃,相对湿度调控范围为10%~90%,温湿度分辨率分别为0.1 ℃和0.1%。通过改变传感器周围的温度和湿度,用计算机实时监测和记录通道1的FPI反射光谱和通道2的AR透射光谱,以实现传感特性的测量。

图 3. 传感器显微图和测试装置示意图。(a)传感器显微图;(b)实验测试装置图

Fig. 3. Sensor micrograph and test setup diagram. (a) Micrograph of sensor; (b) experimental test setup diagram

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图4(a)展示了级联传感器的反射谱,其中黑色实线表示干涉谱,绿色虚线表示包络线,FSR为44.3 nm。图4(b)展示了干涉谱的快速傅里叶变换(FFT)结果,其中出现两个峰,对应的频率分别为0.1126 nm-1和0.137 nm-1。由于峰值点的频率是干涉周期的倒数,因此0.1126 nm-1频率对应的周期为8.88 nm,0.137 nm-1频率对应的周期为7.3 nm,与FP1腔和FP3腔对应的干涉吻合。FP1的FSR为8.88 nm,包络的FSR为44.3 nm,则放大倍数为4.99,其与式(5)计算的M=5吻合。因此,通过监测传感器光谱包络的位移可以获得更高的灵敏度。

图 4. 游标效应。(a)反射光谱;(b)干涉谱的FFT结果

Fig. 4. Vernier effect. (a) Reflectance spectrum; (b) FFT result of interference spectrum

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3.1 湿度传感实验

在温度为29.5 ℃的实验条件下,相对湿度从10%逐步上升至80%,每隔10%记录一次特征波长,并对这些数据进行拟合,传感器对相对湿度的响应特性如图5所示。图5(a)显示,干涉光谱下包络随着相对湿度的升高发生了红移。PI的湿膨胀系数为8×10-5%-1,传感腔FP1的腔长随PI的膨胀而减小,FP1的干涉谱发生蓝移,传感FPI的自由光谱范围大于参考FPI的自由光谱范围(FSR1>FSR3),包络的移动方向与FP1干涉谱的移动方向相反30,即红移。包络共振波长与相对湿度的函数关系如图5(b)所示,相对湿度灵敏度为510.25 pm/%,拟合系数为0.99338,表现出良好的线性关系。图5(c)展示了透射光谱中的AR非透射波长随相对湿度的漂移特性,非透射波长在10%~60%范围内红移,在60%~80%范围内蓝移。丙烯酸树脂涂层的厚度d和折射率nCoating都会对相对湿度进行响应,在10%~60%范围内非透射波长主要受涂层吸水膨胀效应的影响,d随着相对湿度的升高而变大,根据式(9),波长发生红移;在60%~80%范围内吸水膨胀效应达到饱和,非透射波长主要受涂层折射率nCoating的影响,nCoating随相对湿度的增加而降低,波长蓝移。特征波长与湿度之间的关系由图5(d)中的二阶多项式拟合,拟合度高,为0.99338。

图 5. 相对湿度响应特性。(a)干涉谱包络;(b)包络位移曲线拟合;(c)透射光谱;(d)非透射波长位移曲线拟合

Fig. 5. Relative humidity response characteristics. (a) Envelope of the interference spectra; (b) fitting of envelope displacement curve; (c) transmittance spectra; (d) fitting of non-transmission wavelength displacement curve

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3.2 温度传感实验

在相对湿度为33%的实验条件下,温度从26 ℃升高至35 ℃,每隔1 ℃记录一次特征波长,并对这些数据进行拟合,传感器对温度的响应特性如图6所示。图6(a)显示,26~35 ℃的温度范围内干涉谱包络随温度的升高保持不变,包络共振波长与温度的函数关系如图6(b)所示。式(6)说明游标包络的灵敏度与单个FP2腔(PI腔)的灵敏度完全相等,PI只对湿度敏感,温度在26~35 ℃范围内的变化对PI没有影响,因此,包络的漂移特性不受温度的影响。图6(c)展示了在26~35 ℃温度范围内AR结构的非透射波长,结果显示非透射波长随着温度升高出现了蓝移现象并发生振幅变化。涂层材料为丙烯酸树脂,其热光学系数为-2.9×10-3,远高于二氧化硅材料,因此温度的变化会改变涂层的RI,并影响式(9)中的非透射波长。通过对AR光谱特征波长的跟踪,使用线性拟合法拟合特征波长与温度的函数关系[图6(d)],温度灵敏度为-4.48 nm/℃,拟合系数为0.99848。

图 6. 温度响应特性。(a)干涉谱包络;(b)包络位移曲线拟合;(c)透射光谱;(d)非透射波长位移曲线拟合

Fig. 6. Temperature response characteristics. (a) Envelope of interference spectra; (b) fitting of envelope displacement curve; (c) transmittance spectra; (d) fitting of non-transmission wavelength displacement curve

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3.3 实验分析

当温度为29.5 ℃时,相对湿度与FPI包络共振波长和AR非透射波长的函数关系为




以温度为29.5 ℃时的测量值为基准,根据上述实验结果和数据拟合,FPI包络共振波长和非透射波长在光谱中的位置为

λFPI=1527.489+0.51025dRHλAR=-0.00161dRH2+0.20022dRH-4.48(T-29.5)+             1543.023


为了验证计算公式的准确性,同时改变温度和相对湿度,通过测量反射谱和透射谱的特征波长来获得温度和相对湿度。在温度为27.5 ℃、湿度为30%的初始条件下,将温度升高至32 ℃,湿度升高至55%,实验结果如图7所示。反射光谱的包络共振波长从1542.83 nm漂移至1555.76 nm,透射光谱的非透射波长从1556.3 nm漂移至1537.69 nm。根据式(15)计算得到相对湿度为55.406%,温度为32.06 ℃。通过与实际测量的相对湿度和温度进行对比,拟合曲线的结果与实际值吻合,相对误差分别为0.74%和0.19%,验证了所使用计算公式的准确性和可靠性。

图 7. 计算公式测试结果。(a)反射谱;(b)透射谱

Fig. 7. Calculation test results. (a) Reflection spectra; (b) transmission spectra

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为了对传感器的稳定性进行测试,将传感器放在温度为30 ℃、相对湿度为30%的环境中,60 min内每15 min记录一次特征波长的位置,结果如图8(a)、(c)所示。时间和特征波长的位置关系如图8(b)、(d)所示。光谱曲线振幅波动较小,FPI倾角和非透射波长的最大波长位移分别为0.12 nm和0.07 nm,证明了该传感器的良好稳定性。

图 8. 稳定性测试结果。(a)(c)特征光谱变化;(b)(d)波长位移

Fig. 8. Stability test results. (a)(c) Characteristic spectral changes; (b)(d) shift of wavelength position

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为了评估传感器的重复性,首先在29.5 ℃下,在湿度从10%增加到90%的过程中进行3次测试。FPI包络共振波长和AR非透射波长的位置如图9(a)、(b)所示,并对每组测试结果进行线性拟合。结果表明,在相对湿度上升过程中特征波长位移曲线的一致性较好,拟合曲线吻合,特征光谱的最大波长波动分别为0.25 nm和0.21 nm。后续的温度重复性测试结果如图9(c)、(d)所示,FPI包络共振波长的偏差相对较小,AR倾角的最大波长波动σ约为0.05 nm,3个实验的拟合曲线吻合。上述实验结果表明,该传感器的重复性表现良好。

图 9. 重复性测试结果。(a)(b)湿度重复性试验;(c)(d)温度重复性试验

Fig. 9. Reproducibility test results. (a)(b) Humidity repeatability test results; (c)(d) temperature repeatability test results

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表 1. 温湿度同时测量的相关光纤传感器性能比较

Table 1. Performance comparison of fiber optic sensors for simultaneous measurement of temperature and humidity

TechniqueSensitivity of humidity /(pm·%-1

Range of

humidity /%

Sensitivity of temperature /(pm·℃-1Range of temperature /℃Ref.
FBG and FPI22.0720-909.9815-6513
MZI and FPI-13227.83-76.1737022.8-32.814
PI-coated HB-PM fiber1.825-8011.125-6031
Array of LPGs53035-9846025-3832
Hybrid functional tip43055-90397028-4633
FPI and AR structure510.2510-80-448026-35This work


4 结论

提出一种基于FPI和AR效应的高灵敏度级联传感器,并用于温度和相对湿度测量。该传感器把SMF和端面固化了PI膜的带涂层NCF插入非封闭的硅管中,叠加两个相似光程的FPI光谱以产生游标效应,对传感器的低灵敏度进行放大,通过检测包络的移动来实现相对湿度的高灵敏度测量。NCF高折射率丙烯酸树脂涂层和低折射率包层的光耦合形成AR效应,利用温度引起涂层折射率的改变导致AR非透射波长产生漂移,实现对温度的高灵敏度测量。实验结果表明:在10%~80%的相对湿度范围内,相对湿度灵敏度为510.25 pm/%,相较于原来的灵敏度放大了约5倍;在26~35 ℃的温度范围内,温度灵敏度为-4.48 nm/℃。所提的传感器具有制作简单、灵敏度高等优点,在健康监测、生物医学等领域具有重要的实用价值。


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