中国激光, 2023, 50 (16): 1602207, 网络出版: 2023-08-09  

连续高功率激光辐照对55号钢组织和硬度的影响 下载: 506次

Effect of Continuous High-Power Laser Irradiation on Microstructure and Hardness of 55 Steel
杨仁人 1,2林英华 1,2,*彭龙生 3,4黄伟 3,4王新林 1,2
1 南华大学机械工程学院,湖南 衡阳 421001
2 超快微纳米技术与激光先进制造湖南省重点实验室,湖南 衡阳 421001
3 湖南力方轧辊有限公司,湖南 衡阳 421681
4 湖南省高耐磨合金材料先进制造工程技术研究中心,湖南 衡阳 421681
为了改善55号钢在传统淬火过程中的不足,笔者采用连续高功率光纤激光器作为热源进行辐照,以期使55号钢表面获得更好的组织和更高的表面硬度。利用单一变量原则获得了不同功率下的激光重熔与激光淬火工艺参数,研究了两者对55号钢微观组织和硬度的影响。结果表明:激光重熔比激光淬火具有更好的硬化效果。在保证试样表面平整的前提下,淬火试样获得的表面硬度和硬化层深度分别为446~520 HV、621~709 μm,而重熔试样获得的表面硬度和硬化层深度分别为480~613 HV、709~813 μm。通过分析硬化层的微观组织、物相、元素组成,发现这主要归因于重熔试样的硬化层中具有比淬火试样更多的马氏体、更均匀致密的微观组织以及更少的未熔碳化物。本研究结果为55号钢表面激光硬化提供了参考。

We uses the high-energy heat source of a high-power laser (20 kW) to address the problems of surface oxidation, decarburization behavior, uneven surface hardness, high costs, and environmental pollution in the conventional quenching process of 55 steel surface. By promoting the application of high-power lasers and technological innovation, the study aims to meet practical working conditions for high efficiency, low cost, energy conservation, and environmental protection. The single-variable principle is employed to obtain laser remelting and laser quenching process parameters with different laser power ranges, and the effects of both on the surface morphology, microstructure, and hardness of 55 steel are investigated. The goal is to enhance the working surface properties of 55 steel, thereby increasing its service life and safety, and reducing the likelihood of engineering accidents.


In the study of laser quenching on the surface of 55 steel, we found that neither an excessively high laser power nor an excessively quick scanning speed could improve the surface properties of the steel, particularly under high-power laser quenching with fast scanning. The hardened surface expanded with increased laser power, and despite remelting, the hardness value remained relatively constant. Consequently, a comparative study of laser remelting and laser quenching was proposed. First, to investigate the hardening effect of laser remelting and laser quenching on the working surface of 55 steel, the variation of surface hardness in specimens with increasing laser power at different laser ranges was investigated using the single variable principle, and the surface morphology and boundary thermal diffusion of each specimen were analyzed. Second, the effect of scanning speed on the surface hardness of 55 steel was investigated at medium laser power ranges to further characterize the hardening differences between laser remelting and laser quenching on that material. To characterize the intrinsic hardening difference between these processes, XRD analysis was performed on both low and high-laser-power specimens to study the variation of each physical phase with laser power and to obtain the physical phase difference between remelted and quenched specimens. Finally, the microstructure morphology and hardness changes of the cross-section of the high-laser-power specimens were analyzed, while the EDS line scan of the cross-section of the 2.1 kW specimen was performed to compare the diffusion of elements in the remelted and hardened layers, and based on the above analysis, the intrinsic hardening mechanisms of laser remelting and laser quenching were summarized and analyzed.

Results and Discussions

By comparing the laser-quenched and laser-remelted specimens within different laser power ranges, we found that the surface hardness has a similar variation pattern. The laser-remelted specimens exhibit a better hardening effect and a significant increase in the cross-sectional hardening layer depth with the increase in the laser power range (Figs. 9 and 10). In addition, the XRD analysis reveals that the laser-remelted specimens had fewer unfused carbide phases than the laser-quenched specimens at different laser power ranges (Fig. 8), and this conclusion is further verified by the microstructure morphology (Fig. 7). Moreover, in the XRD spectra of medium and low laser powers, the peak level of the strongest peak of martensite decreases first and then increases, which indicates that similar lattice distortion occurs with the increase of power in different laser power ranges. In the microstructure comparison, we found that the laser-remelted specimens exhibit more uniform and dense martensite (Fig. 6), and the carbon elements in the remelted layer show stronger diffusion ability than other alloying elements (Fig. 5).


In this study, the effects of different laser power and scanning speeds on the surface hardening effect of 55 steel are investigated. Additionally, the surface hardening differences between remelted and quenched specimens are compared, and the intrinsic hardening mechanism is also analyzed. We found that laser remelting exhibits a superior hardening effect than laser quenching. The surface hardness range of laser-quenched specimens is 446-520 HV, the depth range of the hardened layer is 621-709 μm, with a maximum cross-sectional hardness of 720 HV. For laser-remelted specimens, the surface hardness range is 480-613 HV, the depth range of the hardened layer is 709-813 μm, and the maximum cross-sectional hardness is 755 HV. Carbide particles in the remelted specimens gradually dissolve and diffused with increased power, forming a smoother grain boundary structure. Notably, the remelted layer contains higher carbon atom content and achieves higher hardness, while the quenched specimen still has visible unfused carbide particles in the microstructure of the hardened layer, limiting the acquisition of its high-hardness hardened layer. In addition, the microstructure of both quenched and remelted samples consists of lamellar and slate-like martensite, residual austenite, and some unmelted carbides, but the remelted sample has a more uniform and denser microstructure, a higher content of martensite, and fewer unmelted carbides, and the microstructure is free of pores, cracks, and other defects, which obtains a better hardening effect and provides guidance for the study of surface laser hardening of 55 steel.

1 引言




2 材料和实验方法

2.1 材料

实验所用基材为55号导轨冷拉型钢,主要用于制造电梯轨道,其化学成分列于表1。先用电火花切割机将基材切割成外形轮廓为280 mm×22 mm×20 mm的试样,再用M250磨床对工作表面进行打磨(去除表面氧化层),而后用无水乙醇进行超声波清洗(去除基体表面的油渍和残存的氧化物等杂质),自然干燥后用无尘纸包裹,以备实验使用。

表 1. 55号钢的化学成分(质量分数)

Table 1. Chemical composition of 55 steel

ElementMass fraction/%


2.2 激光硬化实验

对试样进行激光辐照硬化处理,工作原理如图1所示。采用KUKA机械手搭接的20 kW光纤激光器对55号钢工作表面进行强化处理(选择14 mm×2 mm光斑),探究不同激光功率下,试样由表及里显微组织及硬度的变化规律。具体的激光工艺参数如表2所示。相邻激光辐照区域或激光辐照重叠区域会产生回火软化带,导致硬度下降20,因此,激光加工路径之间要留有一定间隙(约为3~5 mm)。此外,为了减小基体温度的影响,每一道激光扫描完成后,将试样放置一定时间,直至基体温度降至室温后再进行下一道激光扫描。

图 1. 激光硬化实验工作原理图

Fig. 1. Working principle diagram of laser hardening experiments

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表 2. 激光工艺参数

Table 2. Laser technological parameters

Power bracketSerial numberLaser power /kWScanning speed /(mm·s-1Surface shapeStatus
Low power11.65Not melting
21.75Not melting
Middle power51.99Not melting
142.213Not melting
High power153.520Remelting


2.3 表面裂纹检测和金相实验

激光相变硬化后进行表面裂纹检测和金相分析。利用液体的渗透现象、毛细作用和吸附原理观察硬化层表面是否产生裂纹。探伤时,先用无水乙醇和丙酮清洗待检测表面,接着将红色渗透剂喷涂在待测表面,着色8~10 min后清洗掉渗透剂,然后在检测区域喷涂显像剂,待显像剂干燥后观察白色区域是否显现红色条纹,以此来判断淬火表面是否有裂纹缺陷。对试样进行线切割、研磨、抛光(单喷射抛光机)后,用3%硝酸酒精溶液腐蚀5~11 s,然后利用光学显微镜观察硬化层次表层的微观形貌和组织致密性。需要说明的是,不同区域需要腐蚀不同时间:基体的腐蚀时间为9~11 s,淬硬层的腐蚀时间为7~8 s,重熔层的腐蚀时间为5~6 s。为了观察板条状马氏体和片状马氏体的组织结构,使用JSM-7001F扫描电镜在50 nm微距下对淬硬层进行电子衍射分析。

2.4 硬度检测及物相分析

采用能量色散X射线能谱仪(EDS)分析硬化层中的元素种类、元素含量及分布情况。由于表层会受到杂质元素的影响,因此采用DB Advace X-射线衍射仪(XRD)对试样的次表层进行物相分析,即:沿激光束扫描方向截取块体试样,然后用240目到1500目砂纸逐级打磨,之后用无水乙醇清洗(自干)、无尘纸轻微擦拭后,利用XRD分析淬火次表层的物相。在XRD分析时,加速电压为35 kV,电流为25 mA,阳极选用铜靶,扫描速度为2(°)/min,扫描角度范围为20°~90°。利用HVS-1000数字显微硬度计对硬化层进行显微硬度测试,选择载荷为1.96 N,保压时间为10 s;硬度测试从距离样品表层0.1 mm处开始,沿硬化层相变方向每隔50 μm获取硬化层横截面同一高度处6个点的硬度值,并将其平均值作为最终的硬度值,以展现硬化层更准确的硬度变化趋势。

3 实验结果与分析

3.1 激光辐照前55号钢的内部组织


图 2. 基体的金相组织和XRD图谱。(a)金相组织;(b)XRD图谱

Fig. 2. Metallurgical structure and XRD profile of the matrix. (a) Metallurgical structure; (b) XRD profile

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3.2 激光辐照对55号钢表面宏观形貌的影响

图3给出了不同功率、不同扫描速度下试样表面的宏观形貌。可看出,当功率为1.6、1.7、1.9 kW时,试样表层未熔,其他功率下试样都发生了不同程度的重熔,特别是在1.8、2.1、2.2、2.3 kW功率下,试样表层都发生了明显的重熔。值得注意的是,高激光功率比低激光功率具有更高的激光功率密度,易形成具有高表面张力的熔池,进而使得熔池内部产生Marangoni强对流,熔融材料从熔池边缘流向熔池中心21,形成具有凸起的表面形貌,如表2所示。低功率熔池具有更小的表面张力和弱对流,因此1.8 kW和2.1 kW试样获得了更为平整的平面状表面形貌,如图3(e)、(h)所示,这为55号钢表面激光重熔硬化提供了实现途径。同时,这也是区分激光重熔与激光淬火的依据之一。

图 3. 不同参数下的表面宏观形貌。(a)基体表面;(b)1.6 kW,5 mm/s;(c)1.7 kW,5 mm/s;(d)1.75 kW,5 mm/s;(e)1.8 kW,5 mm/s;(f)1.9 kW,9 mm/s;(g)2.0 kW,9 mm/s;(h)2.1 kW,9 mm/s;(i)2.2 kW,9 mm/s;(j)2.3 kW,9 mm/s

Fig. 3. Surface macroscopic morphology under different parameters. (a) Matrix surface; (b) 1.6 kW, 5 mm/s; (c) 1.7 kW, 5 mm/s; (d) 1.75 kW, 5 mm/s; (e) 1.8 kW, 5 mm/s; (f) 1.9 kW, 9 mm/s; (g) 2.0 kW, 9 mm/s; (h) 2.1 kW, 9 mm/s; (i) 2.2 kW, 9 mm/s; (j) 2.3 kW, 9 mm/s

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图4中可以看出,在低功率范围下,较慢的扫描速度增加了基体与激光束的交互时间,因此淬火面宽度随着功率增大而明显增大。这与张群莉22利用COMSOL Multiphysics软件得到的42CrMo钢激光淬火温度场的演化结果一致。在中等功率下,较快的扫描速度减少了基体与激光束的交互时间,因此淬火面宽度无明显变化,但高激光功率下易形成更大的温度梯度和更快的热传导速率(与低激光功率下相比),快冷后获得的硬化层具有更高的硬度和更大的厚度。即,在中等功率范围内,淬火试样与重熔试样的硬化层厚度分别为621~709 μm和709~813 μm,这与截面显微硬度的测量结果一致,同时这也为大厚度硬化层的获得提供了有效途径。

图 4. 不同参数下淬火面宽度的变化以及部分截面的宏观形貌。(a)1.6 kW,5 mm/s;(b)1.7 kW,5 mm/s;(c)1.75 kW,5 mm/s;(d)1.8 kW,5 mm/s;(e)1.9 kW,9 mm/s;(f)2.0 kW,9 mm/s;(g)2.1 kW,9 mm/s;(h)1.9 kW,截面;(i)2.0 kW,截面;(j)2.1 kW,截面

Fig. 4. Change of quenching surface width and macroscopic morphology of partial cross-sections under different parameters. (a) 1.6 kW, 5 mm/s; (b) 1.7 kW, 5 mm/s; (c) 1.75 kW, 5 mm/s; (d) 1.8 kW, 5 mm/s; (e) 1.9 kW, 9 mm/s; (f) 2.0 kW, 9 mm/s; (g) 2.1 kW, 9 mm/s; (h) 1.9 kW, cross-section; (i) 2.0 kW, cross-section; (j) 2.1 kW, cross-section

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3.3 激光辐照对55号钢微观组织的影响

图5给出了2.1 kW重熔试样截面的宏观形貌和EDS线扫描结果。激光重熔通过重新熔化、凝固、再结晶形成重熔层实现了元素间的重新组合和分布,重熔层下方是未熔化但达到相变温度点的材料通过快冷形成的淬火层。综合本文的EDS结果和微观组织可以发现重熔层中的合金含量和微观组织与淬火层存在差异23,从而导致重熔层与其下方的淬火层存在分界线,如图5(b)所示,这也是区分激光重熔与激光淬火的依据之一,具体分析见下文。一些研究人员也发现激光重熔部分与未熔部分存在明显的分界线,且部分合金材料重熔部分与未熔部分的微观组织也可能存在明显差异24-25。基于此,将激光重熔试样的相变硬化层分为重熔区(MZ)、淬硬区(HZ)、过渡区(TZ)和热影响区(AZ),并且热影响区与基体也有明显的分界线,如图5(c)所示。根据EDS线扫描分析结果,重熔区比淬硬区具有更高的碳含量,并且淬硬区中的碳含量要明显低于其他合金元素含量,而其他合金元素在重熔区与淬硬区的含量差异无明显变化。由此可知:碳原子在重熔区的扩散能力强于其在淬硬区的扩散能力,如图5(d)~(g)所示。这可能是由于重熔区的热量主要来自激光束而非热传导,从而促进了更多未熔碳化物的分解和合金元素的扩散。

图 5. 2.1 kW重熔试样截面的宏观形貌和EDS线扫描结果。(a)截面宏观形貌;(b)重熔分界线;(c)热影响区分界线;(d)碳元素分布;(e)锰元素分布;(f)铬元素分布;(e)硅元素分布

Fig. 5. Macroscopic appearance and EDS line scanning analysis of 2.1 kW remelted sample cross-section. (a) Macroscopic appearance of the sample cross-section; (b) remelting boundary; (c) dividing line of thermal impact zone; (d) element C distribution; (e) element Mn distribution; (f) element Cr distribution; (g) element Si distribution

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图6给出了1.9、2.0、2.1 kW试样次表层区域的金相组织。可看出,重熔区与淬硬区的微观组织主要由具有透镜状形态特征并以一定角度(60°或120°)26相交的片状马氏体(PM)、呈条形排列且平行等长具有群体结构27的板条状马氏体(LM)以及被马氏体条片胁迫而无法转变的块状残余奥氏体(RA)组成。值得注意的是,由于激光辐照的快热快冷特性,次表层区域的组织比原基体更精细,组织形态之间具有更为明显的晶界。同时,在次表层也没有观察到裂纹、孔隙等缺陷,表明重熔过程比较稳定。

图 6. 中等功率试样次表层的金相组织。(a)1.9 kW,9 mm/s;(b)2.0 kW,9 mm/s;(c)2.1 kW,9 mm/s

Fig. 6. Metallographic structure of the sample subsurface with medium power. (a) 1.9 kW, 9 mm/s; (b) 2.0 kW, 9 mm/s; (c) 2.1 kW, 9 mm/s

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此外,由于透射入材料的激光束随穿透距离的增加按指数规律递减,表层至下表层的温度梯度逐渐减小,因此试样中沿激光相变硬化方向的板条状马氏体和片状马氏体的致密度逐渐减弱,如图6(a)所示。当功率达到2.0 kW时,板条状马氏体和片状马氏体的致密度明显增大,如图6(b)所示。当功率增加到2.1 kW(超过临界功率28)时,表层温度远高于AC3(碳钢加热时的相变温度),材料由固态转为液态,固态材料的传热、传质转变成液态材料的传热、传质,形成了具有一定流动速度的熔体;在快冷过程中,形成的过冷奥氏体快速跨过孕育期转变成马氏体,从而获得了比淬硬区更均匀致密的板条状马氏体和片状马氏体,如图6(c)所示。根据XRD和EDS的分析结果,表层吸收的高热量还可以促进未熔碳化物的分解,促进锰等合金元素的扩散,为降低马氏体转变温度、改善材料的淬透性提供了可能。

图7给出了中等功率试样淬硬区中部的微观形貌。可看出,1.9 kW试样的微观组织细小且均匀,板条状马氏体比片状马氏体更加明显,而且组织中还广泛分布着被马氏体分割后形成的块状残余奥氏体,如图7(a)所示。然而,在马氏体边界依然可以观察到许多以灰白色球状颗粒形式存在的未熔碳化物,如图7(b)所示。杨振等29在钢表面激光淬火的研究中也发现了相同的现象。当功率增大至2.0 kW时,微观组织明显粗化,且在马氏体边界依然可以观察到未熔碳化物颗粒,如图7(c)~(d)所示。当功率增大至2.1 kW时,片状马氏体含量明显增多,并且马氏体边界上几乎观察不到未熔碳化物颗粒,如图7(e)~(f)所示。这表明,在高激光功率下,热传导的热量可以促使组织中的碳化物和合金元素充分溶解和扩散,进而在急冷时获得高碳马氏体。

图 7. 中等功率试样淬硬区中部的SEM图。(a)(b)1.9 kW,9 mm/s;(c)(d)2.0 kW,9 mm/s;(e)(f)2.1 kW,9 mm/s

Fig. 7. SEM images of the middle of the intermediate power sample. (a)(b) 1.9 kW, 9 mm/s; (c)(d) 2.0 kW, 9 mm/s; (e)(f) 2.1 kW, 9 mm/s

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3.4 55号钢激光辐照后的XRD分析

图8给出了基体和1.6~2.1 kW试样次表层的XRD图谱。可以看出:激光辐照后,BCC结构的铁素体转变成了马氏体,同时,衍射峰的峰位、半峰全宽及峰强也发生了不同程度的变化,尤其是2.1 kW、9 mm/s试样,30°~40°和70°~80°之间的两个衍射峰消失,并且45.34°处的衍射峰峰强达到了最高。这表明激光功率达到2.1 kW时组织中具有更高的马氏体含量以及可能更少的未熔碳化物颗粒,这将进一步促进碳及合金元素的均匀分布。值得注意的是,在中等功率范围内,马氏体最强峰的峰位发生了明显偏移,即随激光功率增加该峰的峰位呈现出先减小后增大的变化趋势,同时晶格也发生了一定程度的畸变。在低功率范围内,该衍射峰也发生了相似的变化规律。这主要与激光快热快冷的特性有关,即加热扩大了奥氏体的固溶极限,促进了元素扩散,急冷时易固溶一些元素,其中部分元素又随相变固溶于马氏体。

图 8. 不同功率下次表层的XRD图谱。(a)1600~1800 W;(b)1900~2100 W

Fig. 8. XRD profiles of the next surface layer under different laser powers. (a) 1600-1800 W; (b) 1900-2100 W

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3.5 激光辐照对55号钢硬度的影响

利用正三边形拼接的均匀性,获得了不同试样表层的硬度均值,具体测量点如图9(a)所示。硬度测量值如图9(b)所示,可见:激光淬火试样与重熔试样获得的表面硬度范围分别为446~520 HV和480~613 HV,且不同激光功率范围内激光重熔试样比激光淬火试样具有更高的硬度,硬度最高分别可达605 HV(1.75 kW,5 mm/s)、595 HV(2.1 kW,9 mm/s)、613 HV(3.5 kW,10 mm/s),约为基体(210 HV)的3倍。然而,对于高功率、高扫描速度试样,受其热物理特性的影响,被高能激光束辐照的基体表面吸收的热能瞬时超过了其储存极限,尤其是在短的交互时间下,有限的热扩散速率和导热速率极易导致沿激光相变硬化方向的热扩散不足,形成低硬度的重熔表面,但硬度会随着交互时间的增加而增大,形成高硬度表面,从而为55号钢的高功率硬化研究提供了思路。

图 9. 试样表层硬度测量点示意图及硬度均值。(a)硬度测量点示意图;(b)表层硬度均值

Fig. 9. Schematic diagram of hardness measurement points and mean hardness. (a) Schematic diagram of hardness measurement points; (b) average surface hardness

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中等功率下横截面硬化层的硬度值如图10(a)~(b)所示。可见:在100~400 μm区间,硬度趋近于720 HV;在400~850 μm区间,硬度呈梯度分布,并随着深度的增加而逐渐降低,特别是2.1 kW试样,其重熔层比淬硬层的硬度更高,硬度最高可达755 HV。由于没有过度的显微硬度差异,这种不均匀和梯度的显微硬度分布有效阻止了硬化层与基体连接处的开裂30。此外,硬度在不同激光功率下还表现出不同的波动幅度,并且波动幅度随着功率增加呈先减小后增大的变化趋势。这种现象可能是热传递的滞后性导致的,即表层迅速加热后与下表层形成了极高的温度梯度,使介于上下表层之间的次表层迅速升温,该区域先热后冷,组织相变不均匀,造成了硬度波动。

图 10. 中等功率下横截面硬化层的硬度均值。(a)硬度均值;(b)2.1 kW试样截面不同区域的硬度均值

Fig. 10. Mean hardness of the cross-section hardened layer at medium power. (a) Mean hardness; (b) mean hardness of different areas of 2.1 kW sample cross-section

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对比图10图9可以发现不同试样的截面与表层存在明显的硬度差异,而且硬度差异随着功率增加而减小,尤其是1.9 kW、9 mm/s试样,其硬度差值高达230 HV。这将有利于提高基体表层的轴向承压能力,为改善表面的轴向摩擦损伤提供了可能。

3.6 激光辐照55号钢的硬化机理


图 11. 硬化机理示意图。(a)激光辐照前的组织示意图;(b)激光淬火时的组织变化;(c)激光重熔时的组织变化;(d)冷却后的组织变化

Fig. 11. Schematic diagrams of the hardening mechanism. (a) Schematic diagram of the microstructure before laser irradiation; (b) microstructure changes during the laser quenching; (c) microstructure changes during the laser remelting; (d) microstructure changes after cooling

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4 结论


1)激光淬火试样的表面硬度范围为446~520 HV,硬化层深度为621~709 μm,横截面最高硬度为720 HV。虽然淬火获得了较好的硬化效果,但硬化层微观组织中依然可见未熔碳化物颗粒,这会限制高硬度硬化层的获得。

2)激光重熔试样的表面硬度范围为480~613 HV,硬化层深度为709~813 μm,横截面最高硬度为755 HV。此外,随着功率增加,重熔试样中的碳化物颗粒得以充分溶解和扩散,形成了更多晶界光滑的组织,尤其是重熔层具有更高的碳原子含量,获得了更高的硬度。



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