中国激光, 2023, 50 (21): 2107106, 网络出版: 2023-11-07  


Self-Adaptive Mixed-Emitter Single-Molecule Localization Algorithm
哈尔滨工业大学仪器科学与工程学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150080

Currently, various super-resolution imaging technologies can surpass the Abbe diffraction limit, thereby improving imaging resolution to several tens of nanometers. This provides biologists with an effective tool for investigating biological structures and their functions on a novel scale. Among these, single-molecule localization techniques such as photoactivated localization microscopy (PALM) and stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM) yield the highest resolution. Traditional fitting-based methods, such as single-emitter localization (SE) and multi-emitter localization (ME) algorithms, employ fixed-size sliding windows to select the fitting areas. However, this was found to lead to an inadequate use of the prior emitter recognition information during the emitter localization stage in this study, thereby resulting in diverse advantageous density ranges and different artifact forms of SE and SM. The SE results are distorted by truncates near the emitters, which are generated by the fixed sizes of the fitting areas, whereas the ME suffers from an inappropriate fitting number. In summary, a self-adaptive mixed-emitter single-molecule localization algorithm (SM) that can adaptively determine the fitting area and fitting number is proposed in this study. Consequently, compared with the SE and ME algorithms, the images reconstructed by the SM algorithm exhibit a superior resolution and contrast over the complete density range on both simulated and experimental data.


The complete SM algorithm comprises several steps. First, an SNR binary map that can shrink and expand with the power of noise was generated based on the original image. Subsequently, the SNR binary map was combined with the local maxima for emitter recognition, and the sliding window and fitting number were generated using the SNR binary map. The center and size of the generated sliding window were then determined based on the center position and size of the connected domain, respectively, whereas the fitting number was obtained from previous emitter recognition results. Subsequently, maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) or least squares (LS) fitting was performed in each fitting area to obtain the subpixel positions. Finally, the performance of the SM algorithm was investigated using simulated and experimental data.

Results and Discussions

Under a low or high labeling density, the SM algorithm can effectively reduce crosstalk and mismatch errors, which promotes the recovery of super-resolution images closer to the synthesized benchmark images compared to those recovered by the SE and ME algorithms (Fig. 1). For a low labeling density, the SM algorithm exhibits a slightly better precision, recall, Jaccard index, and RMSE than the SE algorithm, and significantly superior results compared to those of the ME algorithm. With an increasing labeling density, the SM algorithm is marginally inferior to the ME algorithm in terms of the precision, recall, and Jaccard index, but is still significantly better than those of the SE algorithm. In terms of the RMSE, the SM and SE algorithms exhibit comparable localization errors, which are both worse than those of the ME algorithm [Figs. 3(a)?(c)]. Quantitative comparisons between the synthesized benchmark images and super-resolution images recovered by the different algorithms are performed using three indicators: PSNR, SSIM, and RMSE. The SM algorithm produces images with a higher similarity to the ground truth, as indicated by all three indicators (Table 1). In addition, it also successfully restores the structure with an interval of 20 nm, which is not achieved using the SE and ME algorithms [Figs. 3(d)?(e)]. On the α-tubulin dataset labeled as Alexa Fluor 647, the SM algorithm outperforms both the SE and ME algorithms in terms of resolution and contrast, as calculated using the FRC metrics (Fig. 4 and Table 2).


In this study, a self-adaptive mixed-emitter single-molecule localization algorithm that enables the adaptive determination of the fitting area and fitting number is proposed. Compared to the SE and ME algorithms, the SM algorithm can significantly reduce the artifacts caused by mismatch and crosstalk errors, resulting in an enhanced resolution and contrast within the full applicable density range of the fitting method. In terms of the speed, the current SM algorithm is faster than ME algorithm by a factor of 3?4, and slower than the SE algorithm by one order of magnitude. However, the number of fitting iterations required by the SM algorithm is the same as that required by the SE algorithm. Therefore, after optimization, the SM algorithm has the potential to achieve a speed comparable to that of the SE algorithm. Although the analysis and experiments in this study were conducted under two-dimensional and single-channel conditions, the inherent mechanism of the SM method allows for its easy integration with more complex single-molecule imaging technologies, such as three-dimensional and multi-channel situations. In future research, the SM algorithm should be further refined and its reliability and stability should be verified, thereby expanding its advantages in the field of biological imaging.

1 引言



2 基本原理

2.1 串扰误差和失配误差

通过对SE及ME算法的定位误差进行研究,笔者发现其主要包括串扰误差和失配误差。前者是因为两种算法都采用固定大小的滑窗进行拟合区域的选取,因此定位结果容易受到相邻荧光点的干扰。串扰误差主要发生在高密度情况下,同时在ME拟合中表现得相对较轻,因为ME算法可以将串扰荧光点进行定位从而排除其影响。后者是因为其所需拟合的荧光分子数目未知,易出现实际拟合数目和发射数目不匹配的情况。值得注意的是,失配误差发生在ME拟合的全密度范围内。在低发射密度情况下,SE拟合几乎不受串扰误差的影响,而ME拟合则受失配误差的影响,因而SE拟合的定位精度高;在高发射密度情况下,SE拟合会受到串扰误差的严重影响,而ME拟合受失配误差影响的程度相对较轻,因此ME拟合的定位精度高。图1展示了不同算法对标记密度为1 μm-2和5 μm-2的相距200 nm的条纹的恢复结果(GT:ground truth)。可以看到SE及ME算法表现出不同的优势密度,SE算法受串扰误差的影响在两条纹中间产生了大量强度较高的假阳性定位点,而ME算法受失配误差的影响在每个条纹周围产生了强度较低的假阳性定位点。

图 1. 不同算法对标记密度为1 μm-2(上)和5 μm-2(下)的相距200 nm的条纹的恢复结果

Fig. 1. Reconstructed images of two 200 nm stripes apart generated by different algorithms, density of the strip is 1 μm-2 (above) and 51 μm-2 (below), respectively

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2.2 单分子定位成像模型和信噪比二值图



式中:r为空间坐标;φr=j=1Nδr-rjem,表示图像中荧光分子的空间分布;hr为成像系统的点扩散函数;prnr分别代表成像过程中的散粒噪声和读出噪声。信噪比二值图是通过排除低响应强度像素获得的,受散粒噪声的影响小,因此将模型简化为只存在于各个像素点处独立同分布的读出噪声nr)~N0, σ0














2.3 荧光点识别算法及自适应滑窗定位


图 2. SM算法流程图,其中黄色、蓝色和橙色箭头分别展示了生成信噪比二值图、荧光点识别、自适应拟合算法的过程

Fig. 2. Flowchart of SM algorithm, where the process of binary SNR generation, emitter identification and self-adaptation fitting algorithm are represented by yellow, blue and orange arrows, respectively

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3 分析与讨论

3.1 仿真数据上的算法对比

采用召回率、准确率、Jaccard系数、均方根误差(RMSE)23作为仿真实验的评价指标。前三个指标从集合角度进行考察:召回率表示检出真实荧光点数目与全体荧光点数目之比,准确率表示检出真实荧光点数目与检出荧光点数目之比,Jaccard系数表示检出荧光点与真实荧光点交集同检出荧光点与真实荧光点并集之比。均方根误差从距离角度对定位精度进行考察。仿真数据包括信噪比为10、密度在0.1~2 μm-2之间的20组数据,如图3(a)所示(每组包含100帧图像)。分别用SM、SE、ME算法进行重构,以验证SM算法在全密度范围内的良好定位效果。

图 3. 仿真数据及仿真数据上的算法对比。(a)生成的不同密度的仿真图像;(b)不同算法的指标比较;(c)不同算法的定位误差;(d)仿真的参考图像;(e)不同算法生成的超分辨图像的横截面强度及其局部放大图

Fig. 3. Simulation data and algorithm comparison on simulation data. (a) Simulated images with different densities; (b) comparison of metrics of different algorithms; (c) localization error of different algorithms; (d) simulated reference image (ground truth,GT); (e) sectional intensity profiles and local magnification of reconstructed super-resolution images by different algorithms

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为了更直观地比较不同算法重构出的超分辨图像的质量,通过仿真生成了图3(d)所示的图样,该图样包含间隔在20 nm到200 nm之间的19对条纹。分别应用三种不同的算法重构出超分辨图像。SM算法可以分辨最小间隔为20 nm的条纹,SE、ME算法只能分辨最小间隔为30 nm的条纹,如图3(e)所示,并且SM算法重构图像中的条纹间由串扰误差及失配误差影响生成的伪影更少,因而对比度更高。利用均方根误差、峰值信噪比(PSNR)、结构相似性(SSIM)这三个指标对不同算法恢复的超分辨图像与基准图像的相似度进行定量比较。表1所示的比较结果显示:SM算法在三个指标上都优于另外两种算法。

表 1. 不同算法恢复的超分辨图像与参考图像的对比

Table 1. Comparison of super-resolution images recovered from different algorithms with ground truth image



3.2 实验数据上的算法对比

在Alexa Fluor 647标记的α微管蛋白数据上进行算法的比较,实验激发光功率为2 kW/cm2,成像频率为110 Hz。其中:SE算法的滑窗大小为7 pixel×7 pixel;ME算法的滑窗大小为7 pixel×7 pixel,每个滑窗内拟合的荧光分子数的上限为5。所有实验均在AMD R7 5800H处理器上进行,渲染前每200帧进行一次漂移校正。

在分辨率方面,利用滚动傅里叶环相关(rFRC)算法24得到不同算法恢复的超分辨图像的局部分辨率(如表2图4(a)所示,为了在视觉上实现更好的区分度,将分辨率限制在0~100 nm范围内)。与ME算法相比,SE算法和SM算法的rFRC图整体偏暗,表明SE算法和SM算法恢复的超分辨图像在占样品绝大部分的低密度区域具有更高的分辨率。这是因为,对于低密度区域,ME算法恢复的图像存在失配误差。在微管交会处的高密度区域,ME算法及SM算法恢复的图像中的低分辨率区域的面积明显小于SE算法,表明SE算法恢复的图像具有更低的分辨率。这是因为在高密度区域SE算法会受到严重的串扰误差干扰。定量化的局部分辨率极小值、均值和极大值也表明SM算法在全密度范围内表现出良好的定位效果(如表2所示)。在速度方面,SE算法为5000 frame/min,ME算法为45 frame/min,SM算法为150 frame/min。

表 2. rFRC给出的三种算法分辨率的定量结果

Table 2. Quantitative resolution features of different algorithms given by rFRC

AlgorithmMin /nmMean /nmMax /nm


图 4. 实验数据上的算法对比。(a)不同算法获得的超分辨图像的rFRC图;(b)~(c)局部放大视图;(d)图4(b)中白线标注部位横截面强度的对比

Fig. 4. Algorithm comparison on experiment data. (a) rFRC maps of super-resolution images obtained from different algorithms; (b)‒(c) local magnification of super resolution images; (d) sectional intensity profile corresponding to white lines in Fig. 4(b)

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3.3 算法特点对比


表 3. SE、ME、SM算法的对比

Table 3. Comparison of SE, ME and SM algorithms

AlgorithmMismatch errorCrosstalk errorAdvantage densityPhoto utilization efficiencyComputational complexitySpeed


4 结论




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