中国激光, 2023, 50 (13): 1304002, 网络出版: 2023-07-05  


Influence of Nonlinear Sound Field on Bandwidth of Laser Interferometry Systems in High‑Intensity Focused Ultrasound Pressure Measurements
中国计量科学研究院力学与声学计量科学研究所,北京 100029

High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is a non-invasive medical thermal ablation technology that can realize the “non-invasive” treatment of diseases. It is developing into a standard tumor treatment method. The accurate measurement of the HIFU sound pressure is very important for formulating clinical schemes involving HIFU treatment and ensuring the safety and effectiveness of the treatment. Laser interferometry has been adopted by new-generation sound pressure benchmarks because of its high precision, non-contact characteristic, and direct traceability to the length benchmark. The bandwidth of a laser interference system directly affects the upper limit of sound pressure measurements. Current methods of estimating system bandwidth are based on linear sound field conditions; however, with an increase in the measured sound pressure, the HIFU field will become nonlinear, leading to a deviation between the system bandwidth requirements and the model solution results. Aiming to address the problem of bandwidth calculation of interference systems for HIFU sound pressure measurement, this study theoretically analyzes a mathematical model of interference system bandwidth and vibration signal in HIFU sound pressure measurement, refers to the measured sound pressure value, and establishes the relationship between interference system bandwidth and sound pressure by numerical simulation.


According to the mathematical relationship between sound particle vibration and interference signal, a bandwidth model of interference signals under the condition of a nonlinear sound field is established. Because the interference signal is expressed as a nonelementary function that cannot be expanded by the Bessel function, the bandwidth of the interference signal under the condition of a nonlinear sound field is analyzed by numerical simulation. The simulation results show that compared with that in a linear sound field, the interference signal spectrum in a nonlinear sound field is not symmetrically distributed centered on the carrier frequency but widened and shifted. In order to obtain the real HIFU sound pressure and ensure that the simulation results are closer to the actual values, the HIFU sound field is measured using the optical fiber hydrophone, and the sound pressure waveforms and frequency domain distributions corresponding to different sound pressures are obtained. According to the waveform parameters of the sound pressure, the simulation conditions of the interference signal bandwidth are set, and the bandwidths of the interference systems required by different sound pressures are obtained.

Results and Discussions

Using the measured sound pressure data of the HIFU sound field, the relationship between the bandwidth of the heterodyne interference system and HIFU sound pressure is simulated. Under the condition that the relative error of the sound pressure measurement caused by the system bandwidth is less than 2%, the corresponding relationship between the lowest bandwidth of the heterodyne interference system and the peak value of the measured sound pressure is determined. Through curve fitting, it is deduced that quadratic fitting has a smaller fitting error than linear fitting. Therefore, it is inferred that under the condition of a nonlinear sound field, the bandwidth requirement of the heterodyne interferometry system changes via a quadratic law with the peak-to-peak of the measured sound pressure, which means that the bandwidth requirement of the heterodyne interferometry system will increase sharply with a higher intensity sound pressure measurement. When the peak value of the measured HIFU sound pressure reaches 60 MPa, the bandwidth of the heterodyne interferometry system should not be less than 473 MHz; thus, the sound pressure measurement error introduced by the system bandwidth can be less than 2%. Here, if the calculation is carried out according to linear sound field conditions, the system bandwidth in the same case is not less than 130 MHz, which obviously differs considerably from the actual situation and causes a large measurement error.


This study focuses on the problem that the bandwidth solution of the interference system in HIFU sound pressure measurement by laser interferometry depends on the linear sound field conditions, which causes a large difference between the solution results and reality. First, through theoretical analysis, a mathematical model of the interference signal for HIFU sound pressure measurement is established. The frequency domain of the interference signal is analyzed by numerical simulation. It is inferred that the spectrum of the interference signal under the condition of a nonlinear sound field is widened and shifted compared with that under the condition of a linear sound field. It is proved that existing methods for estimating the interference system bandwidth under the condition of a linear sound field are not suitable for HIFU sound pressure measurements. Combined with the HIFU sound pressure measurement data, the relationship between the bandwidth requirements of the heterodyne interference system and the peak value of the sound pressure is simulated and analyzed. The analysis results show that under the condition of a nonlinear sound field, the bandwidth requirements of the heterodyne interference system change via a quadratic law with the peak-to-peak value of the sound pressure.

1 引言






2 HIFU声压测量中激光干涉系统带宽分析


2.1 HIFU声压测量中的激光干涉信号


图 1. 基于激光干涉法的HIFU声压测量装置

Fig. 1. HIFU sound pressure measuring device based on laser interferometry

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It=coszcos2πf1t+φ1+φ0=cos φ0coszcos2πf1t+φ1-sin φ0sinzcos2πf1t+φ1


It=Acos φ0J0z+2n=1-1nJ2nzcos2π2nf1t+2nφ1-Asinφ02n=1-1nJ2n-1zcos2π2n-1f1t+2n-1φ1





It=Acos2πfct+φ0J0z+n=1-1nJ2nzcos2πfc+2nf1t+2nφ1+φ0+cos2πfc-2nf1t-2nφ1+φ0+n=1-1nJ2n-1zcos2πfc+2n-1f1t+2n-1φ1+ φ0+cos2πfc-2n-1f1t-2n-1φ1+φ0







2.2 非线性声场条件下激光干涉信号带宽的分析

使用数值仿真软件MATLAB对外差干涉信号带宽进行仿真分析,对比线性声场和非线性声场条件下外差干涉信号带宽的差异。仿真参数设置如下:外差干涉系统的载波频率fc=300 MHz,激光波长λ=632.8 nm,干涉信号幅值A=1,水介质密度ρ=103 kgm-3,水介质中的声速c=1500 ms-1。在线性声场条件下,假设薄膜振动振幅a1=1 μm、振动频率f1=1 MHz、初始相位φ1=0,对干涉信号It进行快速傅里叶变换(FFT),得到的频谱Xf图2(a)所示,各频率分量以振动频率f1为间隔,并以载波频率fc为中心对称分布。

图 2. 线性声场和非线性声场条件下不同干涉信号的频谱

Fig. 2. Spectra of different interference signals under linear and nonlinear sound fields

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此时可以认为干涉信号中的有用信息不会丢失,系统不会由于带宽不足而引入测量误差。εBsig的变化如图3中的菱形标记曲线所示,由此可知,干涉信号带宽Bsig大于等于50 MHz。

图 3. εBsig的变化曲线

Fig. 3. ε versus Bsig

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在非线性声场条件下,假设薄膜振动包含基频至六次谐波分量,各谐波分量振幅之比为1.00∶0.40∶0.20∶0.10∶0.05∶0.02,且初始相位φi均为零,在其声压峰峰值与线性声场声压峰峰值一致时,外差干涉信号的频谱如图2(b)所示。可以看出:各频率分量仍以振动频率f1为间隔,以载波频率fc为中心对称分布,但相比于图2(a)中的线性声场频谱有了明显的展宽。根据图3中的“*”形标记曲线可知,干涉信号带宽B大于等于58 MHz。

在上述非线性声场条件的基础上,改变各谐波分量的初始相位,使得φ1=0φ2=20°φ3=40°φ4=60°φ5=80°φ6=100°,同理得到的干涉信号频谱如图2(c)所示。相比于图2(b),该频谱不再以fc为中心对称分布,且整体向坐标轴右侧平移,通过图3中的“+”形标曲线可知,此时干涉信号带宽Bsig大于等于62 MHz,相比于线性声场条件增加了24%。

为了获取真实的HIFU声压,使仿真结果更接近实际,本文利用光纤水听器对HIFU声场进行测量,HIFU换能器的激励频率设置为1 MHz。实验测得声压随时间的变化曲线如图4(a)所示,声压峰峰值约为30 MPa;对其进行FFT运算得到相应的频域幅值和相位曲线,如图4(b)所示。

图 4. 光纤水听器测得的HIFU声压。(a)时域波形图;(b)频域波形图

Fig. 4. HIFU sound pressure measured by optical fiber hydrophone. (a) Time domain waveform; (b) frequency domain waveform

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根据上述实验获取声压各次谐波的参数,设置外差干涉系统带宽仿真条件,并忽略振动位移中三十次以上的谐波分量。同时,作为对比,对具有相同声压峰峰值的线性声场的情况进行仿真。仿真结果如图5所示,可以看出:非线性声场的干涉信号频谱与线性声场的干涉信号频谱有明显差异,线性声场干涉信号带宽Bsig大于等于78 MHz,而非线性声场干涉信号带宽Bsig大于等于148 MHz,增加了89.7%。

图 5. 线性声场和非线性声场条件下干涉信号带宽仿真结果。(a)线性声场频谱;(b)非线性声场频谱;(c)εBsig的变化曲线

Fig. 5. Simulation results of interference signal bandwidths under linear and nonlinear sound fields. (a) Spectrum under linear sound field; (b) spectrum under nonlinear sound field; (c) ε versus Bsig

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2.3 激光外差干涉系统带宽与被测声压大小的关系分析

理想情况下外差干涉系统为全通系统,系统带宽Bsis可以认为无限大,对声压测量结果没有影响。在实际情况中,外差干涉系统表现为带通或低通,为了方便分析,默认外差干涉系统是中心频率为光学载波频率fc的带通系统。在数值仿真中,设计了阶数为5000、中心频率为fc的有限长单位冲击响应(FIR)带通滤波器以模拟外差干涉系统带宽Bsis,通过与理想情况下的声压测量结果进行对比,得到干涉系统带宽Bsis对声压测量结果的影响。被测声场的声压参数设置与图5非线性声场情况相同,并将外差干涉系统带宽Bsis设置为100 MHz,此时干涉信号的时域和频域曲线以及由此测得的时域声压曲线如图6所示。

图 6. 外差干涉系统带宽变化对干涉信号和声压测量结果的影响。(a)干涉信号时域曲线;(b)干涉信号频域曲线;(c)测量得到的声压曲线

Fig. 6. Influence of bandwidth variation of heterodyne interference system on interference signal and sound pressure measurement result. (a) Time domain curve of interference signal; (b) frequency domain curve of interference signal; (c) measured sound pressure curves

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图6(a)、(b)可以看出:由于外差干涉系统带宽Bsis小于非线性声场条件下的干涉信号带宽,系统对干涉信号的滤波效应明显,在干涉信号时域上表现为信号幅值的波动,在频域上表现为350 MHz以上频段的截止。图6(c)所示的被测声压曲线表明:被测声压的正峰值声压(p+)和负峰值声压(p-)相较于全通干涉系统均有较大偏差。

进一步,通过改变外差干涉系统带宽Bsis的大小,得到非线性声场条件下声压测量误差随Bsis的变化曲线,如图7(a)所示。外差干涉系统带宽Bsis在120 MHz以下时,声压测量的相对误差较大;Bsis大于120 MHz时,正峰值、负峰值和峰峰值声压(ppp)的相对误差明显减小,其中,正峰值声压的相对误差较大,最大值约为7%。若要使得系统带宽引起的声压测量相对误差小于2%,外差干涉系统带宽Bsis应大于161 MHz。

图 7. 声压测量相对误差随外差干涉系统带宽的变化曲线。(a)非线性声场;(b)线性声场

Fig. 7. Relative error of sound pressure measurement versus bandwidth of heterodyne interference system. (a) Nonlinear sound field; (b) linear sound field

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同理,将声压参数设置为图5中线性声场的情况时,声压测量相对误差随外差干涉系统带宽的变化曲线如图7(b)所示。可以看出,正峰值、负峰值和峰峰值声压相对误差的变化规律一致。这是由于系统带宽对线性声场的正声压和负声压部分的影响效果相同。若使线性声场条件下系统带宽引起的声压测量相对误差小于2%,外差干涉系统带宽Bsis应大于70 MHz。




图 8. 外差干涉系统带宽随被测声压峰峰值的变化曲线。(a)声压测量的相对误差小于2%时;(b)非线性声场下不同相对误差要求的二次拟合曲线

Fig. 8. Bandwidth of heterodyne interference system versus peak-to-peak value of measured sound pressure. (a) When relative error of sound pressure is less than 2%; (b) quadratic fitting curves with different relative error requirements under nonlinear sound field

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综合上述仿真分析可知,在线性声场条件下,外差干涉系统带宽随被测声压峰峰值呈线性规律变化,这与以往的研究结论是相符的;在非线性声场条件下,外差干涉系统带宽则随被测声压峰峰值呈二次方规律变化,这就意味着更高强度的声压测量对外差干涉测量系统带宽的要求激增。按此规律推论,当被测HIFU声压峰峰值达到60 MPa时,外差干涉测量系统的带宽应不小于473 MHz,这样才能使系统带宽引入的声压测量误差小于2%;若按照线性声场条件进行计算,同等情况下的系统带宽不小于130 MHz即可满足要求,这显然与实际情况相差较大。


3 结论



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