浙江大学生物医学工程与仪器科学学院,浙江 杭州 310027
乳腺癌早期筛查、精准诊断、有效治疗是提高患者生存率的重要因素,而影像学是筛查、诊断、治疗评估的主要手段。基于现有的影像技术,乳腺临床诊治流程虽然已逐步规范化,但在高效灵敏筛查、无创精准诊断以及治疗监测评估等方面仍存在核心局限。例如,传统的医学影像技术存在诊断特异性低、成像速度慢、使用电离辐射或注射造影剂等局限,仍存在重大临床诉求。光声成像作为一项新兴的医学影像技术,可以与传统技术形成优势互补,提供快速(如10~15 s完成全乳腺扫描)、高分辨率、信息丰富的医学影像。其光学对比度和声学分辨率使之具备揭示肿瘤微环境结构、功能、分子细节特征的能力。本文简述了光声成像的技术原理和主要设计形态,概述并评价了乳腺肿瘤筛查、诊断和治疗评估领域的代表性光声成像研究。最后讨论了光声成像在乳腺临床上的应用前景,其有望成为继钼靶、超声、核磁共振之后的“第四大”乳腺成像技术。
医用光学 光声成像 乳腺肿瘤微环境 乳腺癌筛查 早期精准诊断 新辅助化疗评估 肿瘤切缘检测 
2024, 51(9): 0907003
1 西安交通大学机械工程学院航空发动机研究所,陕西 西安 710049
2 空军工程大学航空动力系统与等离子体技术全国重点实验室,陕西 西安 710038
激光粉末床熔融增材制造面临质量稳定一致性的挑战,铺粉质量是影响成形件质量的重要因素。近年来,计算机视觉在铺粉缺陷监测中的应用表现突出,但其性能却受到标注数据数量不足的限制。针对这一问题,笔者设计了基于视觉大模型分割一切模型(SAM)的铺粉缺陷分割模型(PSAM)。针对SAM预训练参数的知识迁移问题,引入Adapter模块实现参数微调;针对铺粉分割任务中类别信息的需求,改进了SAM中的掩码解码器;针对工业场景中人工提示难的问题,提出了自动提示生成器,实现了视觉提示的自动生成。在训练样本数量仅为50的情况下,PSAM表现出了良好的分割性能,平均交并比(mIoU)可达到65.02%,相较于Deeplab v3和U-Net分别提升了8.52个百分点和5.31个百分点。本研究展示了视觉大模型在增材过程监控中的应用价值和应用潜力。
激光技术 激光粉末床熔融 过程监测 视觉大模型 缺陷检测 
2024, 51(10): 1002319
1 深圳大学射频异质异构集成全国重点实验室,微纳光电子学研究院纳米光子学研究中心,广东 深圳 518060
2 之江实验室智能感知研究院,浙江 杭州 311100
物理光学 自旋角动量 自旋动量绑定 自旋轨道耦合 光学微分计算 光学探测 横向光学力 
2024, 44(10): 1026002
张兰强 1,2,3曾意 1,2,3吴小虎 4杨金生 1,2[ ... ]饶长辉 1,2,3,*
1 自适应光学全国重点实验室,四川 成都 610209
2 中国科学院光电技术研究所,四川 成都 610209
3 中国科学院大学,北京 100049
4 山东高等技术研究院,山东 济南 250100
Overview: Gravitational waves are spacetime oscillations radiated outward by accelerating mass objects. Significant astronomical events in the universe, such as the merging of massive black holes, emit stronger gravitational waves. Detecting gravitational waves allows for a deeper study of the laws governing celestial bodies and the origins of the universe, making accurate detection crucial. Gravitational wave detection technology utilizes Michelson interferometers to convert the extremely faint spacetime fluctuations caused by gravitational waves into measurable changes in optical path length. Recently, ground-based large Michelson interferometers have achieved direct detection of high-frequency gravitational waves. However, the detection of low-frequency gravitational waves, which is equally important, is not feasible on the ground due to arm length and ground noise issues. This necessitates the construction of ultra-large Michelson interferometers in space for low-frequency gravitational wave detection. Spaceborne gravitational wave detection telescopes play a vital role in collimating bidirectional beams in ultra-long interferometric optical paths in space. The extremely subtle changes in optical path caused by gravitational waves impose high demands for pm-level optical path length stability and below 10?10 level backscattered light in these telescopes. The ultra-high level index requirements exceed the precision limits of current ground testing techniques for telescopes. To ensure that spaceborne telescopes maintain their ultra-high design performance in the orbital environment, developing testing and evaluation techniques for these key indicators is a crucial prerequisite for the success of the space gravitational wave detection program. This paper provides an overview of the development of spaceborne gravitational wave detection telescopes, both domestically and internationally. It focuses on the current status and some test results of optical path length stability and backscattered light testing of telescopes under development, as well as further testing plans, providing a reference for the testing and evaluation of Chinese space gravitational wave detection space-borne telescopes.
空间引力波探测 星载望远镜 地面测试 光程稳定性 后向杂散光 space gravitational wave detection spaceborne telescope ground test optical path length stability backscattered light 
2024, 51(2): 240027
顾乃庭 1,2,3,4王小勇 5汶德胜 2,6饶长辉 1,2,3,4,*[ ... ]叶贤基 8
1 自适应光学全国重点实验室,四川 成都 610209
2 中国科学院大学,北京 100049
3 中国科学院光电技术研究所,四川 成都 610209
4 中国科学院自适应光学重点实验室,四川 成都 610209
5 北京空间机电研究所,北京 100094
6 中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所,陕西 西安 710019
7 华中科技大学物理学院引力中心,精密重力测量国家重大科技基础设施,基本物理量测量教育部重点实验室,湖北 武汉 430074
8 “天琴计划”教育部重点实验室,天琴中心 & 物理与天文学院,天琴前沿科学中心,国家航天局引力波研究中心,中山大学(珠海校区),广东 珠海 519082
星载望远镜 空间引力波 引力波探测 天琴计划 专题出版 sapace telescope space gravitational wave gravitational wave detection TianQin project special issue 
2024, 51(2): 240026
“天琴计划”教育部重点实验室,天琴中心 & 物理与天文学院,天琴前沿科学中心,国家航天局引力波研究中心,中山大学(珠海校区),广东 珠海 519082
Overview: The space gravitational wave detection telescope is one of the core payloads of the gravitational wave detection satellite, simultaneously expanding and contracting the transmitted beam. Optical path stability is one of the core indices for the telescope, closely related to its structural stability. To meet the ultra-high path stability and structural stability requirements posed by the gravitational wave detection mission, it is essential to study the structural deformation measurement of the telescope. Currently, there are still several shortcomings in the research of multi-degree-of-freedom deformation measurement methods for gravitational wave detection telescopes, such as inaccurate selection of measurement points, inability to decouple multi-degree-of-freedom coupling, and unclear identification of error sources in multi-degree-of-freedom measurement. This paper deeply investigates the high-precision measurement of structural deformation of space-borne telescopes designed for space gravitational wave detection. It preliminarily establishes a framework and method system for measuring the structural deformation of space-borne telescopes, theoretically describing the measurement principle of the method. The feasibility of this method applied to space gravitational wave detection is verified through simulation analysis and error decomposition. The paper focuses on resolving the issue of decoupling multiple degrees of freedom, establishing a mathematical model using analytical methods, and conducting preliminary validation using Zemax. Finally, noise analysis of the measurement system is carried out, with experimental testing of the main noise components in the measurement system, validating the correctness of the theoretical noise model proposed in this paper. The experimental results show that near 1 Hz, the displacement noise background of the single-link interferometer is 100 pm/Hz1/2. At 1 mHz in the low-frequency range, the displacement noise background reaches 10 nm/Hz1/2. The noise level of the measurement system below 1 mHz is mainly limited by environmental temperature noise, while above 10 mHz, it is primarily constrained by laser frequency noise, phase acquisition background noise, and vibration noise. During the development phase of the space gravitational wave detection telescope, the research on this measurement method is expected to fulfill the telescope's multi-degree-of-freedom deformation measurement needs. It also provides data feedback for telescope design and offers guidance for the study of the telescope's optical path stability.
空间引力波探测望远镜 形变测量 多自由度 解耦研究 噪声分析 the space gravitational wave detection telescope deformation measurement multi-degree-of-freedom decoupling study noise analysis 
2024, 51(2): 230211
浙江大学光电科学与工程学院 现代光学仪器国家重点实验室,浙江 杭州 310027
Taking the LISA system as a reference, the phase noise of the inter-satellite transmission needs to be less than 1 pm. Research has shown that the defocus and the astigmatism are the main aberrations affecting jitter noise at a distance of 2.5×109 m. There is a deviation between the phase stationary point and the origin position. To minimize the phase noise, the telescope angle needs to be adjusted. The gravitational wave detection at the phase stationary point can effectively reduce the phase noise and the requirements of the telescope exit pupil wavefront RMS. The large defocus and small coma can make the phase stationary point close to the optical axis and increase the received laser power.
空间引力波探测 空间链路传输 指向抖动噪声 相位驻点 gravitational wave detection space propagation jitter noise phase stationary point 
2024, 51(2): 230185
吴金贵 1,2,3王小勇 1白绍竣 1吴铠岚 1,3[ ... ]林栩凌 1,3,*
1 北京空间机电研究所,北京 100094
2 首都师范大学数学科学学院,北京 150001
3 兰州大学物理科学与技术学院,甘肃 兰州 730000
Overview: In order to achieve the measurement of gravitational wave signals in the millihertz frequency band, the space-based gravitational wave detection projects such as LISA, TianQin, and Taiji projects, which are based on laser interference systems, require the hardware noise floor of the interferometers to be lower than the interstellar weak light shot noise limit. This imposes stringent engineering specifications on the optical-mechanical design and the corresponding interferometer payload. This paper approaches the issue from the perspective of detection mode selection and derives the expressions of readout noise and stray light noise in the interference signal under the single detector mode and the balanced mode. Furthermore, a detailed discussion is provided on the weak-light interference process of the scientific interferometer. The results demonstrate that the balanced mode is capable of suppressing the interference phase noise caused by laser power fluctuations and backscattered stray light across multiple orders of magnitude. However, the suppression capability is constrained by the unequal splitting property of the beam combiner. To address this, a relative gain factor is introduced to compensate for the unequal splitting property of the beam combiner. Further analysis reveals that electronic gain compensation can only eliminate the impact of unequal splitting on one of the two noises rather than both simultaneously. Therefore, a balance must be struck in selecting gain compensation between the suppression of laser power fluctuation noise and stray light noise. Even with this consideration, the balanced mode still offers significant noise suppression capabilities at a magnitude difference, thus potentially reducing the engineering requirements for laser power fluctuations and telescope backscattered stray light.
引力波探测 平衡探测模式 读出噪声 杂散光分析 gravitational wave observation balanced detection mode read out noise straylight analysis 
2024, 51(2): 230134
福建师范大学光电与信息工程学院医学光电科学与技术教育部重点实验室,福建 福州 350007
医用光学 表面增强拉曼光谱 病毒检测 生物传感器 纳米光子学 纳米医学 
2024, 51(9): 0907006
付惠琛 1,2高军伟 1,2,*车鲁阳 1,2
1 青岛大学 自动化学院,山东 青岛 266071
2 山东省工业控制技术重点实验室,山东 青岛 266071
图像处理 关键点检测 姿态估计 注意力机制 空洞空间金字塔池化 image processing key point detection pose estimation convolutional attention mechanism atrous spatial pyramid pooling 
2024, 39(2): 217

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