1 河北工业大学 机械工程学院,天津30040
2 河北工业大学 电工装备可靠性与智能化国家重点实验室,天津300401
3 天津爱思达航天科技股份有限公司,天津00000
针对现有接触式测量方法装夹定位后只能测量一种或两种参数、检测效率低等问题,提出一种舵类结构件几何量误差和装配误差视觉检测方法。首先,利用计算机视觉系统获取舵轴和舵面区域图像,利用图像预处理技术去除图像畸变和噪声,为了更有效地提取舵类结构件边缘,分别采用Sobel算子、Scharr算子、Laplace算子和Canny算子对图像进行边缘检测以确定轮廓,实验对比发现Scharr算子处理后的舵轴图像边缘更清晰且无间断,Canny算子处理后的摇臂图像边缘比较清晰,因此选用Scharr算子提取舵轴图像边缘、Canny算子提取摇臂图像边缘。结合被测要素特点,采用霍夫直线和霍夫圆检测方法提取舵面边缘线特征、舵轴母线特征、摇臂圆轮廓特征;确定了舵芯对称度、舵轴垂直度、摇臂夹角的基准要素,构建了几何量误差检测目标函数,运用自适应遗传算法计算最优解;结合相机标定的内外参矩阵,得到舵芯对称度、舵轴垂直度、摇臂夹角的测量值。最后,研发了舵类结构件几何量误差和装配误差视觉检测软件,搭建了视觉检测实验平台,实现了几何量误差及装配角度误差快速检测功能。经过多次重复测量实验,对称度检测精度达到0.055 mm,垂直度检测精度达到0.225 mm,装配角度检测精度达到0.772°,完成单次检测耗时7 s。该方法不仅提高了几何量误差检测精度和检测效率,同时有助于提高舵类结构件成型-制造-在机检测的自动化和智能化水平。
舵类结构件 几何量误差 视觉检测 霍夫变换 air rudder geometric errors vision inspection hough transform 
光学 精密工程
2024, 32(2): 158
Chen Hu 1,2,3Songlin Wan 1,2,*Guochang Jiang 1,2Haojin Gu 1,2[ ... ]Jianda Shao 1,2,3,4,5,*
Author Affiliations
1 Precision Optical Manufacturing and Testing Center, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Shanghai, China
2 Key Laboratory for High Power Laser Material of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, CAS, Shanghai, China
3 Center of Materials Science and Optoelectronics Engineering, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
4 Hangzhou Institute for Advanced Study, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hangzhou, China
5 China-Russian Belt and Road Joint Laboratory on Laser Science, Shanghai, China
The large-aperture pulse compression grating (PCG) is a critical component in generating an ultra-high-intensity, ultra-short-pulse laser; however, the size of the PCG manufactured by transmission holographic exposure is limited to large-scale high-quality materials. The reflective method is a potential way for solving the size limitation, but there is still no successful precedent due to the lack of scientific specifications and advanced processing technology of exposure mirrors. In this paper, an analytical model is developed to clarify the specifications of components, and advanced processing technology is adopted to control the spatial frequency errors. Hereafter, we have successfully fabricated a multilayer dielectric grating of 200 mm × 150 mm by using an off-axis reflective exposure system with Φ300 mm. This demonstration proves that PCGs can be manufactured by using the reflection holographic exposure method and shows the potential for manufacturing the meter-level gratings used in 100 petawatt class high-power lasers.
high-power laser off-axis reflective exposure system pulse compression grating spatial frequency errors specifications 
High Power Laser Science and Engineering
2024, 12(1): 010000e1
1 四川大学电子信息学院,四川成都 610065
2 四川大学空天科学与工程学院,四川成都 610065
拼接偏折术 显示器面形 相机标定 低高阶误差 测量精度 stitching deflectometry display surface shape camera calibration low and high order errors measurement accuracy 
2023, 21(4): 15
华中光电技术研究所 — 武汉光电国家研究中心, 湖北 武汉 430223
为了满足非完整周旋转轴系倾角回转误差测试分析需求, 在数学建模轨迹分析基础上研究了一种新的轴系倾角回转误差测试分析方法。首先, 采用四元数方法对测试中平面镜和准直仪安装误差数学建模, 证明了两者安装误差引起待测轴转动过程中准直仪靶面光十字丝轨迹为椭圆, 当误差为小量时轨迹退化为圆心不在原点的圆。然后, 基于最小二乘原理建立了轨迹圆参数圆心和半径拟合方法, 在测试数据中去除平面镜和准直仪安装误差的影响。最后, 分别开展了仿真分析与实验测试对方法的有效性和可靠性进行了验证。结果表明:轨迹参数法在非完整周旋转轴系倾角回转误差测试中具有独特优势, 可以作为传统傅里叶级数法有益补充, 且该方法无需精调平面镜, 在一定程度上提高了测试分析效率。
倾角回转误差 安装误差 四元数 最小二乘 傅里叶级数 rotation error installation errors quaternion least square Fourier series 
2023, 21(5): 73
陆羿行 1,2方文程 3,4,*张俊强 3郭玉森 1,2,5赵振堂 3,4,**
1 中国科学院上海应用物理研究所上海 201800
2 中国科学院大学北京 101408
3 中国科学院上海高等研究院上海 201204
4 上海市低温超导高频腔技术重点实验室上海 201800
5 上海科技大学上海 201210
射频四极场加速器(Radio Frequency Quadrupole,RFQ)广泛应用于质子加速器装置中,高频率、紧凑型RFQ的发展可以推动质子加速器装置的小型化,同时也面临调谐困难的问题。紧凑型RFQ的性能对腔体尺寸的敏感度高,基于理论物理特性的传统调谐算法难以取得良好效果,而基于腔体实际物理特性的调谐算法则可以解决紧凑型RFQ的调谐难点。本文提出了一种基于响应矩阵和最小二乘法的调谐算法,该算法可以限定求解的范围,避免计算结果超出调谐器可调谐范围的问题;为二极场分量赋予权重,可以高效地降低二极场误差,解决二极场分量难以调谐的问题。根据新的调谐算法分别在模拟环境下的RFQ样机上完成了调谐实验,在搭建的测量平台获得的结果显示:初始状态下二、四极场误差分别为24.09%和1.57%,经过5次调谐后两者误差分别降为2.33%和1.39%,验证了调谐算法的有效性。该调谐算法具有普适性,也可以用于其他频率的RFQ,将来还可以促进质子加速器装置的小型化,推动医用质子装置的普及。
RFQ 调谐 二极场误差 RFQ Tuning Dipole component errors 
2023, 46(11): 110202
Author Affiliations
University of Bremen, Bremen Institute for Metrology, Automation and Quality Science, Linzer Str. 13, 28359 Bremen, Germany
Digital speckle photography is a displacement field measurement method that employs laser speckles as surface markers. Since the approach requires only one reference image without a preparation of the sample and provides a fast, single-shot measurement with interferometric precision, the method is applied for in-process measurements in manufacturing engineering. Due to highly localized loads, higher-order displacement gradients occur in manufacturing processes and it is an open research question how these gradients affect the measurement errors of digital speckle photography. We simulate isotropic Gaussian surface topographies, apply a displacement field and then generate laser speckle patterns, which are evaluated with digital image correlation and subsequently the resulting random and systematic errors of the displacement field are analyzed. We found that the random error is proportional to the first-order displacement gradient and results from decorrelation of the laser speckles. The systematic error is mainly caused by the evaluation algorithm and is linearly dependent on the second-order gradient and the subset size. We evaluated in-process displacement measurements of laser hardening, grinding and single-tooth milling where we determined the relative error caused by displacement gradients to be below 2.5% based on the findings from the simulative study.
Digital speckle photography Digital image correlation Displacement gradients Systematic errors 
Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications
2023, 19(1): 2023012
李鼎 1,2于旭东 1,2,*魏国 1,2罗晖 1,2
1 国防科技大学 前沿交叉学科学院,湖南 长沙 410073
2 国防科技大学 南湖之光实验室,湖南 长沙 410073
惯性导航 非正交误差标定 粒子群优化 旋转调制 inertial navigation nonorthogonal errors calibration particle swarm optimization rotational modulation 
2023, 52(6): 20230148
1 长光卫星技术股份有限公司,吉林长春30000
2 中国科学技术大学 信息科学技术学院,安徽合肥3006
3 武汉大学 测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室,湖北武汉40079
高分辨率光学卫星 机械式交错拼接 微量高频姿态误差 几何定位一致性 high-resolution optical satellite mechanical staggered stitching slight high-frequency attitude errors geometric positioning consistency 
光学 精密工程
2023, 31(9): 1390
Author Affiliations
1 School of Sciences, Southwest Petroleum University, Nanchong 637001, China
2 Institute of Optoelectronic Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu 610209, China
3 School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China
Usually, a multilens optical system is composed of multiple undetectable sublenses. Wavefront of a multilens optical system cannot be measured when classical transmitted phase measuring deflectometry (PMD) is used. In this study, a wavefront measuring method for an optical system with multiple optics is presented based on PMD. A paraxial plane is used to represent the test multilens optical system. We introduce the calibration strategy and mathematical deduction of gradient equations. Systematic errors are suppressed with an N-rotation test. Simulations have been performed to demonstrate our method. The results showing the use of our method in multilens optical systems, such as the collimator and single-lens reflex camera lenses show that the measurement accuracy is comparable with those of interferometric tests.
phase measuring deflectometry wavefront measurement systematic errors calibration 
Chinese Optics Letters
2023, 21(4): 041201
1 厦门大学 航空航天学院,福建 厦门 361005
2 厦门大学 深圳研究院,广东 深圳 518000
针对六自由度串联式关节机器人气囊抛光系统因刚度不足引起的加工振动以及引入中频误差的问题,以IRB 6700机器人作为研究对象,基于Ansys Workbench建立模态分析模型,并结合实验分析机器人气囊抛光系统工况频带内动态特性,实验与仿真结果共同表明,机器人气囊抛光系统在工况频带至少存在5阶模态,且共振时机器人末端抖动幅值为mm级,机器人加工严重受限。同时针对机器人气囊抛光系统先进光学元件抛光工艺应用,设计一种阻尼抑振气囊工具头,与普通气囊工具头进行定点抛光与整面抛光对比实验。结果表明:抑振气囊头定点抛光斑粗糙度与频谱幅值普遍低于普通气囊工具头,引入的中频误差较一般气囊工具头低40%,抛光优化效果显著。
气囊抛光机器人 中频误差 模态分析 光学元件抛光 bonnet polishing robot mid-spatial-frequency errors modal analysis optical element polishing 
2022, 34(11): 119001

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