中国激光, 2021, 48 (6): 0600002, 网络出版: 2021-03-15   

激光液相烧蚀法制备纳米粒子研究进展 下载: 1691次封面文章

Research Progress in Preparation of Nanoparticles by Laser Ablation in Liquid
1 微纳含能器件工业和信息化部重点实验室, 江苏 南京 210094
2 南京理工大学化工学院, 江苏 南京 210094

Significance Because of their special chemical properties, nanoparticles have a wide range of application prospects in optoelectronics, catalysis, medicine, military, and other fields. Researchers have developed many methods for preparing nanoparticles, such as solid phase method, liquid phase method, and gas phase method. These methods all have some shortcomings. For example, the liquid phase method is easy to introduce impurities difficult to be removed, the gas phase method has high costs and harsh conditions, and the solid phase method yields particles with uneven distribution and easy agglomeration. Different from these traditional preparation methods, pulsed laser ablation in liquid (PLAL) can create an ultra-high temperature and ultra-high pressure environment in the liquid, which provides a possibility to prepare nanoparticles that are difficult to be prepared under conventional conditions. It does not need to build complex experimental setups or add various catalysts. The morphology and size of the nanoparticles can be controlled by changing the parameters such as the wavelength, pulse width and frequency of laser and the type of solvents and target materials.

Progress At present, there are four major types of nanoparticles prepared by PLAL: metal nanoparticles, metal oxide nanoparticles, alloy nanoparticles, and non-metal nanoparticles. Metal nanoparticles mainly include noble metal nanoparticles and active metal nanoparticles. The chemical properties of noble metals are stable and the corresponding nanoparticles are easily prepared. Therefore, researchers are more inclined to prepare nanoparticles with a small size and a uniform distribution by controlling different parameters. However, active metal nanoparticles easily react with oxygen atoms in the solution to form metal oxide nanoparticles. To address this problem, researchers try to inhibit the oxidation of active metal nanoparticles by adding surfactants (sodium dodecyl sulfate, hexadecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide) or polymers to the solution. Some progress has been achieved, but the generation of metal oxide nanoparticles is inevitable. How to prepare highly active metal nanoparticles in the solution is still a difficulty for researchers. When metal oxide nanoparticles are prepared, the methods can be generally divided into two types: (1) with metal oxides as the targets, the metal oxide nanoparticles are produced by pulsed laser in the solution; (2) with pure metal as the target, the nanoparticles react with the solution to obtain the corresponding metal oxide nanoparticles. In addition, there are many types of oxides for the same metal. During the laser ablation process, metal oxide nanoparticles with different crystal forms or valence states may be produced in the solution. How to prepare a single type of metal oxide nanoparticle in the solution remains a question. Currently, most alloy nanoparticles prepared by PLAL are composed of two noble metals, or one noble metal and one active metal. Although alloy nanoparticles containing two active metals have been prepared, the products still contain some metal oxides or hydroxide nanoparticles. It is also found that alloy nanoparticles with a certain molar ratio can be prepared by adjusting the ratio of two metal elements in the alloy target. The non-metal nanoparticles prepared by PLAL mainly focus on carbon and silicon that generally do not react with the solution, so non-metal nanoparticles with special morphology can be prepared by adjusting energy, wavelength, and other parameters. Taking carbon as an example, graphene sheets or diamond nanoparticles can be prepared by PLAL. In addition to the above two materials, attempts have been made to obtain some other non-metal nanoparticles by PLAL.

Conclusions and Prospects Compared with the traditional nanoparticle preparation methods, PLAL has simple operation and strong applicability. In some cases, the size and structure of nanoparticles can be controlled by adjusting the laser parameters and other factors. With the increasing demand for nanomaterials, PLAL will be more widely used. However, PLAL also has some room for improvement, such as the low yield of nanoparticles. Researchers have taken a variety of measures to increase the yield of nanoparticles, such as changing the target shape, combining PLAL with microfluidic technology or ultrasonic treatment technology. Although the yield of nanoparticles has been increased, it can not meet the requirements of industrial production. Moreover, the preparation of pure metal nanoparticles by PLAL is still a challenge. Although many kinds of additives or solvents have been added, the desired results have not yet been achieved, which still needs much work. Furthermore, it is also an important research direction to combine PLAL with other nanoparticle preparation methods to prepare composite nanoparticles with excellent properties. In addition, PLAL has been applied to the preparation of nanoparticles for decades. Due to the complex reaction process, numerous factors affecting the morphology of nanoparticles, and a lack of effective characterization methods, the research on the growth mechanism of nanoparticles progresses slowly. In recent years, many researchers have put forward their own theoretical analysis in combination with some simulation methods, but the detailed reaction mechanism has not been conclusive until today. Therefore, researchers should focus on the basic principles of PLAL to provide a theoretical basis for the preparation of pure metal nanoparticles.

1 引言




2 激光液相烧蚀法的基本原理

脉冲激光与固体靶材在液体环境中相互作用的过程极其复杂,包含物理反应和化学反应,迄今为止尚未形成公认的反应机理。根据激光脉宽的大小,目前研究人员常用的脉冲激光有三种,即毫秒脉冲激光(脉宽在1×10-3 s以上)、纳秒脉冲激光(脉宽在1×10-9~1×10-6 s之间)和超短脉冲激光(脉宽在1×10-15~1×10-9 s之间)。由于这三种脉冲激光的脉宽不同,因此它们在液体环境中与靶材的反应机理也有所不同,下面将逐一进行简要介绍。

2.1 毫秒脉冲激光

毫秒脉冲激光的脉宽较长,属于长脉冲激光,因此其峰值功率密度(106~107 W/cm2)远低于纳秒脉冲激光(108~1010 W/cm2)和飞秒脉冲激光(1012 W/cm2以上)[6-7]。由于具有较低的功率密度,毫秒激光与靶材作用后会产生熔融状金属液滴(如图1所示),金属液滴在周围液体的作用下会转变为蒸气状态,并在局部环境中产生高压,高压下的蒸气会发生粉碎效应,导致金属液体爆炸生成纳米级小液滴,这些小液滴逐渐冷却后就形成了纳米粒子[8-9]

图 1. 纳米液滴的形成和冷却[9]。 (a)纳米液滴的形成;(b)纳米液滴的冷却

Fig. 1. Formation and cooling of nanodroplets[9]. (a) Formation of nanodroplets; (b) cooling of nanodroplets

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2.2 纳秒脉冲激光


图 2. 纳秒脉冲激光与靶材相互作用的机理示意图[11]

Fig. 2. Schematic of the interaction between nanosecond pulsed laser and target[11]

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2.3 超短脉冲激光

超短脉冲激光分为皮秒脉冲激光和飞秒脉冲激光,前者与靶材的反应机理与纳秒脉冲激光相似。飞秒脉冲激光的峰值功率密度最高,与靶材之间的作用机理相对较为复杂。Xiao等[11]根据飞秒激光入射的功率密度将飞秒激光与靶材相互作用的过程分为四种,即相爆炸、碎裂、库仑爆炸和等离子体烧蚀。Shih等[12]结合经典分子动力学方法(MD)和双温模型(TTM)提出了混合原子连续介质模型,并对飞秒激光烧蚀沉积在水中硅片上的银薄膜的过程进行了模拟,预测了10 nm级颗粒的形成机制,预测结果与烧蚀过程中观察到的结果一致。Roeterdink等[13]结合飞行时间光谱对硅片进行了飞秒激光烧蚀实验,结果发现在硅片表面发生了库仑爆炸,随着功率密度的进一步增大,将会出现等离子体烧蚀现象,如图3(a)所示。在此烧蚀实验过程中,首先是材料吸收脉冲激光提供的高能量[如图3(b)所示],随后电子通过光电和热离子发射从原子中被激发出来[如图3(c)所示],在靶材表面形成高强度的电场;在电场的作用下,正离子之间的斥力大于结合力,最终导致靶材表面的物质被剥离出来,如图3(d)所示。

图 3. 飞秒脉冲激光与硅片的相互作用[11]。(a)不同能量密度下硅片表面发生的反应;(b)材料吸收激光能量;(c)电子从原子中剥离;(d)材料表面发生库伦爆炸

Fig. 3. Interaction between femtosecond pulsed laser and silicon wafer[11]. (a) Reaction on the surface of silicon wafer at different power densities; (b) material absorbs laser energy; (c) electrons stripped from atoms; (d) coulomb explosion on the surface of the material

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3 激光液相烧蚀法的研究进展

3.1 激光液相烧蚀法制备金属纳米粒子



Tan等[18]采用两种不同波长的脉冲激光对蒸馏水中的Au靶和Ag靶进行烧蚀,结果发现,与1064 nm激光相比,在532 nm激光烧蚀下制备的纳米粒子的光谱吸收峰强度更大。此外,在两种波长下增大激光能量都可以增大光谱吸收峰的强度。Hernández-Maya等[19]发现:当烧蚀时间固定为10 min时,增大激光能量会使Au纳米粒子的粒径不断增大;但当烧蚀时间固定为5 min时,粒子的粒径则随着能量的增加呈现出先增大后减小的趋势;当激光能量相同时,相比于10 min的烧蚀时间,5 min烧蚀时间下制备的粒子的粒径要小一些。为了提高纳米粒子的产率,Hu等[20]将超声处理与激光液相烧蚀法结合起来制备Ag纳米粒子,实验结果表明,超声处理不仅可以降低Ag纳米粒子的粒径,还可以提高其胶体悬浮液的稳定性。Hu等进行分析后发现,结合超声处理技术,脉冲激光可以在靶材表面形成体积更大的烧蚀坑,从而有效地提高了纳米粒子的产率。


图 4. 在丙酮中不同结构的碳化产物的形成机理图[23]

Fig. 4. Formation mechanism of carbonized products with different structures in acetone[23]

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除了选择有机溶剂外,研究人员还通过向水溶液中添加表面活性剂或高聚物来改变溶液的性质,尝试制备出活泼金属纳米粒子。Zeng等[24]以不同浓度的SDS溶液和纯水作为溶剂进行了烧蚀实验,他们发现:增大SDS溶液的浓度可以有效降低Zn纳米粒子的氧化程度,并减小纳米粒子的粒径,产物由ZnO逐渐向Zn(OH)2转变;当SDS浓度升高到0.1 mol/L时,Zn纳米粒子的含量达到最大,ZnO纳米粒子则完全消失。纳米粒子形态与SDS溶液浓度之间的关系如图5所示。

图 5. 不同浓度SDS溶液中纳米粒子的形成示意图[24]

Fig. 5. Formation of nanoparticles in different concentrations of SDS solutions[24]

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Lee等[25]以十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(CTAB)溶液作为介质,利用脉冲激光烧蚀其中的Al靶材,成功制得了纯Al纳米粒子。他们对烧蚀产物进行X射线衍射分析后发现,提高CTAB溶液的浓度可以抑制Al(OH)3和Al2O3的产生,当CTAB溶液的浓度达到0.1 mol/L时,溶液中的纳米粒子为纯Al纳米粒子。图6为Lee等在CTAB溶液中制备的纳米粒子的场发射扫描电子显微镜(FE-SEM)形貌图,可见,随着CTAB溶液浓度的下降,Al纳米粒子的水解程度迅速增大,由光滑的球形颗粒分解为不规则形状的小尺寸纳米粒子,最终,小颗粒又逐渐聚集成蝴蝶结状的大颗粒。Lee等推测CTAB分子的疏水端在纳米粒子表面聚集,阻止了Al纳米粒子与水分子的反应。

图 6. 不同浓度CTAB溶液中制备的纳米粒子的FE-SEM图[25]

Fig. 6. FE-SEM images of nanoparticles prepared in different concentrations of CTAB solutions[25]

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图 7. PVP、PVA和PEG的分子结构以及对Al纳米粒子的保护示意图[26]

Fig. 7. Molecular structure of PVP, PVA, and PEG and protection for Al nanoparticles[26]

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表1中的数据可以看出,由于贵金属的化学惰性,研究人员可以利用激光液相烧蚀法制备粒径在50 nm以内的贵金属纳米粒子,而通过对溶剂种类以及激光能量和波长等参数进行调控,可以获得超小粒径的贵金属纳米粒子。对于化学性质较为活泼的金属,如何避免其纳米粒子与溶液中的氧原子发生反应是一个难题。近年来的研究表明,表面活性剂分子和高聚物分子可以包覆在活泼金属纳米粒子周围,从而能在降低金属粒子氧化程度的同时还能减小其粒径。尽管产物中含有不少氧化物或氢氧化物粒子,但选择合适的表面活性剂或高聚物仍为制备小粒径的纯金属纳米粒子提供了一条重要思路。

表 1. 采用激光液相烧蚀法制备金属纳米粒子

Table 1. Preparation of metal nanoparticles by laser ablation in liquid

The firstauthorLaser parameterTargetSolventVariableProductAveragesize /nmRef.
Du800 nm (30 fs)--HAuCl4·3H2OConcentration of PVP,energy and timeof ablationAu9--21[27]
Mafuné532 nmAgSDSConcentration of SDSand energyAg7.9--16.2[17]
Tan1064/532 nmAu, AgH2OWavelengthAu, Ag9--32[18]
Moniri1064 nm (7 ns)PtC3H6O,(CH2OH)2,C2H5OH, H2OType of solventsPt14--22[28]
The firstauthorLaser parameterTargetSolventVariableProductAveragesize /nmRef.
Zeng1064 nm (10 ns)ZnSDSConcentration of SDSZn, ZnO,Zn(OH)218.1--44.5[24]
Lee1064 nm (7 ns)AlCTABConcentration of CTABAl, Al2O3,Al(OH)350--300[25]
Singh1064/532 nm(5 ns)AlPVP, PVA,PEGType of solventsand wavelengthAl, Al2O316--33[26]


3.2 激光液相烧蚀法制备金属氧化物纳米粒子



Ni及其氧化物粒子具有特殊的性质,在药物合成、生物传感器等领域被广泛应用,因此,许多研究人员开始利用激光液相烧蚀法制备Ni及其氧化物纳米粒子。Mahdi等[32]发现,增大激光能量虽然可以减小NiO纳米粒子的平均粒径,但却会使部分NiO纳米粒子的粒径增大。Hadi等[33]发现延长烧蚀时间不仅会对NiO纳米粒子的形态产生影响,还会使其粒径增大。Nikov等[34]在激光液相烧蚀装置中施加外部磁场后发现,施加外部磁场可以控制NiO纳米粒子的产物结构,如图8所示。他们通过施加外部磁场在基板上沉积出了具有一维线状结构的产物。从产物的SEM图中可以看出,该线状结构由平均粒径为0.93 mm的球形颗粒组成。Nikov等认为,通过控制烧蚀时间和外加磁场强度可以制备具有一定长宽比的一维线状结构。

图 8. 在相同条件下于不同溶液中制备的NiO粒子的光学显微镜图、扫描电镜图以及对应的粒径分布直方图[34]。(a)蒸馏水; (b)乙醇溶液

Fig. 8. Optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy images and corresponding particle size distribution histograms of NiO particles prepared in different solutions under the same condition[34]. (a) Distilled water; (b) ethanol solution

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CuO和Cu2O纳米粒子在催化合成和****等方面被广泛应用。近些年,研究人员开始采用激光液相烧蚀法制备Cu的氧化物纳米粒子。Rawat等[35]利用激光液相烧蚀技术成功地在去离子水中制备了空心CuO纳米粒子,并推测空心纳米粒子的形成是柯肯达尔效应导致的,柯肯达尔效应与水中的溶解氧密切相关。此外,Rawat等以乙二醇溶液作为溶剂进行了对比实验,并证实了上述推断。在另一项研究中,Rawat等[36]发现相比于波长为1064 nm的激光,波长为532 nm的激光可以制备出粒径更小的CuO纳米粒子,而且纯化处理可以进一步降低纳米粒子的粒径,但也会加剧纳米粒子的氧化程度。为了提高纳米粒子的产量,Al-Antaki等[37]将激光液相烧蚀装置进行了改进,改进后的装置如图9所示,该装置有效提高了纳米粒子的产率。并且他们发现,采用这个装置制备的产物全部为纯Cu2O纳米粒子,不存在Cu2O@Cu核壳结构的纳米粒子。他们推断这是含Cu的等离子体羽流与装置中的O2相互作用的结果,并在装置中充满N2做了对比实验,实验结果证实了他们的推测。

图 9. 激光液相烧蚀法在动态微流体中制备纳米粒子的示意图[37]。 (a)实验装置示意图;(b)单次操作模式;(c)连续操作模式

Fig. 9. Schematic of preparation of nanoparticles by laser ablation in dynamic microfluidics[37]. (a) Experimental setup; (b) confined mode of operation; (c) continuous mode of operation

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Zhang等[38]利用脉冲激光对蒸馏水中的Cu靶材进行烧蚀,结果显示:相比于5 ns和30 fs的脉冲激光,采用200 ps的脉冲激光制备的纳米粒子的产率最高,但稳定性较差(制备的胶体悬浮液的颜色会随着时间的延长而逐渐由绿色转变为棕色),这说明溶液中的Cu纳米粒子逐渐被氧化成CuO/Cu2O纳米粒子。从图10可以看出,随着激光脉宽减小,纳米粒子的粒径呈减小的趋势。

图 10. 不同脉宽条件下制备的Cu纳米粒子的扫描电镜图[38]。(a)(b) 5 ns; (c)(d) 200 ps; (e)(f) 30 fs

Fig. 10. Scanning electron microscopy images of Cu nanoparticles prepared with different pulse widths[38]. (a)(b) 5 ns; (c)(d) 200 ps; (e)(f) 30 fs

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Goncharova等[39]采用激光液相烧蚀法分别在4种溶剂(去离子水、NaOH溶液、H2O2溶液和 无水乙醇)中制备了纳米粒子,如图11所示。他们发现:在去离子水、NaOH溶液中制备的产物中皆存在Cu和CuO纳米粒子,但粒子形貌和含量有所差异;在H2O2溶液中的CuO纳米粒子并非是一步产生的,而是由Cu(OH)2粒子转化而来的;在无水乙醇溶液中制备的Cu2O@Cu核壳纳米粒子的稳定性很好,粒子的Cu2O层不会发生氧化。这说明,靶材相同时,溶剂类型依然会对纳米粒子的形态产生重要影响。

图 11. 纳米粒子在不同溶液中的生成示意图[39]。(a)去离子水; (b) NaOH溶液; (c) H2O2溶液; (d)无水乙醇

Fig. 11. Formation of nanoparticle in different solutions[39]. (a) Deionized water; (b) sodium hydroxide solution; (c) hydrogen peroxide solution; (d) anhydrous ethanol

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除上述内容外,研究人员还利用激光液相烧蚀法合成了Zn O2[40]、Al2O3[41]、MgO[42]、MoO[43]等纳米粒子。结合表2中的内容可以发现,多数研究人员利用脉冲激光和金属靶材相互作用后产生的等离子体与溶液中的氧原子发生反应,生成了具有不同晶型和价态的金属氧化物纳米粒子。尽管产物中的成分较为复杂,但绝大数金属氧化物纳米粒子的粒径都保持在纳米级别。与制备贵金属纳米粒子相似,研究人员可以通过对溶剂种类、波长和脉宽等参数的调节来控制金属氧化物纳米粒子的成分和粒径。

表 2. 采用激光液相烧蚀法制备金属氧化物纳米粒子

Table 2. Preparation of metal oxide nanoparticles by laser ablation in liquid

The firstauthorLaserparameterTargetSolventVariableProductAveragesize /nmRef.
Maneeratanasarn355 nm (10 ns)α-Fe2O3C2H5OH,H2O,C3H6OType of solventsα-Fe2O3,γ-Fe2O38--13[31]
Zhang1064/355 nm(5 ns),800 nm(30 fs/200 ps)CuH2OPulse width,wavelengthCu2O,CuO1--200[38]
Goncharova1064 nm (7 ns)CuH2O,NaOH,H2O2,C2H5OHType of solventsCu,Cu2O,CuO2--1000[39]
Singh532 nm (8 ns),355 nm (5ns)ZnSDSEnergy,wavelengthZnO,ZnOOH13--28[44]
Enríquez-Sánchez1064 nmMnH2OTime of ablationMnO,Mn3O47--11[45]
Ghaem1064 nm (7 ns)CoH2OEnergyCo3O4100--200[46]
Semaltianos800 nm (90 fs)CrH2O,C2H5OH,C3H6O,C7H8Type of solventsCr3O4,Cr2O3,CrO3,Cr3C2-x5--12[47]


3.3 激光液相烧蚀法制备合金纳米粒子



图 12. 激光液相烧蚀实验的三种方案[53]

Fig. 12. Three methods for laser ablation in liquid[53]

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除Au-Ag合金纳米粒子外,研究人员还将其他贵金属以及活泼金属作为制备合金纳米粒子的靶材。Zhang等[54]将Au粉和Pt粉压制成Pt-Au合金靶材,利用激光液相烧蚀法在水中成功制备了具有面心立方结构的Pt-Au合金纳米粒子。他们发现:靶材中Pt含量的升高有利于生成小尺寸的合金纳米粒子;当溶液的pH在4~11之间且激光能量密度为4 ~150 J/cm2时,合金纳米粒子中两种元素的物质的量之比与靶材中的相同。Malviya等[55]利用激光液相烧蚀法在PVP溶液中成功制备了Ag-Cu合金纳米粒子,他们发现,增加靶材中Cu的含量会使烧蚀效率下降,而且会影响纳米粒子的形貌,最终形成小尺寸的Cu@Ag的核壳纳米粒子。Wagener等[56]将去离子水、丙酮、MMA分别作为溶液,对Fe-Au合金靶材进行了激光液相烧蚀实验,实验结果如图13所示。从图13中可以发现,在这三种溶剂中制备的合金纳米粒子都为圆球形,它们的流体动力学直径(dh)相差不大,但均比对应的费雷特直径(df)大。他们认为这是测试过程中部分团聚体被当作单个纳米粒子造成的。此外,他们还发现在丙酮和MMA溶液中制备的产物为Fe@Au核壳纳米粒子,而在水中制备的产物为Au@Fe3O4核壳纳米粒子,这表明溶剂的性质对制备的合金纳米粒子的结构具有重要影响。

图 13. 在不同溶液中制备的合金纳米粒子的粒径分布直方图以及对应的流体动力学直径、Zeta电位、费雷特直径[56]。(a)在丙酮中制备的合金纳米粒子的粒径分布直方图;(b)在MMA中制备的合金纳米粒子的粒径分布直方图; (c)在去离子水中制备的合金纳米粒子的粒径分布直方图;(d)流体动力学直径、Zeta电位和费雷特直径

Fig. 13. Histogram of particle size distribution of alloy nanoparticles prepared in different solutions and corresponding hydrodynamic diameter, Zeta potential, and Ferret diameter[56]. (a) Histogram of particle size distribution of alloy nanoparticles prepared in acetone; (b) histogram of particle size distribution of alloy nanoparticles prepared in MMA; (c) histogram of particle size distribution of alloy nanoparticles prepared in deionized water; (d) h

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图 14. 烧蚀Pb与Zn物质的量比为2∶1、1∶1、1∶2的合金靶材制备的纳米粒子的TEM图[57]。(a)(c)(e)低倍TEM图;(b)(d)(f)高倍TEM图

Fig. 14. TEM images of nanoparticles prepared by ablating alloy targets with different molar ratios of Pb to Zn[57]. (a)(c)(e) Lowly enlarged TEM; (b)(d)(f) highly enlarged TEM

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表3列举了近几年采用激光液相烧蚀法制备合金纳米粒子的情况。可以看出,合金纳米粒子的制备多以贵金属为主,这主要是由于贵金属的活泼性较差,易于制备出具有特殊性能的无配体纯合金纳米粒子。尽管有报道称制备出了含有活泼金属的合金纳米粒子,但其中仍含有许多金属氧化物粒子,这说明获得具有单一组分的活泼金属的合金纳米粒子仍是一个巨大挑战。此外,制备的合金纳米粒子的平均粒径几乎都在50 nm以下,这表明激光液相烧蚀法在制备小粒径合金纳米粒子方面具有极大的潜力。

表 3. 采用激光液相烧蚀法制备合金纳米粒子

Table 3. Preparation of alloy nanoparticles by laser ablation in liquid

The firstauthorLaserparameterTargetSolventVariableProductAveragesize /nmRef.
Menéndez-Manjón515 nm (7 ps)Au, Ag,Au-Ag alloyMMAType of targetAu, Ag,Au-Ag8--12[51]
Li248 nm (20 ns)Au+AgH2OTime ofablationAu@Ag20--35[58]
Compagnini532 nmAu+AgH2ORatio of gold tosilver, time ofablationAu@Ag2--10[52]
Wagener800 nm (120 fs),1064 nm (10 ps/8 ns)Fe-AuH2O,C3H6O,MMAType ofsolventsFe@Au,Au@Fe3O49--21[56]
Jakobi800 nm (120 fs)Pt-IrC3H6O--Pt-Ir26[59]
Jakobi800 nm (120 fs)Ni-Fe,Sm-CoC5H8OTime ofablationNi-Fe,Sm-Co6--10[60]
Patra532 nm (9 ns)Al-CuH2O--Cu-Al, CuO,Al2O3,Al(OH)394[61]


3.4 激光液相烧蚀法制备非金属纳米粒子




图 15. 在4种溶液中制备的样品的TEM图[66]

Fig. 15. TEM images of the samples prepared in four solutions[66]

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Chewchinda等[70]采用两种不同波长的脉冲激光烧蚀乙醇溶液中Si片,结果发现,532 nm激光有利于制备更多的Si纳米粒子。TEM图像显示,两种波长下制备的Si纳米粒子均为圆球形,但532 nm激光制备的粒子具有更小的粒径。Abderrafi等[71]以氯仿溶液为溶剂,用Nd∶YAG脉冲激光对其中的Si片进行烧蚀(第一步),随后将第一步制备的Si纳米粒子放入含有异丙醇、氢氟酸和正己烷的混合溶液(体积比为3∶1∶3)中,进行超声处理(第二步)。他们发现,第二步处理使Si纳米粒子的平均粒径大幅减小。他们认为,超声处理可以引发溶液中尺寸较大的多晶颗粒的分解,释放出小尺寸的Si纳米晶体,从而降低了溶液中粒子的尺寸。Hamad等[72]探究了溶剂种类对Si纳米粒子形态的影响,结果发现,在丙酮和水中的烧蚀产物分别为纯Si纳米粒子和Si/SiO2复合纳米粒子,而在二氯甲烷和氯仿中的烧蚀产物均为Si/C复合纳米粒子。此外,尽管4种溶剂中的产物均为球形纳米粒子,但在丙酮中的Si纳米粒子的平均粒径远低于其他三者。关凯珉等[73]将激光液相烧蚀法与微流控技术相结合,在硅基微流控芯片中快速制备了不同粒径的Si纳米结构,将激光液相烧蚀法的最高制备效率提高了30%以上,为其将来的工业化生产提供了新的路线。Intartaglia等[74]系统地研究了激光能量、烧蚀时间、激光波长等参数对Si纳米粒子形态的影响。如图16所示,在相同的波长和烧蚀时间下,增大激光能量可以有效提高Si靶的烧蚀效率。当其他条件相同时,1064 nm激光的烧蚀效率更高;当激光波长为355 nm时,随着烧蚀时间延长,溶液中纳米粒子的平均粒径逐渐减小。作者基于原位烧蚀/光碎裂机理对这一现象进行了解释,并对利用激光液相烧蚀法制备超小Si纳米粒子进行了参数优化。

图 16. 不同波长下Si靶烧蚀质量与激光脉冲数之间的关系图[74]。(a)1064 nm; (b)355 nm

Fig. 16. Ablated silicon mass as function of the number of laser pulses in different wavelengths[74]. (a) 1064 nm; (b) 355 nm

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表 4. 采用激光液相烧蚀法制备非金属纳米粒子

Table 4. Preparation of non-metallic nanoparticles by laser ablation in liquid

The firstauthorLaserparameterTargetSolventVariableProductAveragesize /nmRef.
Sadeghi1064 nm (7 ns)GraphiteH2O,C2H5OH,C3H6O,CTABType of solventsC, grapheneflakes--[66]
Mahdian1064 nm (7 ns)GraphiteH2OTemperatureof liquidC, grapheneflakes400--650[67]
Hameed1064 nm (7 ns)GraphiteH2OEnergyC, Grapheneflakes25--75[75]
Lasemi800 nm (30 fs)Silicon waferC2H5OH,C4H10O,C6H14Type of solvents,energySiC, SiO2, Si9--15[76]
Serrano-Ruz1064 nm (6 ns),532 nmSiH2O,C2H5OHWavelength, typeof solvents,energy, timeof ablationSi2--50[77]
Zabotnov1250 nm (160 fs)Porous/crystallinesiliconH2O,C2H5OH,N2Type oftargets/solvents,time of ablationSi16--112[78]


4 结束语







4) 将激光液相烧蚀法与水热法、电泳沉积法等材料制备方法相结合,制备性能优异的纳米复合材料。


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