中国激光, 2023, 50 (5): 0504004, 网络出版: 2023-02-23  

非偏振分光棱镜的偏振敏感度测量 下载: 504次

Polarization Sensitivity Measurement Method for Non-Polarizing Beam Splitters
孟晨 1,2高珊 1,2姚晓天 1,2崔省伟 1,2,**郝鹏 1,2,*
1 河北大学物理科学与技术学院光信息技术创新中心,河北 保定 071002
2 河北省光学感知技术创新中心,河北 保定 071002
非偏振分光棱镜(NPBS)的偏振相关性会对外差干涉仪、偏振干涉仪和激光干涉仪等干涉系统的非线性误差、偏振误差和测量精度等带来不可忽视的影响。首先对NPBS偏振敏感度的4个特征参数的测量原理进行介绍,接着基于NPBS偏振敏感度测量系统进行一系列实验并对实验结果进行分析。NPBS的s光与p光分量的透射比和反射比基于圆偏振光入射并同步测量透/反射光中s、p偏振方向的强度来实现,以抑制光源抖动及光电探测器响应不一致性对测量结果的影响。在相位偏振敏感度测量方面,基于偏振测量系统对透/反射光的斯托克斯分量S2S3进行测量,获得NPBS的s光与p光的透/反射相位差。3个NPBS样品的重复性测试实验结果表明:上述非偏振分光棱镜的偏振敏感度测量方法对NPBS透射比和反射比的测量精度(最大偏差与测量平均值之比)为-0.08%~+0.08%,重复性优于0.1%,对NPBS透射相位差和反射相位差的测量精度为-0.84%~+0.84%,测量重复性优于1%。对NPBS样品在不同入射波长和入射角度下的偏振敏感度进行了测量,结果显示:在1540~1560 nm范围内,被测NPBS样品的透/反射比变化小于0.02,s光与p光的透/反射相位差随着波长增加而减小;随着入射角度从-5°增大到+5°,s光与p光之间的透/反射相位差减小。NPBS反射相位差的变化大于透射相位差的变化,对波长和入射角度的变化更敏感。

A non-polarizing beam splitter (NPBS) is commonly used in interferometer systems. Ideally, the NPBS can ensure consistency between the polarization state of the outgoing light and that of the incident light. However, because of defects in the actual process, the birefringence effect of NPBS has a non-negligible impact on the nonlinear error, polarization error, and measurement accuracy of the interference system. Therefore, it is necessary to measure the polarization sensitivity of an NPBS to compensate for the birefringence error. At present, the general system structure used to measure polarization sensitivity is relatively complex, and some methods require a combination of spectrometers or modulators and additional circuitry for measurement, which is cumbersome with respect to data processing and inconvenient to operate. In this paper, we propose a different method to measure the polarization sensitivity of NPBS, which has the advantages of fast measurement speed, simple system structure, efficient data processing, high repeatability, and can eliminate the influence of light source jitter, optical path system error, and PD responsivity inconsistency. This method is significant for evaluating the NPBS error to provide high-quality NPBSs for use in interferometer systems.


NPBS polarization sensitivity measurements include transmittance/reflectance measurement and transmission/reflection phase difference measurement. First, the measurement principles of the four characteristic parameters affecting the polarization sensitivity of NPBS are introduced. Regarding transmittance/reflectance measurements, circularly polarized light is incident to the NPBS, and the intensities of the s- and p-polarization directions in the transmitted/reflected light are measured synchronously. The voltage values corresponding to the light intensity of s light and p light are obtained by photodetector. The measurement results are then normalized to suppress the influence of light source jitter, optical path system error, and PD response inconsistency on the measurement results. Regarding the phase polarization sensitivity measurement, we use a polarization measurement system (PSGA) to measure the S2 and S3 Stokes components of the transmitted/reflected light. Using the Stokes parameter method to calculate the phase difference can eliminate the effect of light intensity jitter. The relative values of the transmission/reflection phase difference of the s light and p light of the NPBS are then obtained by the difference method to eliminate the influence of the optical path system error.

Results and Discussions

The accuracy of the proposed NPBS polarization sensitivity measurement method was verified experimentally. In terms of the verification of the transmittance/reflectance polarization sensitivity measurement system, the blank transmittance in air without NPBS was measured, and the transmittance after normalization correction was 1.0001, indicating that the transmittance/reflectance polarization sensitivity measurement of the system has good accuracy (error of 0.01%). This is an improvement compared to the result before normalization correction (3.32%) and clearly demonstrates the error correction effect obtained by normalization correction (Fig. 4). To verify the transmission/reflection phase difference polarization sensitivity measurement system, the measurement system was used to measure the phase retardation of the quarter-wave plate, and the measurement result deviated by 0.09° from the theoretical value of 90°, indicating the high measurement accuracy of the measurement system (Fig. 4). The polarization sensitivities of three customized NPBS samples were measured ten times repeatedly using the proposed measurement method. The measurement accuracy of the NPBS transmittance/reflectance is -0.08%-+0.08%, and the repeatability is better than 0.1%. The measurement accuracy of the NPBS transmission/reflection phase difference is -0.84%-+0.84%, and the repeatability is better than 1% (Fig. 5). These results demonstrate that the proposed measurement method has the advantages of good measurement stability and high measurement accuracy. Furthermore, the polarization sensitivities of the NPBS samples were measured at different incident wavelengths and incident angles. Within the range of 1540 nm-1560 nm, the change in the transmittance/reflectance was less than 0.02, and the transmission/reflection phase difference between s light and p light decreased with increasing wavelength (Fig. 6). When the incident yaw angle changes from -5° to +5°, the phase difference between s light and p light decreases (Fig. 7). The change in the NPBS reflection phase difference is larger than that in the NPBS transmission phase difference, indicating that the former is more sensitive to wavelength and angle changes.


In this paper, a method for measuring the polarization sensitivity of NPBS is proposed. The transmittance and reflectance are measured by simultaneously measuring the intensities of the transmitted/reflected circularly polarized light in the s- and p-polarization directions. The light source jitter, optical path system error, and error caused by inconsistencies in the detector response are eliminated through normalization correction. By using a polarization measurement system to measure the S2 and S3 Stokes components of the transmitted/reflected light, the s light and p light transmission/reflection phase difference of the NPBS can be obtained. Based on the above method, the measurement accuracy for transmittance and reflectance is -0.08%-+0.08% and the repeatability is better than 0.1%. The measurement accuracy of the transmission phase difference and reflection phase difference is -0.84%-+0.84%, and the repeatability is better than 1%. The proposed NPBS polarization sensitivity characteristic measurement method has the advantages of simple system structure, efficient data processing, high repeatability, and can eliminate the influence of light source jitter, optical path system error, and PD responsivity inconsistency. The method is significant for analyzing and compensating for the errors caused by an NPBS to obtain high-quality interferometer systems.

1 引言




2 测量原理


ηT=ηTsηTp=ITs/IIsITp/IIp, ηR=ηRsηRp=IRs/IIsIRp/IIp,τT=ΔφT-ΔφI, τR=ΔφR-ΔφI,


图 1. NPBS结构原理图

Fig. 1. Schematic of NPBS structure

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ΔφI=arctan SI3SI2ΔφT=arctan ST3ST2,

ΔφR=arctan SR3SR2,


τT=ΔφT-ΔφI, τR=ΔφR-ΔφI


3 测量方案及实验结果

NPBS的透射比和反射比测试系统如图2(a)所示。实验中使用的光源是Yenista Optics公司生产的高功率可调谐激光器,型号为T100S-HP/CL。该激光器的波长调节范围为1500~1630 nm,输出功率稳定性为±0.01 dB/h。起偏器(LPNIR050-MP2)、1/4波片(ZERO-ORDER)和偏振分束器(PBS054)均为Thorlabs公司生产。激光器发出的光经光纤准直器出射到起偏器后成为线偏振光,接着通过1/4波片,当波片快轴与起偏器透射轴夹角为45°时可得到一束圆偏振光。实验中通过转动1/4波片并观察两个PD探测输出的电压值是否相等来调整透射轴与快轴成45°。形成的圆偏振光入射到NPBS,经NPBS透射或反射后再经过PBS分成两个正交偏振分量,两个正交偏振分量分别进入两个光电探测器(PDp和PDs,型号均为PDA20CS2),两个光电探测器将接收的光强转换为电压值,电压值被采集卡(DAQ,USB-1608GX)采集。

图 2. NPBS偏振敏感度测量系统。(a)NPBS透/反射比偏振敏感度测量系统;(b)NPBS透/反射相位差偏振敏感度测量系统

Fig. 2. NPBS polarization sensitivity measurement system. (a) NPBS transmittance/reflectance polarization sensitivity measurement system; (b) NPBS transmission/reflection phase difference polarization sensitivity measurement system

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IIs=σQsσBsI0s,IIp=σQpσBpI0p             ITs=σQsσBsI0sηTs,ITp=σQpσBpI0pηTpIRs=σQsσBsI0sηRs,IRp=σQsσBsI0pηRp 




式中:α=σQsσBsKsKs表示s光对应的光电探测器(PDs)采集的电压随光强变化的响应度;β=σQpσBpKpKp表示p光对应的光电探测器(PDp)采集的电压值随光强变化的响应度;b1b2分别表示在s方向和p方向由起偏器和PBS的消光比、光电探测器暗电流以及电压信号处理电路引入的偏置量。由式(7)~(9)可以看出,由于上述误差的存在,在未放入NPBS时,两个光电探测器的输出电压不相等(V0sV0p)。因此,在对样品进行测量之前需要对两个光电探测器测量得到的电压值进行归一化处理(归一化校正拟合曲线如图3所示)。归一化处理的具体实验步骤如下:光路中未加入NPBS时,测量光经过1/4波片后直接被PBS分成两束正交光,这两束正交光分别通过PDp和PDs进行光电转换,得到p光和s光的探测电压输出值。将激光器的光功率在10~0.5 mW范围内以0.5 mw的功率递减,每隔60 s改变一次光功率值,并在光电探测器采集的电压稳定后采集30 s的数据,取平均值,得到在该功率下两个光电探测器对应的电压值。分别对曲线进行线性拟合,结合式(7)~(9)得到两光电探测器归一化校正后的V0p'的表达式为

V0p'=αβV0p-b2-b1α-ββ+b2+   b2-b1α-ββ+b2

式中:α=0.53994;β=0.55789;b1=0.08439;b2= 0.08568。此时PDs测得的电压值V0s与校正后的PDp测得的电压值V0p'相等,实现了光路中起偏器透射轴和1/4波片快轴的对轴误差、1/4波片的相位延迟误差以及PBS的p光和s光透/反射率不同、光电探测器响应不一致性等误差的归一化处理,抑制了上述误差对测量结果的影响。校正后,NPBS的p光和s光的透/反射比的测量误差将主要来源于系统p光和s光的归一化校正误差。随后,放入NPBS,并用红光笔确保光从NPBS入射面中心入射,待两个光电探测器探测的电压值稳定后进行透射或反射光强的测量。最后,将透/反射后测得的p光的电压值VTpVRp代入归一化校正公式得到VTp'VRp',再结合透/反射比的计算公式,得到NPBS的p光和s光的透/反射比为


NPBS的透射相位差和反射相位差测试系统如图2(b)所示。实验使用的是General Photonics公司生产的PSGA-101-A偏振测量系统,其对斯托克斯参量的测量精度为-0.5%~+0.5%。使用的起偏器与透/反射比测量实验中使用的起偏器相同。激光器发出的光经光纤准直器出射后入射到起偏器(起偏器的透射轴与X方向成45°夹角,以获得45°线偏振光),再经过NPBS入射到偏振测量系统的偏振态分析器(PSA)入射端口。测量时,将PSA接口的光纤连接器(FC)接头取下,就可以使PSA入射端口获得的光强最大,从而可以进行空间光偏振特性的测量。偏振测量系统可以直接测量得到接收光的斯托克斯参量,再根据式(4)就可以获得入射、透射和反射时的相位差信息。在测量时,先不放入NPBS,转动起偏器使其透射轴与X方向成45°夹角[可通过观察偏振测量系统(PSGA)的S2参数是否为1来确定起偏器的透射轴是否与X方向成45°角],获得45°线偏振光,并记录此时的S2S3值,再根据式(4)进行计算便可以得到NPBS入射的s光、p光分量的相位差ΔφI。接着在起偏器和偏振测量系统之间放入NPBS,用红光笔确保光从NPBS入射面中心入射,记录此时偏振测量系统测得的S2S3参量,再由式(4)计算得到s光、p光分量通过NPBS透/反射后产生的相位差ΔφTΔφR。最后将ΔφIΔφTΔφR代入式(5),即可得到透射相位差τT和反射相位差τR

图 3. 实验测量系统中PDs和PDp的归一化校正拟合曲线图

Fig. 3. PDs and PDp normalized calibration fitting curves in experimental measurement system

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图 4. NPBS偏振敏感度测量系统准确度验证实验。(a)NPBS透/反射比偏振敏感度测量系统准确度验证实验测试结果;(b)NPBS透/反射相位差偏振敏感度测量系统准确度验证实验测试结果

Fig. 4. Accuracy verification experiment of NPBS polarization sensitivity measurement system. (a) Test results of NPBS transmittance/reflectance polarization sensitivity measurement system accuracy verification experiment; (b) test results of NPBS transmission/reflection phase difference polarization sensitivity measurement system accuracy verification experiment

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接着进行透/反射相位差偏振敏感度测量准确度的实验验证。光路中不放入NPBS,对空气空白进行测量,并使用该系统对Thorlabs公司的1/4波片(WPQ05ME-1550 nm)进行测量,测量结果如图4(b)所示。图4(b)中的虚线表示未放入波片时空气空白的相位延迟,10次测量结果为0.016°±0.006°,与理想值0°的偏差为0.016°。该偏差由测量系统中起偏器的偏振度和PSGA的测量误差引起,即ΔφI=0.016°。加入1/4波片后,对波片进行旋转,并观察PSGA中的S3参数。当S3=1时,进行斯托克斯参量测量,然后将测得的斯托克斯参量代入式(4)式(5),计算得到1/4波片相位延迟的相对值。重复上述操作10次的测量结果如图4(b)中的实线所示,10次测量结果为89.91°±0.018°,与理论值90°的偏差为0.09°。这一偏差来源于被测器件1/4波片的加工误差。由此可见,上述测量实验系统能够对被测样品进行准确测量。


图 5. 3个NPBS样品透/反射比、透/反射相位差的10次重复测量结果。(a)透/反射比的10次重复测量结果;(b)透/反射相位差的10次重复测量结果

Fig. 5. Ten repeatable measurements of transmittance/reflectance and transmission/reflection phase difference of three NPBS samples. (a) Ten repeatable measurements of transmittance/reflectance; (b) ten repeatable measurements of transmission/reflection phase difference

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此外,本课题组对NPBS在不同入射波长(1540~1560 nm)下的偏振敏感度进行了测试,以研究NPBS在不同波长下透/反射比和透/反射相位差的变化。实验过程中,每改变一次波长就对测试系统进行一次归一化校正,以消除波长变化对测量系统的影响。实验结果如图6所示。由图6(a)可以看出:随着波长变化,透射比和反射比上下波动;在1540~1560 nm范围内,NPBS的透射比和反射比的变化都小于0.02。由图6(b)可以看出:在1540~1560 nm范围内,NPBS的s光与p光的透射相位差随着波长的增加而减小,从2.62°减小到了1.32°,透射相位差变化了1.30°;NPBS的s光与p光的反射相位差同样随着波长的增加而减小,反射相位变化了2.06°。反射相位差的变化大于透射相位差的变化,说明反射相位差对波长更为敏感。

图 6. 不同入射波长下NPBS样品偏振敏感度测量实验结果。(a)NPBS透/反射比随入射波长的变化;(b)NPBS透/反射相位差随入射波长的变化

Fig. 6. Experimental results of polarization sensitivity measurement of NPBS samples at different incident wavelengths. (a) Variation of NPBS transmittance/reflectance with incident wavelength; (b) variation of NPBS transmission/reflection phase difference with incident wavelength

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图 7. 不同入射角度下NPBS样品偏振敏感度测量实验结果。(a)NPBS透/反射比随入射角度的变化;(b)NPBS透/反射相位差随入射角度的变化

Fig. 7. Experimental results of polarization sensitivity measurement of NPBS samples at different incident angles. (a) Variation of NPBS transmittance/reflectance with incident angle; (b) variation of NPBS transmission/reflection phase difference with incident angle

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4 结论




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