红外, 2023, 44 (9): 0038, 网络出版: 2024-01-16  


Application of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in The Detection of Oil-Tea Camellia Seed Meal
1 江西省检验检测认证总院工业产品检验检测院,江西 南昌330052
2 南昌海关技术中心,江西 南昌330008
3 江西农业大学食品科学与工程学院,江西 南昌330045
The near infrared spectroscopy technology in the application of oil-tea camellia seed meal is taken as the research object. The modeling process of NIR spectroscopy in the detection of camellia seed meal is elaborated on the basis of a brief introduction of the principle, characteristics and analysis process of NIR spectroscopy, which provides theoretical basis and guidance for the subsequent workers to better establish the NIR analysis model of camellia seed meal. At the same time, by analyzing the development of this technology in the detection index, standard formulation and model transfer technology, three research directions of this technology (the establishment of new projects in the detection of camellia seed meal, the formulation of universally applicable standards, as well as the resolution of inter-table differences and the completion of model transfer) in the detection of camellia seed meal are summarized. Oil-tea seed meal is widely used in animal feed, special medical food, health food and other industries, so it is an inevitable trend to develop and popularize the application of near infrared spectroscopy technology in oil-tea seed meal detection.

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