中国激光, 2024, 51 (5): 0513001, 网络出版: 2024-02-19   


Diffractive Stray Light of Periodic Texture of Micro‑cylindrical Lens
1 长春理工大学光电工程学院,吉林 长春 130022
2 长江师范学院微纳光电器件与智能感知系统重点实验室,重庆 408100
3 中国科学院重庆绿色智能技术研究院微纳制造与系统集成研究中心,重庆 400714
4 珠海迈时光电科技有限公司,广东 珠海 519060

In the field of optics, micro-cylindrical lenses and cylindrical lens arrays are commonly used optical devices usually processed by traditional mechanical grinding, ultraprecision turning, and die forming. In the process of diamond lathe machining, the tool machining step often has a constant period, resulting in the formation of a periodic texture structure corresponding to the knife pattern on the lens surface. This structure causes an obvious diffraction phenomenon under strong laser irradiation and produces stray light that interferes with the optical path in the optical system, seriously affecting the function of the optical system. However, there are few reports on this phenomenon at present, resulting in a lack of theoretical guidance for solving this problem.


To analyze the influence of stray light on the surface of a 100-μm-diameter micro-cylindrical lens caused by lathe machining, a model of the periodic texture structure is constructed, and the influence of the surface periodic texture structure on diffractive stray light is analyzed. The theoretical diffraction model of the structure is established by using Fourier optical theory, and the intensity distribution rules of the diffracted light field at different depths are calculated. The theoretical rules obtained are basically consistent with the physical optics simulation and experimental test results of the commercial optical software VirtualLab, and the theoretical model is verified theoretically and experimentally.

Results and Discussions

Based on the model of the periodic texture structure, the light spots of the ideal lens are compared with those of the lens with the periodic texture structure. As shown in Fig.5, compared with those of the ideal lens, the light spots of the lens with the periodic texture structure produce obvious diffractive stray light along the fast axis direction. In view of this phenomenon, the beam intensity distributions are calculated and simulated at different depths of the periodic texture structure on the surface of the micro-cylindrical lens, as shown in Fig.6. It can be seen that, the deeper the periodic structure, the stronger the diffractive stray light generated. When the surface texture depth of the cylindrical lens is greater than 16.2 nm, the diffracted stray light is more significant, which has a significant impact on the optical performance of the device. This is basically consistent with the experimental result. Finally, according to the research results, a method is proposed to control the depth of the periodic structure and destroy the periodic characteristics of the surface to weaken the diffractive stray light.


In this study, the relationship between the periodic texture of the micro-cylindrical lens and the diffracted stray light of the beam is studied, an analysis model of the periodic texture structure of the micro-cylindrical lens is established, and theoretical calculation and simulation analysis methods for analyzing the relationship between the periodic structure and the intensity of the diffracted stray light are given. This research provides a theoretical analysis method for solving the problem of diffractive stray light caused by periodic knife grain in the machining process of micro-cylindrical lens.

1 引言




2 现象

为了研究表面周期性纹理对光束质量的影响,以半导体激光快轴准直微柱透镜为例,搭建了图1所示的光路对这一透镜进行光学性能的测试。半导体激光芯片发出的发散激光首先经过快轴准直柱透镜,实现快轴准直后再经过慢轴准直镜进行慢轴准直9,得到的高功率密度准直激光经过衰减片后由探测器捕获光斑,由此获得其空间光场的分布结果。在该实验中,所采用的半导体激光芯片波长为915 nm,快轴发散全角为31°,慢轴发散全角12°。快轴准直微柱透镜截面长度为2.0 mm,宽度为0.5 mm,柱透镜材料及面形参数如表1所示。

图 1. 柱透镜光学性能测试示意图

Fig. 1. Schematic for testing optical performance of cylindrical lens

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表 1. 快轴准直微柱透镜设计参数

Table 1. Design parameters of fast axis collimating micro-cylindrical lens

Radius of curvature /mmConic4th order term6th order term8th order term10th order term12th order term



图 2. 微柱透镜调试光斑和对应的截面轮廓特征图。(a)测试得到的光斑图;(b)快轴微柱透镜表面轮廓及局部误差测试结果

Fig. 2. Debugging spot of micro-cylindrical lens and corresponding cross-section profile feature. (a) Spot pattern obtained by measurement; (b) surface profile and local error test result of fast axis micro-cylindrical lens

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图2(a)中光斑快轴方向的能量分布情况由快轴准直微柱透镜决定。因此,以快轴准直微柱透镜为主要分析对象,进一步采用三维轮廓仪对快轴微柱透镜的表面进行了面形测试,测试结果如图2(b)所示。该结果表明,其整体面形与表1参数一致,因此在光斑分布中,中央准直区对应的准直结果较好。然而,在去除理想面形后,获得的面形误差的局部放大图表明,该误差面形存在较规律的起伏振荡。通过进一步分析可知,这种振荡表现出周期性的纹理特征,其纹理的间隔为1 μm,这与加工该微柱透镜时所设置的刀具步进距离一致。因此,可判定该纹理是微柱透镜加工时遗留的刀纹。通过统计,可获得整个截面内所有这种纹理结构的峰谷均值,如图2H所示,其表征这种周期纹理结构的显著程度。由于这种结构存在周期性特征,在激光二极管(LD)的照射下,其衍射效应将产生图2(a)所示的与主光斑偏离的杂散光。

3 结构与模型


图 3. 周期纹理结构的构成图

Fig. 3. Composition diagrams of periodic texture structure

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4 讨论分析

由上述模型可知,实际加工柱透镜的面形由理想面和周期纹理结构叠加而成。为了对上述结构及其产生的衍射杂散光理论模型进行验证,首先利用软件建立图3所示的快轴准直微柱透镜的三维结构,对于所建立的快轴准直微柱透镜结构,其理论面形的材料参数保持不变,周期纹理结构的曲率半径、厚度、通光口径等参数确定,表征周期纹理显著程度的纹理深度H为变量。在VirtualLab软件中,构建与图1一致的光路进行物理光学仿真,得到不同周期纹理深度下的仿真光分布,如图4(a)、(b)所示,其分别对应H=0 nm和H=26.8 nm。

图 4. 仿真光斑和快轴方向的光强分布图。(a)H=0 nm时的光斑;(b)H=26.8 nm时的光斑;(c)光强截面分布图

Fig. 4. Simulated spots and intensity distribution along fast axis direction. (a) Spot when H=0 nm; (b) spot when H=26.8 nm; (c) cross-sectional distribution of light intensity

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通过对该光分布中主光斑的分析可知,柱透镜表面周期纹理特征并不会影响光束准直性,不同深度H下主光斑的快轴发散角和直径基本一致,发散角约为0.4°,直径为0.48 mm。然而,与图4(a)所示的光斑相比,可以看到,在图4(b)所示的光斑中,其竖直方向(快轴方向)会出现一个独立于主光斑的衍射弥散斑,这表明柱透镜表面的周期纹理结构产生了恶化其准直性能的衍射杂散光。


为了进一步验证所建立的理论模型的准确性,选取6组实际加工得到的微柱透镜,H分别为13.1、15.3、16.2、18.2、22.8、26.8 nm,采用图1所示光路对所加工的微柱透镜进行光学测试,得到的强度分布如图5所示。可以看到,H越大,产生的衍射杂散光越强。当柱透镜表面H大于16.2 nm时,衍射杂散光较为显著,将对器件的光学性能产生不可忽略的影响。

图 5. 实验测得的光斑图。(a)H=13.1 nm;(b)H=15.3 nm;(c)H=16.2 nm;(d)H=18.2 nm;(e)H=22.8 nm;(f)H=26.8 nm

Fig. 5. Spot patterns obtained by experiment. (a) H=13.1 nm; (b) H=15.3 nm; (c) H=16.2 nm; (d) H=18.2 nm; (e) H=22.8 nm; (f) H=26.8 nm

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针对上述6组器件,采用所建立的理论分析模型以及商业软件进行计算,获得6组H不同的柱透镜的衍射峰值强度,如图6所示,其中方块虚线数据表示软件仿真结果,圆形实线数据对应理论模型的计算结果。该结果表明,随着H的不断增大,产生的归一化杂散光的峰值强度不断增大,衍射杂散光强度随H的增加呈近似线性变化,且模型计算结果与软件仿真结果基本吻合,同时该变化趋势与图5所示的变化趋势基本一致,验证了所建立的微柱透镜表面周期纹理结构模型和衍射杂散光分析模型的准确性。基于以上模型的分析,可以得到衍射杂散光与周期纹理结构的关系,当H控制在16.2 nm以内时,衍射杂散光能得到有效控制,由此得出了微柱透镜表面周期纹理结构深度的控制要求,为微柱透镜的加工提供了理论依据。

图 6. 杂散光峰值强度随H变化的规律

Fig. 6. Peak intensity of stray light versus H

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此外,通过上述模型的分析和实验可知,透镜表面周期纹理结构能够产生固定级次和角度的衍射现象。因此可尝试破坏其表面周期特征,以达到削弱杂散光的目的。在H同为26.8 nm的情况下,根据理论模型,在理想微柱透镜面形上构建了图7(b)所示的非周期结构刀纹,图7(a)为对应的周期结构刀纹细节图。两种不同纹理结构的柱透镜经理论仿真后,获得的光斑的强度截面分布如图7(c)所示,其中实线代表周期纹理结构的结果,点划线代表非周期纹理结构的结果。该结果显示,非周期纹理结构的衍射杂散光强度峰值仅为相同H下周期纹理结构的1/3,这说明在加工过程中对刀纹间距进行非周期化处理,可显著改善其产生的衍射杂散光强度。

图 7. 微柱透镜截面误差和对应的快轴方向的光强分布。(a)周期结构刀纹细节图;(b)非周期结构刀纹细节图;(c)微柱透镜的光强截面分布图

Fig. 7. Cross-sectional error of micro-cylindrical lens and corresponding light intensity distribution along fast axis direction. (a) Detail view of knife pattern with periodic structure; (b) detail view of knife pattern with aperiodic structure; (c) cross-sectional distribution of light intensity of micro-cylindrical lens

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5 结论



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