光学学报, 2023, 43 (1): 0111001, 网络出版: 2023-01-06   

校正光通量变化的定量光声内窥成像 下载: 711次

Quantitative Photoacoustic Endoscopic Imaging for Correcting Light Fluence Variation
1 华北电力大学电子与通信工程系,河北 保定 071003
2 华北电力大学河北省电力物联网技术重点实验室,河北 保定 071003

Photoacoustic imaging (PAI) is an emerging imaging modality that provides structural and functional information on biological tissue, with the advantages of high contrast of optical imaging and high penetration depth of ultrasound imaging. Photoacoustic endoscopic imaging is an endoscopic application of PAI, which combines non-invasive PAI with endoscopic detection technology. This imaging modality is physically based on the photoacoustic effect of biological tissue illuminated by short laser pulses. The absorbed optical energy density is proportional to the product of the optical absorption coefficient and the local light fluence. Therefore, light fluence is related not only to the optical properties of the tissue but also to the distribution of irradiation intensity. The optical properties of the tissue cannot be accurately reflected in the distribution image of absorption energy density. By solving the optical inverse problem, the optical property parameters can be estimated quantitatively to realize quantitative imaging. Due to the complex optical properties of tissue and non-uniform and non-stationary illumination, photoacoustic image reconstruction is subject to non-uniform light fluence, which leads to a reduction in image quality and imaging depth. The purpose of this work is to solve the problem of reduced accuracy of quantitative imaging due to light fluence variation.


A quantitative image reconstruction method for photoacoustic endoscopic imaging is presented to correct light fluence variation. It employs a two-step scheme. Firstly, the distribution of absorbed optical energy density on the cross-section of the tubular object is recovered from the photoacoustic signal measured by the ultrasonic detector with conventional image reconstruction methods such as back projection and time reversion. Secondly, the sparse representation of the distribution of absorbed optical energy density is constructed by the weighted sum of a finite number of discrete Curvelet and Haar joint basis functions. The sparse representations of the absorption coefficient and light fluence are then obtained by the greedy algorithm. In addition, the absorption coefficient and light fluence distributions are reconstructed simultaneously by sparse matrix decomposition.

Results and Discussions

The method has been verified by simulation and phantom studies. The comparisons with the one-step method, model-based method, and state-of-the-art fluence compensation method demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method in recovering optical coefficient distribution with high accuracy. The simulations show that the one-step method has a large error when estimating the absorption coefficient, and the reconstructed image cannot distinguish different tissue types clearly. In the images reconstructed by the Bregman method, significant overlap between different tissue regions can be observed. The images reconstructed by the perturbation Monte Carlo method show the low contrast of tissue boundaries in the low-fluence region. The proposed method is superior to other methods in recovering the absorption coefficient closest to the ground truth. In the phantom study, due to similar optical properties of the two materials used to fabricate the phantom, the overall contrast of the image representing the distribution of absorbed optical energy density is low, and it is difficult to distinguish the contours of the embedded targets. In contrast, images showing the distribution of absorption coefficients can clearly distinguish the contours of the targets. In addition, compared with other methods, the proposed method can achieve the highest accuracy in absorption efficient estimation. Simulation and experimental results on the phantom reveal that the root mean square error (RMSE) of the absorption coefficient estimated with this method can be reduced by about 48%, and the normalized mean square absolute distance (NMSAD) and structural similarity (SSIM) of the reconstructed images can be reduced by about 25% and increased by about 24%, respectively, compared with the one-step method and model-based method. The comparisons with the state-of-the-art fluence compensation method show significant improvements in RMSE, NMSAD, and SSIM metrics by about 22%, 20%, and 10%, respectively.


This work presents a joint reconstruction method of the absorption coefficient and light fluence distribution based on sparse decomposition to construct the distribution of absorbed optical energy density. The method shows advantages over the one-step method based on exact solutions, the model-based method, and the state-of-the-art fluence compensation method in recovering absorption coefficient distribution with high accuracy. Furthermore, the quantitative reconstruction accuracy of the proposed method is not sensitive to the recovery of the absorbed optical energy density and the similarity measurement of sparse decomposition. It should be noted that the optimization algorithm for sparse reconstruction influences the reconstruction accuracy, among which the accuracy of multi-candidate orthogonal matching pursuit (MOMP) and Dice orthogonal matching pursuit (DOMP) is higher than that of matching pursuit (MP) and basis pursuit (BP). Future work should involve the following two aspects. One is to verify the feasibility of this method in clinical transplantation through in vivo experiments. The reconstruction accuracy should be further improved with comprehensive consideration of non-ideal factors in practical application scenarios, such as limited-view sparse-sampling measurement, acoustic reflection and scattering, motion artifacts caused by cardiac motion in intracoronary photoacoustic imaging, and characteristics of ultrasonic detectors. The other is to attempt to apply deep learning to eliminate the influence of light fluence variation on PAI quality.

1 引言

光声成像(PAI)是一种基于光声效应的新型复合功能成像方法1。该方法的原理是用短脉冲(ns量级)激光照射组织,组织吸收部分光能量后受热膨胀,激发出宽带(MHz量级)超声波并向组织表面传播,超声换能器接收声压信号后送入计算机,通过求解声学逆问题重建出初始声压分布图或光吸收能量分布图,从而显示出目标的形态结构。其中,常用的方法有反投影2、时间反演(TR)3、傅里叶变换法(FTR)4和反卷积法(DR)5等。由于光吸收能量与光吸收系数和局部光通量的乘积成正比,其中光通量不仅与组织的光学特性有关,还与光强分布有关,因此光吸收能量分布图无法准确反映组织的光学特性。通过求解光学逆问题定量估算组织的光学特性参数(如光吸收系数和散射系数)6、热膨胀系数(Grüneisen 系数)和功能特性参数(如发色团质量分数和血氧饱和度)等,可实现定量成像,获得组织的功能成分信息7




2 原理与方法


图 1. 联合重建光吸收系数和光通量分布图的流程

Fig. 1. Process for simultaneously reconstructing optical absorption coefficient and optical fluence distribution

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图 2. 成像平面极坐标系

Fig. 2. Polar coordinate system of imaging plane

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Y=minαkαk0,s.t. Xk-Ckαk2<εk


图 3. 矩阵分解示意图

Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of matrix decomposition

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式中: xiyi分别为向量x和向量y中的元素;P为向量中的元素个数。更新稀疏矩阵为










lg μa,k=Cϕn,kαϕn,klg Φk=Cψm,kαψm,k


3 结果及分析

由于进行生物组织在体实验测量时,无法获知组织光学特性参数的真实值,因此本文分别采用计算机仿真模型和体模成像数据验证所提方法的可行性并评估其性能。实验中的编程环境是MATLAB R2018a,所用计算机的CPU型号为Intel® CoreTM i7-5500,其主频为2.40 GHz、内存为4 GB,所用计算机的操作系统为Windows 10 64位操作系统。

3.1 仿真实验结果

分别构建了简单点阵仿真模型和包含不同组织成分的冠状动脉血管仿真模型,如图4(a)所示,点阵模型包含25个半径为0.03 mm的点目标,按照内层、中层和外层的顺序排列,光吸收系数分别设定为1.0 cm-1、0.6 cm-1和0.4 cm-1。如图4(b)所示,参照人体冠脉组织切片图建立包含健康管壁组织和不同成分粥样硬化斑块的冠脉血管计算机仿真模型,并参考人体动脉组织学设定各组织成分的光学和声学特性参数35-37。前向仿真中采用MC方法模拟光子在组织中的传输,入射光波长设定为800 nm,光子总数为106,采用MATLAB k-wave工具箱仿真光声信号38。图像平面的Δl设置为9.8×10-2 mm,L设置为180。

图 4. 仿真点阵模型和仿真血管模型的几何结构。(a)仿真点阵模型;(b)仿真血管模型

Fig. 4. Geometry of simulated grid model and simulated vascular model. (a) Simulated grid model; (b) simulated vascular model

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图 5. 仿真模型的图像结果。(a)点阵模型;(b)血管模型

Fig. 5. Image results of simulation models. (a) Grid model; (b) vascular model

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式中:WH分别为图像的宽度和高度(单位为pixel);μ^a(x,y)μa(x,y)分别为图像平面中像素(x y)处光吸收系数的估计值和真实值。SSIM和NMSAD是定量评价重建图像与标准图像之间相似度的指标39,分别定义为


式中:GR分别为标准图像和重建图像;μGμR分别为图像G和图像R的平均亮度;σGσR分别为图像G和图像R的亮度标准差;σGR为图像G和图像R的亮度协方差;c1c2为极小正数,用于增加计算的稳定性;Gx y)和Rx y)分别为图像G和图像R中像素(x y)处的亮度值。由图6可知,与一步法和基于模型的方法相比,所提方法估算光吸收系数的RMSE可降低约48%,重建图像的NMSAD可降低约25%,SSIM可提高约24%。

图 6. 仿真模型的光吸收系数估算精度和重建图像定量评价指标。(a) RMSE;(b) NMSAD;(c) SSIM

Fig. 6. Quantitative evaluation metrics for estimation accuracy of optical absorption coefficient and reconstructed images of simulation models. (a) RMSE; (b) NMSAD; (c) SSIM

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3.2 体模实验结果

采用3D打印技术制作实体模型(简称体模),如图7所示,体模总长为85 mm,横截面直径为18 mm,内含三个嵌入物以模拟不同组织成分。嵌入物1贯穿整个体模且位于横截面中心,其长、宽、高分别为13、6、85 mm。嵌入物2和3分别位于嵌入物1的下方和上方,且形状和尺寸相同(长、宽、高分别为3.5、3.5、50.0 mm)。体模材料是软度为30的白色硅胶,嵌入物的材料是白色树脂,两种材料的光吸收系数分别为0.3 cm-1和0.2 cm-1

图 7. 体模几何结构示意图和实物照片

Fig. 7. Schematic diagram and photo of geometric structure of actual model

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利用MSOT inVision 256多光谱光声断层扫描成像系统(iThera Medical GmbH)采集体模的光声数据。该系统由Nd∶YAG近红外激光器泵浦的可调谐光学参量振荡器组成,入射光波长是680~900 nm,重复频率是10 Hz,激光脉冲持续时间是7 ns,最大脉冲能量是120 mJ,激光切换速度是100 ms。采用270°弧形阵列式超声探测装置,共包含256个换能器阵元,探测器中心频率是5 MHz,带宽为60%。图7中体模的截面1和截面2到探测器的距离分别是13 mm和49 mm。图8展示了入射光波长为680 nm时成像系统输出的两个截面的光吸收能量分布图像、重建的光流图,以及采用所提方法、一步法、PMC法和Bregman法重建的光吸收系数分布图。可以发现:由于两种材料的光吸收系数差别不大,故光吸收能量分布图的整体对比度较低,较难区分目标轮廓;在光吸收系数分布图中,可分辨出三个嵌入物的轮廓,且与其他方法相比,所提方法重建的光吸收系数分布图中嵌入物的轮廓最清晰,图像质量与对比度均得到了明显提高。图9中的定量评价结果进一步验证了所提方法的重建精度,与一步法和基于模型的方法相比,所提方法估算光吸收系数的RMSE可降低约33%、重建图像的NMSAD可降低约20%、SSIM可提高约19%。

图 8. 体模成像结果

Fig. 8. Image results of actual model

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图 9. 体模光吸收系数估算精度和重建图像定量评价指标。(a) RMSE;(b) NMSAD;(c) SSIM

Fig. 9. Quantitative evaluation metrics for estimation accuracy of optical absorption coefficient and reconstructed images of actual model. (a) RMSE; (b) NMSAD; (c) SSIM

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4 讨论


4.1 影响重建精度的主要因素

4.1.1 相似度测量方法


图 10. 采用不同相似度测量法、优化算法和AOED重建方法时重建的光吸收系数分布图。(a)不同相似度测量法得到的结果;(b)不同优化算法得到的结果;(c)不同AOED重建方法得到的结果

Fig. 10. Optical absorption coefficient diagrams reconstructed by different similarity measurement methods, optimization algorithms and AOED recovery methods. (a) Results obtained by different similarity measurement methods; (b) results obtained by different optimization algorithms; (c) results obtained by different AOED recovery methods

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图 11. 采用不同相似度测量法、优化算法和AOED重建方法时重建的光吸收系数分布图的定量评价指标。(a)相似度测量法;(b)优化算法;(c) AOED重建方法

Fig. 11. Quantitative evaluation metrics of optical absorption coefficient diagrams reconstructed by different similarity measurement methods, optimization algorithms and AOED recovery methods. (a) Similarity measurement methods; (b) optimization algorithms; (c) AOED recovery methods

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4.1.2 优化算法


4.1.3 光吸收能量重建方法


4.2 与其他联合重建方法对比


图 12. 采用不同联合重建方法得到的血管模型的光吸收系数分布图和评价指标。(a)重建图像;(b)评价指标

Fig. 12. Optical absorption coefficient diagrams and evaluation metrics of vascular model obtained by different joint reconstruction methods. (a) Reconstructed images; (b) evaluation metrics

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4.3 所提方法相对于其他定量成像方案的优势和不足


与基于模型的方案不同,所提方法通过对AOED进行稀疏分解估算光吸收系数,可以避免在反复求解前向模型过程中引入的误差,无需依赖前向模型即可实现组织光吸收系数的定量估计,估算结果对成像场景、测量几何和造成光通量不均匀的原因不敏感,且方法的实施不仅限于内窥式的应用中。不足之处在于,所提方法采用两步策略,即先根据探测器采集的光声信号重建光吸收能量分布图(结构成像),再在此基础上估算光吸收系数,从而实现定量成像。两步策略的共同缺点是:光吸收能量的重建误差会累积到光吸收系数的估算结果中,从而间接影响估算精度。特别是,在光声显微43和光声断层成像中,由于激光需要穿过皮肤甚至颅骨,因此组织对于光的传播特性影响更大,这种影响会直接体现在光吸收能量分布图的重建中。在体模实验中,利用光声断层扫描成像系统从外部扫描体模,并根据系统输出的光吸收能量分布图估算光吸收系数。图8中的两个成像截面到探测器的距离分别是13 mm和49 mm,模拟了激光从外部扫描成像目标,对其内部结构进行成像的情况。从图8的结果可以看出,采用所提方法估算光吸收系数的精度高于一步法和基于模型的方法,一定程度上验证了所提方法应用于光声断层成像中的可行性。后续工作中拟采用小鼠的全身光声扫描图像进行实验,进一步验证所提方法的可移植性。


5 结论




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