光子学报, 2024, 53 (2): 0212001, 网络出版: 2024-03-28  


Method for Refractive Index Uniformity Measurement Based on Two-flat and Three-flat Test
南京理工大学 电子工程与光电技术学院,南京 210094
结合奇偶函数理论,提出了一种基于两平晶三面干涉测量平晶折射率均匀性的方法。该方法通过两块平晶3个表面之间的组合测量,对折射率均匀性引入的误差进行分部求解,生成4个随机波面作为初始3个表面面形和折射率均匀性误差,对其中的均匀性误差复原,结果与初始值仅相差0.6×10-6,残差与平晶表面面形的低频信息无关,仅取决于折射率均匀性本身的旋转不变项。在100 mm口径Zygo干涉仪上完成了两平晶折射率均匀性检测实验。同时通过三平晶透射法对同一块平晶的折射率均匀性进行检测,将两种方法的测量结果进行对比。结果表明两平晶方法获得的折射率均匀性结果与透射法获得的折射率均匀性波面形状相同,指标结果仅相差0.2×10-6,波面偏差峰谷值相差3 nm。分析了影响评估精度的误差项,旋转角度误差与对准误差的影响在实验精度条件下,均方根偏差均小于1 nm。实验结果表明所提出的两平晶三面互检方法能够有效地对平晶的折射率均匀性进行测量。
Traditionally, the interferometric method has been employed to test the refractive index uniformity of flat optical materials. The method mainly involves two approaches: the overturning method and the transmission method. Both methods require a minimum of three flat samples, including the reference flat, the transmission flat, and the sample flat to be tested. This requirement for multiple flats increases the overall cost of testing.We have proposed a novel method for evaluating the refractive index uniformity of transmission flats, which only requires two flats, offering a significant improvement over existing method. The method is realized by using two surfaces of the transmission flat and one surface of the reference flat, and the sample flat is used as the transmission flat. Based on the even-and-odd functions, we can get the even-odd, odd-even and odd-odd parts of the refractive index uniformity directly. To the even-even part, we resolve it as the even-even-even (eee) and even-even-odd (eeo) part and we can calculate the eeo part by rotate 90° measurement result. Then we resolve the eee part into even-even-even-even (eeee) and even-even-even-odd (eeeo) part and get eeeo part through the rotate 45° measurement result. Finally, by neglecting high-order rotational symmetry terms, we can calculate the refractive index uniformity from the obtained components. This method with its step-by-step decomposition providing an effective and efficient approach to characterize the optical properties of the flat under test.Four random wavefronts are generated as the initial three surface error and the refractive index uniformity errors. The uniformity errors are recovered according to the proposed method. Compared the difference between the recovered results and the initial values, that only 0.6 ppm (10-6) in differ. Additionally, the residual error exhibits rotation invariance, which aligns with theoretical expectations. It is important to note that in the low and middle frequency ranges, the residual error is not affected by the surface error of the flat, but solely determined by the refractive index uniformity itself.The theory is verified the experiment on a 100 mm Zygo interferometer and the refractive index uniformity of the same flat is measured by the three flat transmission method. The test flat is made by quartz. The surface error of the two surfaces are better than λ/10. The flat has a certain wedge angle. The front and the back surface will not generate interference fringes. The reference flat is a microcrystalline flat, better than λ/10 as well.The result of the two flat method have the same shape with the three flat transmission method. The refractive index uniformity obtained by the two flats methods is only 0.2 ppm different from that obtained by the transmission method, and the peak-valley value is 3 nm different. To ensure accuracy in the evaluation process, error influence is analyzed considering factors such as rotation angle errors and pix offset errors. By evaluating the influence of error, the experimentally verified results illustrate the effectiveness of this method in accurately evaluating the refractive index uniformity of flat optical materials. The proposed method demonstrates promising potential in the evaluation of refractive index uniformity, reducing resource requirements, and improving cost-effectiveness.

0 引言

光学制造技术的发展对光学平晶的面形质量和折射率均匀性的要求越来越高,在动态干涉测量等领域都有应用1-3。对于常用的633 nm红光波段,1 ppm(10-6)量级的不均匀性就能引起波面变化。美国的AI C等提出了采用光学干涉法,主要包括翻转法和透射法4,来测量光学材料的均匀性。国内的郭培基等提出了光学平行平板样品不均匀性的绝对测量方法,进一步丰富了光学玻璃均匀性测量的方法5-8。张瑞应用同步移相干涉仪检测了平行平板的光学均匀性9,白云波则完成了对1 m级大口径钕玻璃的均匀性拼接测量10。MATOUŠEK O通过傅里叶变换计算了折射率均匀性11。透射法可以消除样品面形及系统带来的误差,是目前定量测量光学均匀性精度最高的方法,也是在高精度测量玻璃光学均匀性时使用最广泛有效的方法。但是上述干涉测量方法除了干涉仪的参考平晶和被测样品外,还需要另外一块平晶作为反射平晶使用才能完成对被测样品折射率均匀性的检测,即至少需要三块平晶才能实现。

奇偶函数法和旋转平均法都是光学绝对检验中常用的方法。AI C等首次提出了奇偶函数法,将波面分解为偶偶、偶奇、奇偶和奇奇四个部分分步求解12。XU Chen提出了用两块光学板实现绝对检验的方法,他通过透射法预先对透射平晶的折射率均匀性进行检测和扣除,并通过两平晶的三个平面完成了绝对检验工作13。ZHAI Dede提出了一种基于移位旋转的绝对测试算法。需要90°旋转和横向移位,便于大口径平面的实施14-15。ZHOU You结合奇偶函数和N位旋转平均的思想完成了对600 mm平晶的绝对检验16。WANG Yuntao通过奇偶函数法完成了对300立式干涉仪的精度调校17

本文结合了光学平晶绝对检验中两平晶绝对检验方法、奇偶函数算法和旋转平均算法的思想,提出了一种只需要使用参考平晶和反射平晶两块平晶就能够完成对参考平晶折射率均匀性质量评估的方法。该方法使用两块平晶的三个参考面以及多次旋转干涉测量,通过将折射率均匀性分成奇偶项求解再叠加的方式实现。利用Zernike多项式进行了原理性的仿真,在100 mm Zygo干涉仪上进行了实验,并通过透射法测量待测平晶的折射率均匀性。

1 两平晶三面测量折射率均匀性原理


图 1. 两平晶折射率均匀性检测步骤

Fig. 1. Steps of two-flats refractive index uniformity test

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2 仿真

为了验证所提方法的可行性,进行数值仿真。使用Zernike多项式的前36项构建平面A、B和C的原始表面误差和折射率均匀性误差波面,如图2所示,其中Z1Z2Z3的系数为0,Z4~Z36的系数随机生成,其中A、B和C三个面的峰谷值(Peak-valley,PV)约为60 nm,折射率均匀性引入的波面误差在80 nm左右,具体PV和均方根值(Root-mean-square,RMS)参数如表1所示。

图 2. 原始仿真波面

Fig. 2. The original simulation wave

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表 1. 仿真原始波面PV和RMS值

Table 1. PV and RMS values of original simulation wavefront

WavefrontOriginal wavefront AOriginal wavefront BOriginal wavefront CRefractive index uniformity wavefront


表 2. 复原折射率均匀性的PV和RMS值

Table 2. The PV and RMS values of recovered refractive index uniformity

WavefrontOriginal refractive index uniformityRecovered refractive index uniformityRest error



图 3. 折射率均匀性波面复原结果及残差对比

Fig. 3. Recovered refractive index uniformity wavefront results and its residual comparison

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以材料折射率均匀性的标准来判断,假设平晶材料的厚度为10 mm,原始波面折射率均匀性为7.8 ppm,而复原波面的折射率均匀性为7.2 ppm,结果仅相差0.6 ppm,可以认为两者处于同一量级,说明该方法对评价折射率均匀性指标具有较好的效果。

3 实验与结果

3.1 100 mm平晶实验

为了进一步验证该方法的准确性,在Zygo GPI干涉仪上使用Φ100 mm平晶进行实验,装置如图4所示,6次测量的波面如图5所示。使用的透射平晶为石英材料,前后表面质量均优于λ10λ表示波长,且具有一定的楔角,不会产生自干涉的条纹。反射平晶的使用的是一块微晶平晶,表面质量同样优于λ10

图 4. 两平晶折射率均匀性检测装置

Fig. 4. Experimental setup for two flats refractive index uniformity test

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图 5. 两平晶法测量透射平晶折射率均匀性波面

Fig. 5. Wavefront of refractive index uniformity of transmission flat by two flats method

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图 6. 透射法测量折射率均匀性实验

Fig. 6. Experiment of transmission method for refractive index uniformity test

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图 7. 透射法测量折射率均匀性步骤

Fig. 7. Steps for measure refractive index uniformity by transmission method

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3.2 结果比较

通过两种方法计算出透射平晶的折射率均匀性结果如图8所示,平晶厚度为15 mm,恢复结果的PV和RMS值如表3所示。两种方法的测量结果在面形分布上相似,明显的应力条纹分布位置也能够显示出来。

图 8. 折射率均匀性测量结果

Fig. 8. The result of refractive index uniformity

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表 3. 折射率均匀性复原结果的PV和RMS值

Table 3. PV and RMS of the recovered refractive index uniformity

WavefrontRecovered refractive index uniformity by two flats methodRecovered refractive index uniformity by transmission method


根据表3的结果,两种方法恢复的折射率均匀性结果PV值相差3.02 nm,RMS值相差1.27 nm。计算出通过两平晶法恢复的折射率均匀性为4.1 ppm,通过透射法测量的结果3.9 ppm,两者处于同一量级,仅相差0.2 ppm。因此,可以认为该方法能比较好地评价平晶的折射率均匀性质量,并且能够恢复出其中明显存在应力分布的位置。

4 误差分析

4.1 旋转角度误差


根据图9,当旋转角度误差小于0.5°时,残差的PV值小于1 nm,当旋转角度误差小于1°时,残差的PV值小于2.5 nm。所使用的旋转结构分度值为0.5°,实际由于旋转造成的误差能够小于1 nm,对恢复折射率均匀性的影响并不明显。

图 9. 旋转角度误差与残差关系

Fig. 9. Relationship between the rotation angle error and the residual error

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4.2 对准偏差


图 10. 对准偏差和残差关系曲线

Fig. 10. Relationship between the pixel offset and residual error

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随着对准误差的增大,残差PV值快速变大,RMS值的增大则缓慢一些。如果偏差达到10像素,残差的RMS也能小于1 nm。换算成实际尺寸,在100 mm的平晶中,保证对准偏差小于1 mm,恢复结果的RMS值偏差能够小于1 nm。

5 结论

本文提出了一种基于两平晶三面互检的折射率均匀测量方法。在Φ100 mm Zygo GPI干涉仪上对该方法进行了实验验证,并与传统三平晶透射法进行了比对,结果表明,两种方法测量得到的折射率均匀性结果分布一致,数值仅相差0.2 ppm,验证了所提方法的准确性与可靠性。该方法仅需两块平晶,可拓展应用至大口径光学平晶折射率均匀性的检测,降低检测成本。


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