中国激光, 2021, 48 (19): 1918003, 网络出版: 2021-09-29   

基于超构表面的多维光场感知 下载: 2853次

Multidimensional Light Field Sensing Based on Metasurfaces
清华大学精密仪器系精密测试技术与仪器国家重点实验室, 北京 100084



Significance Light is an electromagnetic wave that carries information of multiple dimensions, such as intensity, phase, frequency, and polarization. The change in the intensity, spectrum, polarization, and other information as a result of the interaction between objects and the light field can reflect the material, morphology, and other characteristics of the objects. However, traditional photodetectors can only detect two-dimensional (2D) light intensity information. To perceive more dimensional optical field information, additional optical components and mechanical devices are required, which will result in issues such as the system’s large volume and complex structure. Many applications today, such as three-dimensional (3D) face recognition, automatic driving, and remote sensing, have an urgent need for miniaturization and lightweight optical systems, presenting a significant opportunity for the development of integrated optical field sensing systems.

A spectrum is a valuable tool for object characterization and analysis, and it is widely used in food safety, environmental monitoring, biological imaging, archaeological exploration, and other fields. Traditional dispersive and interference spectrometers can provide ultra-fine spectral resolution as well as an ultra-wide spectral detection range. Traditional spectrometers, however, have limitations in situations where real-time spectral detection is required due to the presence of optical and mechanical moving parts with large volumes and weight. People anticipate that in the future, spectral sensing devices will be reduced to centimeters or even millimeters in size and will be integrated into smartphones, drones, and other microsystems.

The measurement of light’s polarization state is important in fields, such as remote sensing, medical treatment, and optical communication. Traditional polarization measurement methods are divided into two types: division-of-time and division-of-amplitude. Division-of-time polarimeters measure the intensity of various polarization components by positioning a set of rotating waveplates and polarizers in front of the detector. This method often relies on mechanical rotating structures, resulting in slow measurement speed and reliability. Polarizing beam splitters are used in division-of-amplitude polarimeters to separate different polarization components into different detectors. Both methods have problems, such as large volume and complex measurement system structure.

Many emerging technologies, such as autonomous vehicles, face recognition, robotics, and augmented reality, rely on 3D imaging techniques. There are two types of 3D imaging techniques: active and passive. Active methods typically necessitate structured illumination or scanning, which adds complexity, cost, and power consumption. Passive methods, which typically use multiple views, have limited accuracy and a high computation cost. 3D imaging techniques based on conventional optical elements are limited by high cost, large size, high power consumption, and complex systems for applications requiring compactness, integration, and portability.

Metasurfaces are novel planar optical elements that can control the light field by deploying subwavelength artificial antennas on the surface. Subwavelength structures of metasurfaces, unlike traditional optical elements, can interact with the incident electromagnetic field, causing abrupt changes in optical parameters on the surface and breaking traditional optical elements' dependence on the propagation optical path. Because of this property, metasurfaces can modulate the amplitude, phase, polarization, and other properties of the light field within the subwavelength thickness in a very flexible and powerful way. As a result, metasurfaces open up new avenues for the miniaturization and integration of spectrometers, polarimeters, and depth information perception (Fig. 1). We review recent research on spectral, polarization, and depth information sensing based on metasurfaces in this paper.

Progress The ability of metasurfaces to flexibly regulate the spectrum opens up a new avenue for the realization of integrated spectrum sensing systems. Metasurface-based spectrometers are classified into two types based on their operating principles: narrowband filtering and computational spectrometers. Narrowband filtering spectrometers use a single tunable narrowband filter or narrowband filter array to achieve spectral sampling (Figs. 2--4). Computational spectrometers do not require narrowband filters. The spectral response of the filters can be wide and random, which makes designing narrowband filter metasurfaces much easier. Computational spectrometers can extract the original spectrum from obtained signals using algorithms (Fig. 5).

In recent years, researchers have proposed several types of metasurface-based polarimeters, including division-of-amplitude (Figs. 6--8), division-of-time (Fig. 9), detector-integrated (Fig. 10), and others (Fig. 11). Metasurface-based division-of-amplitude polarimeters use metal gratings, scatters, or metalenses to distinguish the light with different polarization components in space and measure the intensity of each polarization component with detectors. Division-of-time polarimeters are based on tunable metasurfaces, which replace the waveplates and polarizers in conventional polarimeter systems and can modulate the polarization state of the incident light. Detector-integrated polarimeters are built around metasurfaces that can convert different polarization components' light into different electrical signals. The polarization state of the incident light can be determined by measuring the intensity of photocurrents. In addition, recently proposed polarimeters based on metasurface polarizers, holograms, and other technologies are discussed.

Metasurfaces’ flexible wavefront manipulation enables them to realize 3D imaging systems with a miniaturized form factor and improved performance, for both active and passive methods. Typical active 3D imaging techniques include the structured light method and the beam steering method. Structured illumination achieved by metasurfaces has a simplified optical system and a much larger field of view (Fig. 12). Beam steering realized by metasurfaces is flexible, has low power consumption and high steering speed, and can reduce size and weight of metasurfaces (Fig. 13). The use of metasurfaces in passive methods has the advantages of high compactness, semiconductor process compatibility, high accuracy, and the ability to detect more dimensions of the light field with the help of algorithms (Figs. 14--16).

Conclusion and Prospects This paper introduces the sensing of multidimensional light fields, such as spectrum, polarization, and depth information using metasurfaces. Future research into the flexibility of metasurfaces, such as combining metasurface design and reconstruction algorithms with inverse design, end-to-end optimization, deep learning, and other computer technologies, is expected to result in a simultaneous perception of more dimensional light field information. With the in-depth understanding of metamaterial surface, the exploration of new metamaterial surface design, and the improvement of large-scale micro-nano processing technology, metasurface will have a bright application prospect in the field of lightweight integrated multidimensional light field perception.

1 引言




常规相机是从三维场景中捕获光强信息的二维投影,难以感知深度信息。三维成像在许多新兴技术中至关重要,例如自动驾驶、机器视觉、智能制造、人脸识别与检测、增强现实/虚拟现实(AR/VR)等。三维成像技术可粗略地划分为主动式和被动式。主动式三维成像需要主动照明或投射装置,例如激光扫描法[22]、色散共焦法[23]、偏折法[24]等。这些方法精度较高,但具有系统复杂、成本高、耗时长等缺点。目前消费电子领域应用最为广泛的主动式三维成像方法分别是结构光投影法[25]和飞行时间法[26]。这两种技术也都需要较复杂的光学系统,并且对光源和探测器的性能要求较高。被动式三维成像不需要主动投射装置,从而降低了系统复杂度、成本和功耗,其主要包括单目视觉、双目视觉和多目视觉等方式。多目视觉和双目视觉需要多个视点,从而不可避免地增加了系统尺寸和成本;更为复杂的光场相机利用镜头阵列成像,分辨率高,景深大,但商业化的光场相机价格昂贵。单目深度感知理论上是实现紧凑、简单三维成像系统的最佳途径。然而相关具体方法的当前成像效果仍然有限。例如:灰度纹理法[27]为推导法,无法得到真实距离,保真度较低;离焦成像计算法[28]利用在不同离焦程度下的图像序列获得深度信息,该方法通常需要在每次成像中进行物理调整,且成像系统点扩展函数(PSF)的相似性限制了方法的精度;三维点扩展函数的计算法[29]使光学系统的 PSF 随着物体深度的变化产生特定的响应,该方法实现复杂的(例如螺旋形)PSF通常需要用到较为复杂的光学系统。


图 1. 超构表面实现集成化的光谱、偏振、深度感知

Fig. 1. Metasurfaces for integrated spectrum, polarization and depth sensing

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2 光谱感知


2.1 窄带滤波型超构表面微型光谱仪



在具有窄带光谱响应的超构表面中加入可调谐的材料,如液晶[37-39]、相变材料[40-42]等,可以实现波长可调谐的滤波片。滤波片的波长调谐范围、调谐速度一般受可调谐材料性质的制约。利用液晶在电调谐下等效折射率的改变,Chang等[43]通过在亚波长谐振光栅中加入液晶实现了电调谐滤波器。图2(a)为可调液晶亚波长光栅的结构示意图。它由两个光栅组成:一个是用于液晶锚定的短周期光栅,另一个是用于窄带滤波的长周期光栅。通过铟锡氧化物(ITO)电极对液晶施加电场,可以实现对滤光片谐振波长位置的调谐。由于液晶折射率改变量(Δn≈0.23)不够大,在1586 nm中心波长附近其波长可调谐范围仅有20 nm,如图2(b)所示。为了获得更大的光谱调谐范围,Julian等[42]在如图2(c)所示的银圆孔阵列结构间隙中填充相变材料Ge2Sb2Te5(GST),通过单个纳秒激光脉冲诱导GST产生晶态至非晶态的相变,大幅改变其折射率改变量(Δn≈2.0),实现了中波红外波段超过500 nm的波长调谐范围(2.9~3.4 μm)。但是光调谐的方式阻碍了该类型光谱仪微型化,近期相变材料折射率电调谐技术的迭代升级[44-45]有望进一步改善这个问题。

图 2. 可调谐型微型光谱仪。(a)可调谐液晶-亚波长谐振光栅滤波器的示意图[43];(b)在不同电压下测得的滤波器的光学透射率[43];(c)通过激光脉冲照射GST超构表面,致其发生相变示意图[42];(d)GST超构表面随泵浦光光率变化的透射光谱响应[42]

Fig. 2. Tunable micro spectrometer. (a) Schematic of a tunable liquid crystal-subwavelength resonant grating filter[43]; (b) measured optical transmittance of the tunable filter at different applied voltages to liquid crystal cell[43]; (c) schematic of phase change in GST induced by laser irradiation on the GST-based metasurface[42]; (d) transmittance of a GST metasurface as a function of the pump laser fluence[42]

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金属超构表面通过等离激元效应可以实现窄带滤波[48-51]。等离激元效应一般不依赖于导波模的传播,可以用较少的金属天线实现滤波功能[52]。例如,Xu等[49]采用一维金属-绝缘体-金属线栅结构,实现了如图3(b)所示的滤波片。图3(c)展示了不同周期金属天线的透射光谱。该光谱仪实现光谱探测所需的整个阵列尺寸极小,大约仅为6μm×10 μm。利用圆孔等对称结构可以解决一维线栅偏振敏感的问题[48-50]。当前,金属超构表面滤波片主要存在的问题在于金属的材料损耗导致滤波片的品质因数(Q值)较小、峰值透过率较低,这使得光谱仪的分辨率和信噪比受限。

图 3. 阵列型超构表面微型光谱仪。(a)阵列型超构表面微型光谱仪系统示意图;(b)等离激元滤波片阵列的示意图,右下是扫描电子显微镜(SEM)图像和白光照射的光学显微镜图像[49] ;(c)红绿蓝(RGB)滤光片的实验透射光谱[49];(d)具有梯度光栅周期的介质光栅示意图[53];(e)制作的100个宏像素的超构表面阵列的光学图像[54];(f)21个选定宏像素的归一化反射光谱[54]

Fig. 3. Micro spectrometer of metasurfaces array. (a) Schematic diagram of micro spectrometer system of metasurfaces array; (b) schematic diagram of a plasmon filter array, in which the bottom right figure is an SEM image and an optical microscope image illuminated by white light[49]; (c) experimental transmission spectra for the red, green and blue (RGB) filters[49]; (d) schematic of a dielectric grating with gradient grating period[53]; (e) optical images of the fabricated 100-metapixel metasurface[54]; (f) normalized reflectance spectra for selected 21 metapixels[54]

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基于低损耗介质超构表面的滤波片是另一种窄带滤波的方案。利用导波模谐振,介质光栅或超构表面可以实现Q值很高的窄带滤波片[55-56]。Lin等[53]采用周期线性变化的TiO2光栅实现了探测范围为506~915 nm的滤波片,结构如图3(d)所示,实验测得的滤波器平均Q值达到了65。Tittl等[54]利用如图3(e)所示的椭圆硅天线超构表面实现了中红外波段的反射式滤波片阵列。如图3(f)所示,该滤波片平均Q值达到了200。利用共振处的强近场增强,滤波片阵列可在每平方微米少于3个分子的情况下提取探测物的光谱信息。Yesilkoy等[57]利用类似的超构表面结构报道了透射式滤波片阵列。介质超构表面可以实现光谱分辨率高的微型光谱仪,但是滤波片的高Q值依赖于导波模的传播,故需要更多的天线周期,从而可能导致滤波片整体尺寸变大。此外,介质超构表面的高Q值光谱响应一般对入射光角度的敏感性较高,这可能会限制光谱成像系统的视场角。

前述滤波片阵列需要额外的光电探测器来得到光谱信号。通过将超构表面直接与探测器集成,可以实现具有窄带滤波响应的探测器,以直接采集光谱信号。在可见光波段,Liu等[58]通过在石墨烯上排布不同尺寸的金纳米颗粒实现了窄带滤波探测器,如图4(a)和图4(b)所示。金纳米颗粒选择性地放大了石墨烯对不同波长的光响应,通过改变金纳米颗粒的尺寸即可实现波长的调谐,如图4(c)所示。在近红外波段,Sobhani等[59]利用基于金属光栅的热电子器件实现了窄带滤波探测器,如图4(d)和图4(e)所示。研究人员在n型硅衬底上沉积金光栅,构成了硅基肖特基探测器,通过等离激元诱导产生热电子,收集了由热电子引发的电流,实现了信号探测。亚波长光栅可以使光电探测器产生窄带滤波特性,通过改变亚波长光栅的尺寸可以实现波长调谐,如图4(f)所示。在中波红外波段,Dao等[60]利用ZnO热释电层,在电极上设计基于金圆孔阵列的完美吸收体,结构如图4(g)所示。通过改变圆孔的直径实现了3.8~5.5 μm波段的光谱响应,如图4(h)所示。许多光电探测器响应时间都在毫秒级别,Stewart等[61]利用金属天线的局部等离激元效应实现了超快速热释电探测器,如图4(i)所示。由于银天线和超薄的金膜可以实现快速的热传导,探测器响应速度达到了皮秒量级。如图4(j)所示,通过改变银天线的尺寸可以实现从可见光到短波红外范围的探测器。

图 4. 窄带滤波响应探测器。(a)等离激元纳米颗粒石墨烯探测器的示意图[58];(b)直径100 nm的纳米盘阵列的SEM图像[58];(c)具有不同尺寸纳米盘阵列的石墨烯探测器的光谱响应[58];(d)在具有2 nm Ti黏附层的n型硅底上的金光栅的示意图[59];(e)金光栅结构的SEM图像[59];(f)响应度峰值随着光栅缝隙距离D的增加而红移(T=200 nm, W=250 nm) [59];(g)等离激元-热释电装置示意图[60];(h)调节金孔尺寸得到的吸收光谱[60];(i)在多晶AlN热释电层上沉积等离激元超表面的垂直探测器结构示意图[61];(j)Au参考探测器和三个超构表面热电感知器的反射光谱和图像[61]

Fig. 4. Narrowband filter response detector. (a) Schematic illustration of the graphene detectors with plasmonic nanoparticles[58]; (b) SEM image of a representative device with the 100-nm diameter nanodisk array[58]; (c) corresponding spectral response of graphene photodetectors with nanodisk arrays of different sizes[58]; (d) schematic of a gold grating on an n-type silicon substrate with a 2-nm Ti adhesion layer[59]; (e) SEM image of gold grating structure[59]; (f) responsivity peaks redshift with increasing grating interslit distance D(T=200 nm, W=250 nm) [59]; (g) schematic diagram of the plasmonic-pyroelectric device[60]; (h) absorption spectrum obtained by adjusting the size of gold pores[60]; (i) schematic of the vertical detector structure with a plasmonic metasurfaces deposited on a polycrystalline AlN pyroelectric layer[61]; (j) reflection spectrum and image of three metasurfaces-pyroelectric detectors and Au reference detector[61]

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2.2 计算型超构表面微型光谱仪






图 5. 计算型微型光谱仪。(a)计算型光谱仪重构过程示意图;(b)等离激元超构表面滤光片阵列示意图[68];(c)聚乙烯的重构透射光谱[68];(d)光子晶体滤波片阵列的示意图,右上插图为制成的6×6光子晶体结构的光学图像[69];(e)两个发光二极管(绿色和红色)组合的发射光谱[69];(f)3个选定的超构表面单元的SEM图像和光谱[70];(g)使用普通彩色相机和超光谱相机(黑白)拍摄的水果照片,选择5个单波长光谱图像进行重建[70]

Fig. 5. Computational micro spectrometer. (a) Schematic diagram of the reconstruction process of the computational spectrometer; (b) schematic of the plasmonic metasurfaces filter array[68]; (c) reconstructed transmission spectra of polyethylene[68]; (d) schematic of the photonic crystals filer array, in which the upper right figure is the optical image of the fabricated 6 × 6 photonic crystal structures[69]; (e) emission spectrum of a combination of two light-emitting diodes (green and red) [69]; (f)SEM images and spectra of three selected metasurfaces units[70]; (g) photos of fruits captured using an ordinary color camera and our ultraspectral camera (black-and-white), and five single wavelength spectral images are selected to reconstruct[70]

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其中I= I1,I2,,InT为探测器输出信号,t=[t1,t2,…,tn]T∈ℝn×m, ti=[ti(λ1),ti(λ2),…,

ti(λm)],n是滤波器总数,m是实验中测量ti(λ)时的波长采样数,η=diag(η(λ1),η(λ2),…,η(λm))为n×n的对角矩阵,S是稀疏信号S=[S1,S2,…,Sn]T ,Si 为稀疏信号S列向量中的分量。通常将ηt视为一个整体,称为测量矩阵T。(2)式可精简为


在窄带滤波光谱仪中,Tn=m的单位矩阵或对角矩阵。在该情况下,滤波器的数量是限制光谱分辨率的关键因素。与其不同的是,在计算型光谱仪中,nm通常不等,需要采用优化算法来求解(3)式。当n>m时, 通常利用最小二乘法求解这种超定系统[71-72]。当n<m时,根据压缩感知原理,利用宽带随机的滤波片阵列对稀疏信号S的优化效果很好。稀疏优化非常适用于求解n<m的欠定系统线性方程组。为了求解(3)式,优化l2范数最小化问题,即



基于上述原理,Craig等[68]开发了如图5(b)所示的基于金天线的等离激元超构表面滤波片,利用116个光谱通道实现了从短波红外至长波红外(1.5~19 μm)的超宽光谱感知范围,如图5(c)所示。2019年,Wang等[69]利用与互补金属氧化物半导体(CMOS)工艺完全兼容的硅光子晶体实现了随机滤波片阵列,通过直接在CMOS探测器的顶部集成6×6个光子晶体阵列[整个阵列的大小为210 μm×210 μm,如图5(d)和图5(e)所示],实现了在550~750 nm波段对简单光谱的复原。在此基础上,他们进一步在蓝宝石-硅衬底上制造出10×10个相同的阵列,每个阵列都被视为光谱成像系统中的一个宏像素,演示证明其具有光谱成像的潜力,该研究迈出了微型光谱仪系统关键的一步。然而对于光谱成像来说,单个宏像素210 μm×210 μm 的尺寸会导致空间分辨率仍然不足。之后,Cai等[70]将单个光谱滤波阵列宏像素尺寸缩小到80 μm×80 μm,获得了演示效果较好的高光谱成像。如图5(f)所示,利用5×5个硅天线滤波片的阵列,实现了在450~750 nm波段的光谱恢复。制作了88×72个相同的阵列,演示了高光谱成像的功能,如图5(g)所示。

3 偏振感知


3.1 分振幅型偏振测量


3.1.1 光栅型

光栅型偏振测量超构表面通过合理设计对入射光偏振敏感的超构表面单元的排布方式,使超构表面对不同偏振分量的光具有不同的相位梯度,从而使特定偏振分量的光以不同的角度出射。一种实现偏振敏感的相位梯度设计方法是几何相位[也称作Pancharatnam-Berry(PB)相位]法。几何相位法是利用具有相同形状的超构表面单元,通过在空间上改变超构表面单元的旋向,并对正交的圆偏振光施加相反的相位控制。普渡大学的Shaltout等[75]在2015年提出了基于几何相位法的间隙等离激元超构表面(GSPM),实现了偏振测量,如图6(a)所示。通过排布具有相同尺寸、不同朝向的金矩形单元,GSPM可以对入射的左旋圆偏振(LCP)光和右旋圆偏振(RCP)光施加相反的相位梯度。根据广义斯内尔定律,LCP光和RCP光会以相反的角度反射。此外,当一束宽谱光入射到GSPM上时,由于矩形金结构单元对不同波长施加的相位有一定的差别,故出射的LCP、RCP光谱会在空间上区分开来,从而可以实现对偏振、光谱的同时测量,如图6(b)所示。尽管如此,由于几何相位只对正交的圆偏振光起作用,丢失了线偏振光的信息,故基于几何相位的超构表面无法实现全Stokes偏振测量。同年,南丹麦大学的Pors等[77]提出的GSPM光栅结构克服了几何相位在偏振测量上的局限性。该GSPM光栅结构由3组相互交织的超构表面构成,每一组超构表面都能实现两个正交偏振态的分光,如图6(c)所示。任意偏振光入射到该GSPM光栅上时,6个不同的偏振分量( x̂, ŷ)、( â, b̂)、( r̂, l̂)都会向6个不同的方向衍射,若同时测得6束偏振分量的光强就可以得到完整的Stokes参量。测得的偏振态在庞加莱球上的表示如图6(d)所示。此后,Chen 等[78-80]研究人员改进了GSPM的设计,实现了偏振和光谱的同时测量。近年来,基于光栅型超构表面的偏振成像也被提出。Rubin等[81]利用矩阵傅里叶光学原理设计的光栅型超构表面,不仅能将不同偏振分量光衍射到不同级次,如图6(e)所示,还能与成像透镜配合,根据偏振态将物体成像到空间的不同位置,结合不同偏振图像的强度就可以获得物体的偏振信息,如图6(f)所示。

图 6. 光栅型偏振测量超构表面。(a)基于几何相位的GSPM示意图[75];(b)不同波长的LCP和RCP光束入射GSPM后的反射功率随反射角变化的实验结果[75];(c)全Stokes参量测量GSPM光栅的工作原理示意图[77];(d)实验测得的偏振态(实心圆标示)与在庞加莱球主轴上的偏振态(星号标示)对比[77];(e)二维光栅型偏振成像超构表面的一个结构单元[81];(f)光栅型偏振成像超构表面获得的偏振图像[81]

Fig. 6. Grating metasurface polarimeters. (a) Illustration of the geometric phase GSPM[75]; (b) reflected power for LCP and RCP incident beams at different wavelengths as a function of reflected angle after passing through GSPM in the experiment[75]; (c) illustration of the full-Stokes GSPM grating’s measurement principle[77]; (d) measured diffraction contrasts (denoted by filled circles) for polarization states along the main axes of the Poincaré sphere (indicated by asterisks)[77]; (e) a unit cell of the 2D grating metasurface for polarization imaging[81]; (f) polarization images required by the grating metasurface for polarization imaging[81]

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3.1.2 波导型

波导型偏振测量超构表面通常利用超构表面结构单元将入射光的不同偏振分量耦合到面内的不同方向,从而实现偏振态的测量。Pors等[84]发现入射光的偏振可以控制“超散射体”激发的表面等离激元(SPP)的方向,从而提出利用单个超散射体或散射体阵列,根据不同方向的SPP的强度信息,推测入射光偏振态的想法。基于这种想法,他们设计了三种GSPM结构[85],覆盖GSPM结构的入射光可以激发起SPP,并且入射光的( x̂, ŷ)、( â, b̂)、( r̂, l̂)三组正交偏振分量激发的SPP会向面内的不同方向传播。如图7(a)所示,通过合理设计三种GSPM阵列的组合方式,SPP波导超构表面就可以使入射光的6个偏振分量向6个方向传播,从而实现偏振态的测量。相应的不同偏振光入射下SPP的传播情况如图7(b)所示。Mueller等[86]通过将散射天线排布成特定的阵列,使入射的自由空间光发生偏振敏感的面内定向散射,并利用光栅将散射光耦出到自由空间,通过对耦出光栅成像的方式可以测得各偏振分量的强度,如图7(c)所示。Espinosa-Soria等[87]利用光的自旋轨道的相互作用,通过硅波导和耦合天线的合理设计,实现了正入射下波导内的偏振分光,如图7(d)所示。波导型超构表面的优势在于:耦合到波导内的入射光只占总能量的很小一部分,可以在不破坏原入射光的情况下实现偏振测量。

图 7. 波导型偏振测量超构表面。(a)波导GSPM结构单元示意图(左)和三种波导GSPM组合的俯视图[85];(b)不同偏振态入射光激发的SPP强度分布[85];(c)散射天线阵列示意图(左),天线阵列偏振测试光路(中),耦合光栅的相机图像显示四个偏振分量被耦合光栅散射(右)[86];(d)基于硅波导和耦合天线的偏振测量示意图以及测量偏振分量在庞加莱球上的表示(左),偏振测量结果(右)[87]

Fig. 7. Waveguide metasurface polarimeters. (a) Sketch of the unit cell of a waveguide GSPM (left) and top view of three combined waveguide GSPMs (right)[85]; (b) color map of the SPP intensity distribution excited by the incident light with different states of polarization[85]; (c) illustration of scattering antenna arrays (left), setup for characterizing the antenna array polarimeter (middle), and camera image of the outcoupling gratings, showing polarization-dependent intensities scattered by the four outcoupling gratings[86]; (d) illustration of polarimeter based on silicon waveguide and the coupling antenna, the measured polariztion states shown in the Poincaré sphere (left), the retrieved polarization states (right)[87]

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3.1.3 超透镜型

超透镜型偏振测量超构表面往往利用偏振敏感的超透镜结构,将不同的偏振分量聚焦到不同的焦点处。一个典型的结构如图8(a)所示,Arbabi等[90]提出了一种分焦平面(DoFP)的超透镜设计。利用在玻璃基底上布设非晶硅天线的结构,设计了三种偏振敏感的超透镜,这三种超透镜可以分别使( x̂, ŷ)、( â, b̂)、( r̂, l̂)三组正交偏振态的光聚焦在同一焦平面的不同位置。在DoFP超透镜的焦平面上的对应位置放置6个光电探测器,即可获得三组正交偏振分量的强度信息,从而获得偏振态信息。Arbabi等[90]通过将DoFP超透镜做成阵列并在焦平面处放置相机,实现了偏振成像,结果如图8(b)~(d)所示。Yang等[93]设计了一种广义的Hartmann-Shack超透镜阵列,能够在测量光束的振幅和相位梯度分布的同时,获取空间偏振分布。超透镜阵列设计如图8(e)所示,超透镜阵列的每个单元由6个不同的超透镜构成,每个超透镜分别将偏振态为( x̂, ŷ)、( â, b̂)、( r̂, l̂)的光聚焦在同一焦面的不同位置。在超透镜阵列的后焦面处放置相机,通过读取相机上各个超透镜焦点的强度信息,就可以实现6个不同偏振分量的强度提取,从而获得所有的Stokes参量。此外,与普通的Hartmann-Shack波前探测器类似,当光束存在一定的入射角时,每个超透镜的焦点相对于光轴会产生一定的位移(dxdy),通过测量超透镜阵列的每个焦点偏离光轴的位移量,就可以还原入射光束的波前信息。研究人员测量了如图8(f)所示的矢量光束,图8(g)展示了相机获得的Hartmann-Shack超透镜阵列的焦点分布,图8(h)为超透镜阵列测得的偏振态分布。Guo等[94]设计了一种光子动量转换(PMT)的超构表面,通过合理设计TiO2矩形纳米柱的几何尺寸和朝向,PMT超构表面可以根据入射光的圆偏振旋向和拓扑荷数,将透射光分别聚焦到空间的不同位置,实现矢量光束的自旋角动量和轨道角动量的同时测量,如图8(i)所示。

图 8. 超透镜型偏振测量超构表面[90,93-94]。(a)DoFP超透镜单元的SEM图(上),单元每一部分的偏振基矢用彩色箭头表示(比例尺:1 μm);DoFP超透镜的工作原理示意图(下);(b)目标偏振掩模版(比例尺:100 μm);(c)利用传统方法获得的掩模版的偏振图像(比例尺:100 μm);(d)利用DoFP超透镜获得的相同掩模版的偏振图像(比例尺:100 μm);(e)广义Hartmann-Shack超透镜阵列的系统示意图;(f)径向偏振光束的焦斑强度分布,箭头定性表示局部的偏振态(比例尺:50 μm);(g)超透镜阵列获取的径向偏振光束的焦斑图像;(h)利用超透镜阵列获取的偏振态分布图;(i)PMT超构表面实现矢量光束的自旋、轨道角动量的同时测量

Fig. 8. Metalens metasurface polarimeters[90,93-94]. (a) SEM image of a fabricated DoFP metalens unit cell (upper), in which the polarization basis for each part is shown with the colored arrows and scale bar is 1 μm, and illustration of the DoFP metalens’ working principle (lower); (b) target polarization mask (scale bars:100 μm); (c) fabricated mask imaged using conventional polarimetry(scale bars:100 μm); (d) the same mask imaged using the DoFP metalens(scale bars:100 μm); (e) scheme of the generailzed Hartmann-Shack metalens array; (f) intensity distribution of the focal spot for a radially polarized incident beam, in which the arrows qualitatively indicate the local polarization states and scale bar is 50 μm; (g) image of the focal spot from the metalens array for the radially polarized beam; (h) polarization profile obtained from the metalens array; (i) metasurface-based PMT for simultaneous detection of spin and orbital angular momenta

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3.2 分时型偏振测量


图 9. 分时型偏振测量超构表面[95]。(a)GIAM偏振测量的原理图,以及GIAM的扫描电镜显微图;(b)电压值Vg为0时入射光沿x轴偏振(方块),以及三个电压值下入射光沿y轴(圆)偏振的反射谱(Rxx(yy) = |rxx(yy)|2),垂直虚线对应工作波长为6.7 μm;(c)四种偏振态入射下测得的反射光强度(左;绿:RCP;蓝:LCP;紫:x偏振;红:椭圆偏振);GIAM测得的偏振态(虚线)与旋转分析仪测得的偏振态(实线)的对比(右)

Fig. 9. Division-of-time metasurface polarimeters[95]. (a) Schematic of the GIAM-based polarimeter and the SEM image of the fabricated GIAM; (b) reflectivity spectra (Rxx(yy) = |rxx(yy)|2) for the incident light polarized along the y-axis (circles) at three values of Vg, and along the x-axis (squares) at Vg=0 V, in which vertical dotted line corresponds to wavelength of operation λ0=6.7 μm; (c) measured intensities (left) of the reflected light at the detector measured for the four incident polarization states (Green, near-RCP; blue, near-LCP; purple, near-x-polarized; red, elliptical polarization), and comparison (right) between the polarization states obtained from the GIAM polarimetry (dashed lines) and those obtained from the rotating analyzer polarimetry (solid lines)

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由于石墨烯的调制速率比较快,因此GIAM偏振测量系统的测量速率有望达到10 MHz量级,这在一定程度上解决了分时型偏振测量速度慢的问题。此外,这类基于可调谐超构表面的偏振测量系统只需探测单点的光强,因此单个探测器即可满足偏振感知的要求,极大地降低了应用的成本。由于分时型偏振测量超构表面只调制了入射光的偏振态和强度,不破坏入射光的波前信息,因此将超构表面置于成像光路中,根据相机各像素接收的强度信息,即可还原每个像素对应的偏振态,实现偏振成像。

3.3 探测器集成型偏振测量


2012年,Afsinmanesh等[96]设计了集成金属纳米天线的硅基光电探测器,实现了全Stokes参量的偏振测量,如图10(a)所示。研究人员首先通过在n型硅衬底上沉积几纳米厚的铬层和金接触层,构成硅基肖特基探测器;然后在金层上设计了4组具有不同朝向的长条形狭缝,以及2个旋向相反的螺旋形狭缝,这6组结构对入射光的偏振具有不同的光学响应,可以分别充当偏振分量( x̂, ŷ)、( â, b̂)、( r̂, l̂)的偏振滤波片。根据透过偏振滤波片的光强与肖特基探测器产生的光电流之间的线性关系,通过测量光电流即可获得入射光各偏振分量的强度。然而由于这种器件是在单个光电探测器上放置不同的偏振滤波片,因此需要将入射光束在不同狭缝结构之间进行扫描,才能分别测得各偏振分量的强度。

近年来,研究人员提出了集成金属超构表面的石墨烯-硅基光电探测器设计[99],可以在不需要扫描光束的情况下实现全Stokes参量的偏振测量。其基本结构如图10(b)所示,器件集成了4个独立的探测器,每个探测器包含1个由硅和石墨烯构成的肖特基结,以及1个手性金属超构表面。4组超构表面均为金纳米结构阵列,如图10(c)所示,这样的结构可以通过表面等离激元谐振局域光场来增强探测器的光电响应。同时,结构的手性可以保证结构对左、右旋圆偏振光具有明显的吸收差异,而结构的各向异性可以使光电响应与线偏振光的偏振角相关。图10(c)中的阵列P+P-具有相反的手性,P45P90P+具有相同手性但不同的朝向,从而使得4个超构表面对应的探测器对不同偏振态的光具有不同的响应。因此,根据这4个偏振相关的探测器获得的光电流,就可以提取出入射光的偏振信息。用此器件测得的波长为1550 nm的椭圆偏振态在庞加莱球上的表示如图10(d)所示。

图 10. 探测器集成型偏振测量超构表面。(a)集成6组不同等离激元狭缝结构的偏振探测器示意图[96];(b)基于等离激元超构表面的四像素硅-石墨烯偏振探测器示意图[99];(c)硅-石墨烯偏振探测器的扫描电子显微图[99];(d)四像素偏振探测器测得的偏振态在庞加莱球上的表示,输入光为波长1550 nm的椭圆偏振光[99]

Fig. 10. Photodetector integrated metasurface polarimeters. (a) Schematic diagram of the photodetector integrated polarimeter that contains six differently shaped plasmonic slit structures[96]; (b) schematic diagram of the four-pixel silicon/graphene hybrid detector integrated polarimeter containing differently orientated plasmonic metasurfaces[99]; (c) SEM images of the silicon/graphene polarimeter[99]; (d) measured states of polarization on a Poincaré sphere from the four-pixel polarimeter with elliptically polarized inputs at the wavelength of 1550 nm[99]

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3.4 其他方法




图 11. 其他偏振测量超构表面。(a)ODLM的结构示意图[105];(b)用于偏振态测量的ODLM和金线栅阵列超构表面结构示意图,所需要的结构单元为P0-P6,两个额外的阵列P'5P'6用于在不同工作波长测量偏振态[105];(c)利用ODLM超构表面和偏振分析仪测得的8个随机偏振态的入射光的Stokes参量(S0-S3)[105];(d)圆偏振相关的超构表面全息示意图,用于分别在LCP和RCP照明下产生RCP和LCP全息图像[106];(e)入射光偏振态为RCP、45°线偏振、左、右旋椭圆偏振时,超构表面全息图的x偏振分量的理想分布[106];(f)HWP快轴旋转角度为αHWP=0°, 30°以及QWP快轴旋转αQWP=-45°, 15°时CCD相机获取的全息图像,箭头标示对应的理论偏振态[106];(g)当旋转HWP和QWP时,理论、实验和仿真的手性相位差和Stokes参量S1S2S3 [106]

Fig. 11. Other polarimeter metasurfaces. (a) Schematic of ODLM design[105]; (b) schematic of metasurface design consisting of ODLM and gold nanowire arrays to fully characterize the polarization state of the incident light. The required units are marked by P0 through P6. The two additional units labeled P'5 and P'6 provide the capability to identify polarization states at different working wavelengths[105]; (c) Stokes parameters (S0-S3) extracted for eigth different random input polarization state, using a polarization analyzer and the metasruface[105]; (d) schematic of circular-polarization-dependent metahologram for generating RCP and LCP images under LCP and RCP illumination, respectively[106]; (e) ideal calculated x-polarized image components for illumination of the metahologram by waves with RCP, +45° linear, left-handed elliptical and right-handed ellipical polarization[106]; (f) holographic images captured by the CCD camera for orientation angles of the HWP’s fast axis of αHWP=0°, 30° and the QWP’s of αQWP=-45°, 15°. The inset arrows shcematically indicate the corresponding theoretical polarization state[106]; (g) Theoretical, experimental and simulated chiral phase difference and Stokes parameters S1, S2 and S3 when rotating the HWP and QWP, respectively[106]

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4 深度信息感知


4.1 主动式


图 12. 超构表面实现结构光投射。(a)基于几何相位的超构表面仿真实现4×4点阵投射[108];(b)二元相位超构表面实现偏振不敏感的5×5点阵投射[109];(c)扰动超构表面生成4π全空间随机点云[110];(d)基于几何相位的复振幅调制超构表面实现衍射级次选择性出射[111];(e)超大视场角结构光点阵投射超构表面[112];(f)VCSEL集成超构表面,可实现宽范围的动态光束转向[113]

Fig. 12. Realization of structured light projection by metasurfaces. (a) Geometric phase metasurface for 4×4 spots array projection on the simulation[108]; (b) binary phase metasurface for polarization-independent 5×5 spots array projection[109]; (c) scrambling metasurfaces generating random point cloud covering 4π space[110]; (d) selective diffraction with complex amplitude modulation by geometric phase metasurface[111]; (e) metasurface for structured light projection with a large field of view[112]; (f) VCSEL-integrated metasurfaces, realizing wide-ranging dynamic beam steering[113]

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另一种被广泛使用的主动三维成像方法是飞行时间法。该方法是向被测物体发射激光脉冲,光脉冲被物体反射回去后被探测器接收,通过计算光脉冲的飞行时间来计算被测物体与相机的距离。为保证较长的探测距离与较高的精度,通常需要利用光束进行扫描,主动超构表面可通过电压调控光束偏转,从而避免机械转动。Park等[114]实现了反射光振幅与0至2π相位可独立调控的超构表面反射阵列,并制成了固态空间光调制器(SLM),演示实现了三维光束扫描功能,如图13(a)所示。此外,还有更多的利用主动超构表面实现光束动态调控的研究,Yin等[115]利用相变材料在晶态和非静态之间的转换演示了光束衍射方向的切换,如图13(b)所示。Holsteen等[116]利用MEMS调谐硅基超构表面的法布里-珀罗谐振模式实现了动态光束转向、时域颜色控制以及调焦,调制速率达到1 MHz,偏置电压仅位2~3 V,如图13(c)所示。Li等[117]结合超构表面和液晶设计了可实现SLM功能的小型化像素单元,如图13(d)所示,单元尺寸仅为1 μm×1 μm,尺寸和液晶厚度分别仅为传统SLM的1/3和1/2。这些研究将超构表面与主动介质结合制成主动式超构表面,这一表面具备灵活、低功耗、高速率的光束调控能力,为复杂且易受外部干扰的机械转动扫描提供了有力的替代方案,并且具备更为小型化、轻量化的优势,但在偏折效率、偏折范围等方面仍存在挑战。

图 13. 主动超构表面实现光束方向动态调控。(a)超构表面反射阵列及单个散射体结构的示意图(上)[114]、演示实现Lidar获取的深度图(下);(b)非晶态(左)和晶态(右)主动切换的等离激元超构表面示意图[115];(c)利用MEMS实现主动超构表面动态光束调控[116];(d)基于超构表面和液晶的SLM的示意图[117]

Fig. 13. Realization of active beam steering by metasurfaces. (a) Schematic of metasurface reflecting array and the unit-cell (top)[114], and experimental demonstration of LiDAR and the acquired depth map (bottom); (b) schematic of actively switchable plasmonic metasurfaces in amorphous (left) and crystalline (right) states[115]; (c) metasurface active beam steering using MEMS[116]; (d) schematic of metasurfaces and liquid crystal based SLM[117]

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4.2 被动式


4.2.1 多目视觉


图 14. 基于多目视觉原理的超构表面三维成像。(a)用于全色光场成像的消色散超透镜阵列[118](上:全色成像与重聚焦示意图;下:场景的深度感知);(b)利用超透镜阵列快照式3D定位,物体位置与3个像的平移的对应关系[120];(c)像差的校正[120];(d)恢复的垂直距离S和水平距离S与实验设置(红线)的比较[120]

Fig. 14. Metasurface 3D imaging based on multiview stereo. (a) A chromatic metalens array for full-color light-field imaging[118](top: schematic of full-color imaging and refocusing; bottom: depth perception of scenes); (b) three-dimensional positioning with a single-shot metalens array, correspondence between the position of the object and the translation of the three images[120]; (c) correction of aberrations[120]; (d) recovered vertical distance S and horizontal distance S compared with the experimental setup (red lines) for different object distances[120]

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4.2.2 单目视觉





图 15. 利用DH-PSF的超构表面三维成像。(a)等离子超构表面集成DH-PSF和超透镜用于3D成像[123]。(左:PSF随深度变化的旋转;右:轴外双点在不同深度的成像);(b)基于介质超构表面的DH-PSF三维成像[124](左:成像原理示意图;右:3D场景成像结果及获取的深度信息);(c)超构表面场景重建与测距[125]

Fig. 15. Metasurface 3D imaging using DH-PSF. (a) Metasurface integrated with DH-PSF and metalens for three-dimensional imaging[123](left: rotation of PSF with the change of depth; right: imaging of two off-axis point sources at different depths); (b) 3D imaging by DH-PSF based on dielectric metasurfaces[124](left: schematic of imaging principle; right: imaging results of a 3D scene and the retrieved depth information); (c) ranging and scene reconstruction using a metasurface[125]

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利用超构表面还有望实现快照式精度更高的离焦法三维成像。Guo等利用了超构表面单元的空间复用[126]在单个超构表面上实现了2种相位分布[127],使用3 mm孔径超透镜在同一像面上实现了两个不同焦距的交错离轴聚焦,从而实现快照式离焦法深度感知,如图16(a)所示。其深度的计算只需要考虑像素周围的一个小邻域,计算量小,每秒可处理100幅400 pixel×400 pixel的图像,可用于较复杂场景的实时三维成像,但当前深度估计的精度仍然有限,如图16(b)所示。

图 16. 改进离焦法的超构表面三维成像。(a)超构表面基于超透镜空间复用的交错离轴聚焦实现快照式离焦三维成像的原理图[127];(b)随物体深度的深度传感结果概率分布[127];(c)利用超构表面极端色散的离焦3D成像,超透镜将不同色光聚焦于不同深度[128];(d)不同场景的重建结果[128];(e)利用分立U-Net和端对端优化的3D(深度和RGB图像)重建算法[128];(f)三维重建结果分析[128](左:随物体深度的深度感知结果概率分布;右:所使用超透镜与传统透镜的成像结果对比)

Fig. 16. Metasurface 3D imaging with improved defocus method. (a) Schematic of single-shot defocus 3D imaging metasurface realized by interleaved off-axis focusing based on spatial multiplexing of metalens[127]; (b) probability distribution of depth sensing results depending on object depth[127]; (c) defocus 3D imaging using extreme dispersion in metasurfaces, in which metalens focuses different colors at different depths[128]; (d) reconstruction results of different scenes[128]; (e) schematic of 3D (depth and RGB image) reconstruction algorithm using separate U-Net and end-to-end optimization[128]; (f) analysis of 3D reconstruction results[128] (left: probability distribution of depth sensing results depending on object depth; right: comparison between reconstruction results of conventional lens and the applied metalens)

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5 结束语

重点介绍了超构表面在光谱、偏振、深度等多维光场感知中的应用。当前,研究人员提出的超构表面一般仅能实现对较少维度光场信息的感知,部分器件虽然能同时获取光谱、偏振等信息,但会破坏光的波前,难以实现成像功能[75, 78-80]。未来人们有望进一步利用超构表面设计的灵活性,实现对更多维度光场信息的同时感知。其中一种可能的方案是利用可重构式超构表面。例如,通过在超构表面上同时集成可调谐型光谱滤波片和偏振滤波片,结合计算重建,有望实现对光谱、偏振信息的同时测量。此外,进一步结合超构表面微纳结构设计的极大自由度以及不断发展的计算机技术,在超构表面设计及重建算法中利用逆向设计、端对端优化、深度学习等方法,以极小尺寸的微纳结构结合计算后端,有望实现光谱、偏振、深度等多维光信息的同时感知。随着人们对超构表面认识的深入,对新型超构表面设计的探索,以及对大规模微纳加工技术的完善,超构表面将在轻量化、集成化的多维光场感知领域有着光明的应用前景。


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