光子学报, 2022, 51 (12): 1212004, 网络出版: 2023-02-06  


Research and Application of the Calibration of the Ground Radiometer in Dunhuang Test
黄冬 1,2,3李新 1,2,*张艳娜 1,2韦玮 1,2张权 1,2
1 中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院 安徽光学精密机械研究所安徽,合肥 230031
2 中国科学院通用光学定标与表征重点实验室,合肥 230031
3 中国科学技术大学,合肥 230026
When the satellite is in orbit for a long time, the remote sensor will be affected by factors such as the space environment and the aging of components, which will cause the phenomenon of radiation response decay. To meet the quantitative requirements of satellite data and the monitoring of remote sensor performance change, continuous and precise calibration of remote sensors is required. At present, the vicarious calibration based on the reflectance-based method is widely used. A large area of uniform and stable targets are used as the radiometric calibration site. When the satellite transit, the surface reflectance and atmospheric parameters of the site are synchronously measured manually, and the apparent reflectance is calculated in combination with the radiative transfer model, to obtain the calibration coefficient of the satellite sensors. It takes much time, manpower, material and financial resources to complete an effective calibration test. At the same time, due to the limitations of weather conditions, the calibration frequency is basically maintained at the level of once a year. With the increase in the number and types of optical satellites, the radiometric calibration based on the traditional vicarious calibration method can not meet the needs of remote sensing quantification in time. In recent years, a method of automated vicarious calibration based on high frequency, high precision, low cost and other considerations has been adopted internationally. This method uses unattended and automated observation equipment to measure the surface reflectance and atmospheric parameters and combines with the radiation transfer model to realize the high-time calibration of remote sensors. The automated vicarious calibration observation network such as the Radiometric Calibration Network and the Automated Vicarious Calibration System has been deployed in Railroad Valley Playa in the United States, La Crau in France, Baotou in China, Dunhuang in China, etc. for satellite calibration and verification. Surface reflectance is an important parameter for automated vicarious calibration. Considering the long-term field observation and operation stability, the channel-type radiometer is usually used.The automated test-site radiometer is the core equipment of the automatic vicarious calibration system in the Dunhuang radiometric calibration test site, which provides surface reflectance parameters. In order to ensure the high-precision measurement of reflectance in the long-term automated vicarious calibration process, the high-precision calibration of the automated test-site radiometer is generally completed in the laboratory. The calibration process needs to be completed by returning to the laboratory. The long calibration cycle will cause the loss of observation data, and long-distance transportation vibration will also affect the calibration accuracy.The damage to the automated test-site radiometer observation area caused by manual mobilization, installation and disassembly will seriously affect its consistency with the satellite transit observation area. In addition, light sources standard lamp and sun are used for instrument calibration and surface reflectance calculation, respectively in the satellite automated vicarious calibration.There are differences in spectral distribution between the two.To solve these problems, the on-site calibration method of the channel-type automated test-site radiometer was studied. The automatic observation data of the hyperspectral irradiance meter was introduced into the solar-radiation-based calibration method to calculate the sky diffuse illuminance. The acquisition methods and calculation processes of light source, aerosol optical thickness, diffuse to total ratio and other parameters used in the calibration of the automated test-site radiometer and satellite automated vicarious calibration were consistent. The solar-radiation-based calibration method is used to calculate the calibration coefficient and surface reflectance, and the calculated surface reflectance is compared with the manually measured surface reflectance using ASD spectrometer. Then the uncertainty of surface reflectance calculation is analyzed.The results show that the relative deviation between the reflectance of the automated test-site radiometer calculated by the solar-radiation-based calibration method and the reflectance of artificial ASD measurement is better than 1.4%, and the uncertainty of reflectance calculation is better than 2.78%~4.35%.Solar-radiation-based calibration method has high accuracy and system advantages in practical application. The calibration coefficient of the automated test-site radiometer calculated by the solar-radiation-based calibration method is applied to the satellite's automatic vicarious calibration. The automatic vicarious calibration results in recent three years are in good agreement with the AQUA/MODIS on-board calibration coefficient. The relative deviation of single calibration of each channel is basically within 5%, and the average percentage deviation is better than 3.58%. It can monitor and track the operation of satellite load, and verify the effectiveness and applicability of the SRBC method.

0 引言


基于高频次、高精度、低成本等考虑,近年来国际上提出了场地自动化替代定标的方法,在场地没有人员操作的情况下,利用自动化观测设备进行地表反射率和大气参数的测量,结合辐射传输模型进行定标7-8。国际卫星对地观测委员会(Committee on Earth Observation Satellites,CEOS)的全球自主辐射定标场网(RadCalNet)在美国Railroad Valley Playa、法国 La Crau、纳米比亚Gobabeb和中国包头四个站点均部署了自动化定标观测系统进行卫星定标和验证9-10。场地自动化替代定标首先需要获得地面的目标反射率,通常使用通道式对地辐射计进行观测,其具有结构简单、运行稳定等特点。国家卫星气象中心、中国科学院安光所等单位在敦煌辐射校正场部署了包括通道式对地辐射计(Automated Test-site Radiometer,ATR)、全自动太阳光度计(Automated Precision Solar Radiometer,PSR)等自动化观测设备。地表反射率的观测精度对自动化替代定标的精度有很大影响,需要对通道式对地辐射计进行精确定标11。通道式对地辐射计的定标方法主要为实验室定标和现场定标(Solar-Radiation-Based Calibration,SRBC)。实验室定标一般采用“灯+板”系统(lamp-panel calibration)即标准灯、标准参考板、消杂光光阑等完成定标12。定标需要返回实验室完成,定标周期较长,会造成观测数据的缺失,长途的运输震动也会影响定标精度,人工进场安装与拆卸造成对地辐射计观测区域的破环会严重影响其与卫星过境观测区域的一致性,另外在卫星自动化替代定标中,从仪器定标到计算地表反射率,需要引入标准灯和太阳两个光源,两者光谱分布存在差异。SRBC一般是利用气溶胶光学厚度、漫总比等大气参数和辐射传输模型等进行定标,可以在现场完成,定标和卫星自动化替代定标应用均将太阳作为光源,光谱分布和动态范围相近,漫总比一般在定标时采用人工手举挡板获得13,但是人工手举挡板时容易受到人为主观和风沙等环境因素的影响,同时,仪器定标时采用人工挡板方式获取漫总比进而得到天空漫射照度,卫星自动化替代定标应用时采用辐射传输模型估算天空漫射照度,天空漫射照度的差异可能达到50%,这些差异带来地表反射率变化高达10%14。这些差异带来的地表反射率的计算误差会直接影响自动化替代定标的精度。对地辐射计的高精度测量在对遥感器各个通道衰变情况的长时间连续监视和卫星产品的反演、真实性检验等方面有着重要意义。


1 研究方法和原理

1.1 观测仪器

2018年在敦煌辐射校正场布设了自动化定标系统,包括通道式对地辐射计(Automated Test-site Radiometer,ATR)、全自动太阳光度计(Automated Precision Solar Radiometer,PSR)和超光谱辐照度仪(Automated Hyperspectral Irradiance Meter,HIM),如图1。三台仪器均布置在敦煌场地长期运行观测,可以获得连续稳定的数据。观测数据通过北斗和4G远程通信模块发送到数据处理中心。

图 1. 自动化观测仪器

Fig. 1. Automated observation instrument

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ATR仪器覆盖可见光至短波红外的8个通道,采用了硅和铟镓砷探测器,ATR光学头部在支架上以10°视场角每3 min采集一次辐亮度数据,用于测量地表反射率,ATR布置在敦煌辐射校正场中心点。PSR仪器覆盖可见光至近红外光谱的9个通道,各通道全固化观测,全自动跟踪太阳观测,同时测量地表温度、湿度、压强等环境参数,用于反演气溶胶光学厚度(Aerosol Optical Depth,AOD)、大气水汽含量等大气参数,观测周期为3 min。HIM仪器布置在敦煌辐射校正场观测基地楼顶,通过驱动四连杆上的小球遮挡太阳直射光进入积分球玻璃罩,从而实现自动获取实时下行总照度、漫照度、直射照度、漫总比等参数,6 min测量一次。PSR、ATR、HIM均进行精密温控,技术参数如表1所示。

表 1. 仪器的技术参数

Table 1. Technical parameter of instruments



870、937、1 020、1 640

400、450、500、600、675、810、1 000、1 550400~2 400
Application(Band/nm)Water vapor(937),aerosol(the other)Surface reflectanceIrradiance,Diffuse-total ratio

≤4(400~950),≤15(950~1 700),

≤20(1 700~2 400)


1.2 现场定标SRBC原理


图 2. SRBC示意图

Fig. 2. The diagram of SRBC

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式中,β为大气浑浊度系数,是λ=1 μm处的气溶胶光学厚度,α是波长指数。对公式两边取对数有











2 定标计算

2.1 定标结果

2020年9月在合肥实验室采用“灯+板”方法完成定标。随后分别在2020年10月和2021年9月在敦煌辐射较正场采用SRBC方法完成定标。如图3(a)所示,用实验室“灯+板”的定标结果作为基准,SRBC的结果与其相比一致性较好,最大相对偏差约为3.6%。如图3(b)所示,2020年10月和2021年9月采用SRBC方法定标,操作方法、步骤和使用设备等完全一致,相对于2020年的定标结果,各通道年际变化小于1.5%,810 nm通道定标系数衰变2.3%,各通道响应相对稳定。

图 3. 定标系数相对偏差

Fig. 3. The relative deviation of calibration coefficient

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2.2 反射率验证

为了验证定标效果和精度,选择一个非定标日(2020年10月20日)用ASD与ATR进行同步观测反射率比对。在ASD光纤处安装了一个10°的透镜,使ASD和ATR观测情况尽可能一致。在ATR 3 min测量间隔内,将ASD光纤枪头垂直放在ATR镜头下方,使之观测同一区域,连续测量5次,ASD在测量地面前后均测量了标准板共2次,标准板与ATR定标时使用的是同一块。

ASD的反射率根据式(10)计算,式中Mean(DNland)为ASD 5次测量地面的平均DN值,Mean(DNpannel)为2次测量标准板的DN值,ρpanel(λ,θ)为对应太阳天顶角时的反射率。




式(11)各参数获取、计算与SRBC定标计算方法保持一致。其中CATR_i为SRBC的定标系数。如图4所示,利用SRBC定标系数计算的地表反射率与ASD同步观测的地表反射率具有很好的一致性,500 nm~1 000 nm的反射率相对偏差基本在1.4%以内,短波相对偏差约为3.7%。图中1 380 nm和1 870 nm附近由于水汽强吸收带的扰动影响出现明显波动。

图 4. 反射率的测量对比

Fig. 4. Reflectance measurement comparison

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2.3 地表反射率不确定度

利用SRBC(Solar Radiation-Based Calibration)定标系数计算地表反射率







直射透过率T的不确定度主要受气溶胶光学厚度、瑞利散射、臭氧含量等大气参数的不确定度影响,其中,AOD来源于现场自动观测的太阳光度计PSR。PSR采用交叉定标的方法定标和气溶胶观测网AERONET推荐算法反演AOD,AOD的不确定度是<0.01(λ>440 nm)、<0.02(λ<440 nm)15,ATR 500 nm、675 nm两个通道的AOD由太阳光度计测量,其不确定度<0.01。PSR 9个观测通道波段范围从340 nm~1 640 nm,覆盖ATR的观测通道,对于ATR部分非太阳光度计观测通道采用式(5)插值得到,ATR定标和自动化替代定标均选择低气溶胶、晴好的天气条件,气溶胶类型较为稳定,假设ATR非太阳光度计观测通道气溶胶光学厚度不确定度为0.015(0.025@400 nm)。臭氧含量使用的是OMI数据,该数据的不确定度为约为3%25。在可见到近红外范围内瑞利散射光学厚度相对误差小于1.2%19,1.14 km观测点带来瑞利光学厚度变化约为0.003 7@400 nm、0.001 5@500 nm、0.000 7@600 nm和0.000 089@1 000 nm,由此可见,短波影响稍大,ECKT F认为瑞利散射光学厚度的不确定性来源于观测点气压变化26,本文气压数据由现场气压传感器实时提供,这部分实际影响很小。ATR定标和自动化替代定标应用时均在晴好天气、太阳天顶角小的条件下进行,当太阳天顶角为40°、海拔1.14 km、AOD范围为0.1~0.3(波动0.01~0.025)、瑞利散射光学厚度波动1.2%、臭氧含量为300±3%DU时计算的直射透过率受AOD、瑞利散射和臭氧不确定度的影响约为1.3%~3.6%,继续计算发现随天顶角的变小而减小,本文认为直射透过率的不确定度约为1.3%~3.6%。



表 2. SRBC法定标系数不确定度

Table 2. The uncertainty estimates of the calibration coefficient for SRBC method

Source of uncertaintyUncertainty
Reflectance of standard panel ρpannel1%
Measurement of ATR0.19%
Atmospheric transmission1.3%~3.6%
Diffuse total ratio2%

Other uncertainties(filter transmittance,

Earth-Sun distance,etc)


4.35%@400 nm;3.29%@450 nm;2.87%@500 nm;

3.23%@600 nm;2.78%@675 nm;3.09%



3 卫星定标应用



表 3. AQUA/MODIS波段参数

Table 3. The band parameters of AQUA/MODIS

Band/nmBandwidth/nmSignal to noise ratio
Ch51 230~1 25074
Ch61 628~1 652275
Ch72 105~2 135110



式中,i为ATR的通道数,ρiσi为卫星过境前后6 min的ATR观测的地表反射率的平均值和标准偏差,ρRef_i为参考高光谱反射率在ATR通道卷积后的等效反射率,k为放缩平移系数。利用BRDF模型对实时高光谱地表反射率进行角度校正得到卫星过境时观测方向的高光谱地表反射率29




图 5. 卫星观测方向地表反射率

Fig. 5. The Surface reflectance in the direction of satellite transit observation

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考虑到敦煌辐射校正场的均匀性,选择敦煌辐射校正场10 km×10 km的中心位置为中心像元,中心周围3×3像元的窗口平均DN进行星地匹配。为保证观测数据质量和有效性,对观测数据进行质量控制,卫星观测方向,卫星数据选取的像元变异系数小于2.5%,卫星观测天顶角<40°;用550 nm AOD小于0.3和卫星过境前后45 minATR观测信号对数与大气质量数线性相关性大于0.99来进行晴好天气筛选。如图6所示,2018年8月7日,AQUA/MODIS过境前后ATR观测ln(DN)与大气质量数m线性相关性超过0.997。

图 6. ATR观测ln(DN)与大气质量数m线性相关性

Fig. 6. The linear correlation between the logarithm of DN observed by ATR and airmass

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Relative Deviation=(Measured-Modis)/Modis×100%


图 7. 自动化替代定标与AQUA/MODIS星上定标系数对比

Fig. 7. Comparison of calibration coefficient of AQUA/MODIS between on-board calibration and the automated vicarious calibration

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图8是AQUA/MODIS前12通道自动化替代定标系数与其星上定标系数的相对偏差随时间的变化,从中可以看出各通道单次定标相对偏差基本在5%以内,ch8-ch12通道定标相对偏差优于3%,其中ch11和ch12通道是海洋水色通道,过境敦煌大部分时间处于饱和状态,数据量较少,集中在冬季,低频率的传统人工定标很难及时完成。图9是各通道自动化替代定标系数与其星上定标系数的平均百分偏差,平均图中的不确定度条是所有数据平均值的1σ标准偏差,如图9所示,除了ch7 2 105~2 135nm通道以外,其余通道的平均百分偏差范围为-0.46%到3.58%之间,百分偏差不确定条基本在3%以下。2 105~2 135 nm通道误差可能是该通道处于ATR 400~1 550 nm波段观测范围外,在高光谱反射率放缩过平移程中无长波的权重参与放缩匹配,同时敦煌戈壁滩该通道信号非常低且少量的水汽吸收扰动也会产生影响。

图 8. 自动化替代定标与AQUA/MODIS星上定标系数相对偏差

Fig. 8. The relative deviation of calibration coefficient of AQUA/MODIS between on-board calibration and automated vicarious calibration

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图 9. 自动化替代定标与AQUA/MODIS星上定标系数平均相对偏差

Fig. 9. The average relative deviation of AQUA/MODIS between on-board calibration and the automated vicarious calibration

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4 结论



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