中国激光, 2023, 50 (21): 2107102, 网络出版: 2023-11-01  


Recent Developments in Fluorescence-Guided Cryogenic Focused-Ion-Beam Milling
李尉兴 1卢婧 1肖珂 1纪伟 1,2,3,*
1 中国科学院生物物理研究所交叉科学所重点实验室,北京 100101
2 生物岛实验室光学成像和检测技术研发创新中心,广东 广州 510320
3 中国科学院大学生命科学学院,北京 100049
细胞超微结构的原位解析是当前的一个研究热点。冷冻电子断层扫描成像技术(cryo-ET)是目前细胞原位结构解析的核心技术。cryo-ET只能对厚度小于300 nm的样品进行成像,因此利用cryo-ET研究细胞超微结构时首先需要对细胞进行减薄。聚焦离子束(FIB)切割是目前冷冻生物样品减薄的主流技术。传统FIB切割只能在细胞的任意位置上进行“盲切”,无法对细胞内部特定研究目标进行定点切割。光电融合成像技术(CLEM)恰可解决这一问题。CLEM利用荧光成像技术识别并定位研究目标,通过光电图像的关联匹配,可在FIB图像中确定荧光目标的位置,进而指导FIB的定点减薄。针对荧光导航cryo-FIB减薄的相关技术方法、仪器设备和工作流程进行了梳理,分析对比了主流方案的优缺点,旨在帮助研究者选择出合适的荧光导航FIB减薄方案,并对该技术的未来发展方向进行了展望。

Eukaryotic cells have numerous cellular structures, including a variety of organelles and macromolecular complexes. These structures have specific physiological functions and work interactively to perform certain cellular activities. Therefore, studying these structures in their native state is essential to understand the real physiological processes in the cells. In situ investigation of cellular structures does not only provide morphology, distribution, and abundance information, but also reveals their interaction mechanisms, thereby providing new insights into the understanding of life.

Cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) is currently the principal technique to resolve the in situ structures of biological specimens. By collecting tilted series of transmission electron images and performing image reconstruction, cryo-ET determines the 3D structures of bio-specimens with a nanometer-level resolution. A prerequisite for applying cryo-ET is to fix the sample under cryogenic conditions. High-pressure freezing and plunge freezing are well-established cryo-fixation methods that preserve biological specimens in their near-native state in vitreous ice. Benefiting from these techniques, cryo-ET has been widely applied to cells and tissues.

One limitation to cryo-ET is its restricted imaging depth, which is typically a few hundred nanometers owing to the confined penetration capabilities of electrons. Therefore, reducing the thickness of the samples to that of lamellae of approximately 200 nm is necessary before applying cryo-ET. Focused ion beam (FIB) milling has been recently employed to prepare lamellae of bio-specimens for cryo-ET. Compared to traditional ultramicrotomy, FIB milling avoids artifacts such as distortions, crevasses, and compression when fabricating the lamella. However, conventional FIB milling does not allow site-specific milling, because in a dual-beam FIB/SEM system, FIB or SEM image only illustrates the surface morphology of the sample and cannot provide more information to recognize and localize the underlying interest targets. When milling cells with FIB, cutting at an arbitrary position can only hit abundant cellular structures such as Golgi apparatus or mitochondria but cannot be used to prepare lamellae containing specific targets. This drawback hinders the application of FIB in cryo-ET.

The “blind” milling can be improved by correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM). In CLEM, the targets of interest are fluorescently labelled and can be identified by fluorescence imaging. After registering the light and FIB images, fluorescence signal can be used to guide the FIB to mill at specific sites. Currently, various light imaging modalities have been adopted to navigate FIB fabrication, including widefield microscopy, confocal microscopy, and Airyscan. Moreover, two major working routines, that is, pipelined and integrated workflows, have been established to perform fluorescence-guided FIB milling. Therefore, it is important and necessary to summarize the existing techniques and discuss the advantages and limitations of different working routines to provide guidelines for researchers to choose the appropriate protocols.


This study reviews the essential techniques involved in fluorescence-guided cryo-FIB milling. First, plunge freezing is introduced. Plunge freezing is the most commonly used technique to vitrify cells. The key aspects to obtain good plunge-frozen specimens are discussed, including the choice of electron microscope grids and supporting films (Fig. 2), available commercial instruments (Fig. 3), and standard protocols.

Second, as a popular method to prepare lamellae of vitrified cells, FIB milling is discussed in several aspects: the working principle is introduced; the relevant instrumentations are summarized, including dual-beam FIB/SEM system (Fig. 4), cryostage and cryotransfer systems (Fig. 5), and Autogrid and sample holder (Fig. 6); and the milling of frozen cells is outlined (Fig. 7).

Third, the principle (Fig. 8) and workflow (Fig. 9) of fluorescence-guided FIB milling is introduced. Pipelined and integrated workflows are described, and relevant commercial instruments are overviewed (Figs. 10 and 11). The different workflows and various systems are compared (Table. 1). The most recent developments of integrated solutions are discussed in detail. Sun Fei's research group and Ji Wei's research group from the Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences have developed novel integrated light, ion, and electron microscopies (Figs. 12 and 13), thereby providing new avenues for performing accurate and efficient FIB milling at specific sites under fluorescence guidance.

Conclusions and Prospects

In situ investigation of cellular structures using cryo-ET has recently become an interesting research topic. Fluorescence-guided FIB milling has been applied to mill vitrified biological samples at specific sites. The recent developments in integrated cryo-FLM-FIB/SEM systems and workflows provide efficient and accurate methods to fabricate cell lamellae containing desired targets. These innovations have the potential to serve as all-in-one solutions for site-specific cryo-lamella preparation for cryo-ET in the future.

1 引言


冷冻电子断层扫描成像技术(cryo-ET)是目前原位结构解析最前沿的技术1-2。该技术的理论基础是1968年由De Rosier和Klug3提出的三维重构原理,即通过对同一区域进行多角度的透射电子成像后,再反向计算便可重构出成像对象的三维信息。这个理论将透射电镜成像从二维时代带入了三维时代。20世纪80年代,Dubochet等4发展了快速冷冻技术,将含水生物样品在近乎天然的生理状态下冷冻固定在非晶冰中5-6,解决了传统电镜样品制备方法脱水失活的问题。高保真的样品制备和高分辨的三维解析开启了利用cryo-ET解析细胞原位结构的时代7-9,极大地加深了人们在细胞层面对生命的认知。

cryo-ET的一个局限是其只能观察厚度在几百纳米以下的样品10,因为主流300 kV透射电镜的电子束只能穿透300 nm左右的冷冻样品11。有限的成像深度在很大程度上限制了cryo-ET的应用范围,因为真核细胞的厚度有几个微米,组织样品的厚度达到百微米甚至毫米级别,这些样品都无法直接利用cryo-ET进行观察。要用cryo-ET对生物样品进行成像,首先要将样品减薄成200 nm左右的薄片。




2 荧光导航FIB减薄相关核心技术

2.1 细胞快速冷冻技术

2.1.1 概述

电镜(EM)的成像环境为高真空,为了对含水生物样品进行电镜观察,首先将样品固定在真空兼容的状态中。传统的电镜样品制备方法包括染色、化学固定、脱水、树脂包埋、切片等一系列操作31,这种基于化学固定的方法会引入不同程度的假象,影响细胞超微结构解析的真实性。为了解决化学固定造成的样品失真问题,人们尝试利用冷冻的方法固定生物样品。含水样品的冷冻固定必须避免晶体冰的形成,因为晶体冰不仅会刺破样品的微观结构,还会形成絮状衬度,影响透射电镜(TEM)的观察。为此人们发明了高压冷冻32和快速冷冻两种方法,分别对较厚的组织样品(厚度在500 μm以内)和较薄的细胞、生物大分子样品(厚度在20 μm以内)进行冷冻固定33,可将生物样品在近乎天然的生理状态下固定在非晶态冰中34图1)。高压冷冻是在冷冻样品的过程中向样品施加高达210 MPa左右的压力,将水的成核温度降低至181 K35以抑制晶态冰的形成。快速冷冻则将薄样品迅速投入到制冷剂(通常是液态乙烷或丙烷)中,制冷剂的高热容和高导热率快速带走热量,可在晶体冰形成前完成样品的非晶态固定。

图 1. 冷冻固定在非晶冰中的生物样品(标尺:200 nm)。(a)利用高压冷冻固定的U2OS细胞超薄切片的透射电镜图像;(b)利用快速冷冻固定的PC12细胞的透射电镜图像

Fig. 1. Biological samples cryo-fixed in vitreous ice (scalebar: 200 nm). (a) TEM image of lamella of U2OS cell vitrified using high pressure freezing; (b) TEM image of PC12 cell vitrified using plunge freezing

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2.1.2 载网和支撑膜



图 2. 用于细胞快速冷冻的电镜载网。(a)具有规则圆孔的Quantifoil载网(标尺:20 μm);(b)具有不规则孔洞的微栅载网(标尺:10 μm);(c)带有坐标的微栅载网(标尺:200 μm);(d)承载HeLa细胞的微栅载网(标尺:200 μm)

Fig. 2. EM grids for plunge freezing of cells. (a) Quantifoil grid with regular circular holes (scalebar: 200 μm); (b) lattice grid with irregular holes (scalebar: 200 μm); (c) lattice grid with coordinate markers (scalebar: 200 μm); (d) lattice grid containing HeLa cells (scalebar: 200 μm)

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2.1.3 快速冷冻设备


图 3. 商业化快速冷冻设备。(a)赛默飞公司的Vitrobot;(b)Leica公司的EM GP;(c)Gatan公司的Cp3

Fig. 3. Commercial instruments for plunge freezing. (a) Vitrobot from ThermoFisher; (b) EM GP from Leica; (c) Cp3 from Gatan

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2.1.4 快速冷冻工作流程



2)更换滤纸,设置冻样设备的湿度及温度,对于细胞样品,温度一般设置在37 ℃左右,湿度在85%左右。






8)使用移液枪吸取3~5 μL细胞悬浮液,加在载网有碳膜一侧。(对于生长在载网上的细胞样品,加磷酸缓冲盐溶液(PBS)以冲洗掉细胞培养液,避免“冻不透”。)

9)使用滤纸进行自动吸干,吸液时长一般为3~5 s。



12)将样品盒快速放进盛有液氮的50 mL离心管中,并将离心管转移至液氮罐中保存。

2.2 cryo-FIB减薄技术

2.2.1 概述

FIB切割使用的离子源主要包括液态金属离子源42(例如镓等)和等离子体源43(例如氩、氙等)。目前冷冻细胞样品减薄中使用的主要是液态金属镓离子源。镓具有低熔点、易挥发、低蒸气压的特点44,在室温下以液态形式存在,在外加电压的作用下可电离出镓离子,再经过加速和一系列静电透镜的聚焦形成聚焦离子束。离子束的加速电压通常为5~50 keV,束流一般为几十pA到几nA,可产生5~500 nm直径的离子束,因此FIB十分适合在纳米尺度上进行细胞的加工。当FIB轰击样品表面时会移除焦点处的原子,再通过三维空间的扫描即可移除特定的体积,达到切割的效果。和SEM原理类似,FIB在扫描样品的过程中也会激发二次电子,同样可以形成二次电子图像。

FIB切割技术最早被应用在材料科学中,用于制备透射电镜薄片样品45或者加工固体材料46。不同于传统的固体材料,冷冻生物样品的加工必须在-135 ℃以下进行,否则非晶冰就会发生去玻璃化形成晶态冰47。2006年,Marko等48率先将FIB应用在非晶冰的切割中,证实了FIB不会引起非晶冰的去玻璃化。2007年,Marko等12进一步将这项技术应用在冷冻细菌的减薄中,获得了适用于透射电镜观察的细菌薄片样品,并验证了FIB切割不会引入影响透射电镜观察的缺陷。后来,Rigort等49完善了这项技术,针对cryo-ET建立了冷冻细胞FIB减薄的工作流程,并提出了利用CLEM引导FIB减薄的方案50,使FIB成为cryo-ET样品减薄的主流方法。

2.2.2 cryo-FIB减薄设备

FIB通常被安装在SEM中使用,再配以气体注入系统(GIS)、冷台系统及多种二次电子、背散射电子探测器,形成功能强大的cryo-FIB减薄系统。目前主流SEM厂商均针对冷冻生物样品减薄提供了成熟的双束电镜(图4)。冷台系统是冷冻双束电镜的核心部件,用于对电镜内部的样品进行制冷和保冷。蔡司和泰斯肯公司使用的是Quorum公司提供的第三方冷台[图5(a)]),赛默飞公司使用的是自研发的冷台。这些冷台的工作原理类似,都是利用循环的液氮带走热量实现降温,冷台温度可控制在-180 ℃以下,远低于非晶冰去玻璃化的相变温度(约-160 ℃),可保证冷台上的生物样品始终处在非晶冰状态下。电子枪附近还会安装一个冷阱[图5(b)],其温度通常控制在低于冷台温度10 ℃左右,用于吸附FIB切割过程中产生的碎屑,避免碎屑掉落在样品上造成污染。此外,这些双束电镜还配有相应的冷冻样品真空传输系统,可在低温条件下将冷冻样品传输至电镜真空腔内。Quorum公司的传输系统还带有磁控溅射镀膜和冷冻断裂功能[图5(c)],可在传输过程中方便地进行样品预处理。

图 4. 商业化双束电镜。(a)蔡司公司的Crossbeam双束电镜;(b)赛默飞公司的Aquilos双束电镜;(c)泰斯肯公司的Amber双束电镜

Fig. 4. Commercial dual-beam FIB/SEMs. (a) Crossbeam dual-beam FIB/SEM from Zeiss; (b) Aquilos dual-beam FIB/SEM from ThermoFischer; (c) Amber dual-beam FIB/SEM from Tescan

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图 5. Quorum公司的冷台系统。(a)冷台模块;(b)冷阱模块;(c)带有磁控溅射镀膜功能的冷冻样品传输模块

Fig. 5. Cryostage system from Quorum. (a) Cryostage module; (b) cryotrap module; (c) cryogenic sample transfer module equipped with magnetron sputter coating function

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2.2.3 cryo-FIB减薄流程


图 6. Autogrid及样品托。(a)装载在Autogrid中的电镜载网;(b)承载Autogrid样品的冷台样品托

Fig. 6. Autogrid and sample holder. (a) EM grid mounted in Autogrid; (b) cryostage sample holder containing Autogrid samples

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目前最常用的减薄策略是在预设切片位置的上下方切削掉两个长方体以获得切片[图7(a)]。离子束在设定的长方体范围内进行三维扫描,受到轰击的部分会脱离样品,掉落的碎屑会被冷阱吸附或被真空泵抽走。切割过程通常从大束流(300~500 pA)开始,快速移除切片两侧的大部分物质,然后逐步减小束流,切割不断向切片中心逼近,最后使用微小束流(10~50 pA)进行抛光,形成一个只有两侧边缘连接在细胞上的超薄切片[图7(b)、(c)]。

图 7. 冷冻细胞的FIB减薄(标尺:5 μm)。(a)冷冻在载网上的HeLa细胞的FIB图像,虚线框所示为准备切掉的部分;(b)减薄后细胞切片的FIB图像;(c)减薄后细胞切片的SEM图像;(d)细胞切片两侧微伸缩缝(箭头)的SEM图像

Fig. 7. FIB milling of vitrified cells (scalebar: 5 μm). (a) FIB image of HeLa cells vitrified on grid with part to be cut off shown in dashed box; (b) FIB image of cell lamella after milling; (c) SEM image of cell lamella after milling; (d) SEM image of cell lamella with micro-expansion joints (arrows)

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对于cryo-ET,切片的厚度通常控制在300 nm以内,样品越薄,电子通透性越好,得到的图像衬度和分辨率越高51。切片的宽度通常为10~20 μm,由于样品内部应力的存在,越宽的切片面临的弯曲、褶皱和破损的几率也就越大。为了释放应力,在减薄前在切片两侧加工两条微伸缩缝(micro-expansion joints)[图7(d)],可以缓冲应力产生的微小样品形变,有效降低切片的破损率54。切割完成后,利用冷冻传输系统将样品从双束电镜中撤出,然后装入冷冻样品盒里,浸没在液氮中保存。保存时间越短,样品的冰污染和破损几率越小,因此通常在切片加工完成后,尽快进行cryo-ET实验。

2.3 荧光导航cryo-FIB减薄技术

2.3.1 概述


图 8. 荧光导航cryo-FIB减薄原理(标尺:10 μm)。(a)HepG2细胞的FIB图像,圆圈标注出5个用来配准的荧光珠;(b)图8(a)的光镜图像,圆圈标注图8(a)中对应的5个荧光珠,箭头标注选取的研究目标;(c)FIB和光镜的配准图像,箭头指示图8(b)中选取的研究目标

Fig. 8. Principle of fluorescence-guided cryo-FIB milling (scalebar: 10 μm). (a) FIB image of HepG2 cells with five fluorescent beads selected for image registration shown by circles; (b) light microscopy image of Fig. 8(a) with five fluorescent beads in Fig. 8(a) shown by circles and selected interest target shown by arrow; (c) superimposition of FIB and light microscopy images after image registration with target chosen in Fig. 8(b) shown by arrow

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图 9. 荧光导航cryo-FIB减薄方案(图片来自。(a)分体式方案;(b)集成式方案

Fig. 9. Schemes of fluorescence-guided cryo-FIB milling (image source: (a) Pipelined scheme; (b) integrated scheme

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表 1. 不同荧光导航FIB减薄策略的比较

Table 1. Comparison of different fluorescence-guided FIB milling strategies

StrategyFLM modeNeeded fiducial markerApplicable target sizeTime of targeted millingSuccess rate of targeted milling
Pipelined workflowWidefield,confocal microscopy,Airyscan,etc.Yes≥1 μm~1.5 h for each lamellaNot reported




(LED illuminated)

Yes≥1 μm~2 h for each lamellaNot reported




(LED illuminated)

No200‒500 nm~0.8 h for each lamella91%



ConfocalNo≥10 nm~1 h for each lamella95%


2.3.2 分体式荧光导航cryo-FIB减薄设备与工作流程

分体式荧光导航FIB减薄设备主要由独立的冷冻光学显微镜和cryo-FIB/SEM系统构成。cryo-FIB/SEM在前文已介绍过,此处介绍冷冻光学显微镜。冷冻光学显微镜系统主要由光学低温恒温器和荧光显微镜两部分组成。光学低温恒温器通常是一个带有光学窗口的隔热腔室,利用绝热材料或者真空进行隔热,利用循环或者静态的液氮对隔热腔室内的样品进行制冷。利用显微物镜的光学窗口观察低温下的样品,实现低温光学成像。光学低温恒温器既有实验室开发的原型机1923265063-67,也有丰富的商业化产品[图10(a)~(d)],可根据具体应用进行选择。光学低温恒温器可装载到商业化或者自搭建的显微镜中使用。在商业化成像系统方面,蔡司公司将Linkam低温恒温器整合到自家显微镜[图10(e)]中,并利用独有的Airycan技术68实现了冷冻高分辨三维共聚焦成像。Leica公司将自行研发的光学低温恒温器、低温物镜和冷冻换样系统集成到自家显微镜67图10(f)]中,并提供宽场和共聚焦两种成像方案;在宽场成像中,利用独有的Thunder imaging技术可以剔除背景69-70,实现高信噪比的三维成像。这些商业化冷冻光学显微镜系统均为荧光导航cryo-FIB减薄提供了完整的光镜解决方案。

图 10. 商业化光学低温恒温器和cryo-FLM成像系统。(a)Instec公司的HCS621GXY低温恒温器;(b)Linkam公司的CMS196低温恒温器;(c)Oxford Instruments公司的MicrostatN低温恒温器;(d)Janis公司的ST500低温恒温器;(e)搭载Linkam低温恒温器的蔡司冷冻共聚焦成像系统;(f)搭载自研发低温恒温器的Leica冷冻成像系统

Fig. 10. Commercial optical cryostat and imaging systems by cryo-FLM. (a) HCS621GXY Cryostat from Instec; (b) CMS196 cryostat from Linkam; (c) MicrostatN cryostat from Oxford Instruments; (d) ST500 cryostat from Janis; (e) Zeiss confocal cryo-imaging system equipped with Linkam cryostat; (f) Leica cryo-imaging system equipped with self-developed cryostat

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分体式荧光导航cryo-FIB减薄工作流程如图9(a)所示,其核心是将冷冻光学显微镜图像与FIB图像进行配准。利用冷冻光学显微镜和FIB观察样品的角度通常不同,因此无法将两个模态下拍摄的图像直接进行关联,且样品在更换样品托和跨设备传输后,其位置和取向都会发生变化,更增加了图像关联的难度。为了将不同角度、不同取向的冷冻光学显微镜图像和FIB图像进行关联,通常需要向样品中添加配准标记物(fiducial marker)71-72以进行图像配准。配准标记物(一般是荧光微球或者微磁珠)在冷冻光学显微镜图像和FIB图像中均具有较高的衬度,可通过对若干标记物进行质心定位,计算出两种成像模式间的图像变换矩阵,再将一幅图像用变换矩阵转换后即可实现与另一幅图像的配准73。这一基于配准标记物和坐标变换的配准流程不仅操作繁琐,计算复杂,精度也无法保证。因为手动选取标记物具有随机性,选取不同的点或不同数量的点都会影响转换矩阵的计算结果,从而配准偏差较大,可重复性较低。



2.3.3 集成式荧光导航cryo-FIB减薄设备与工作流程

近年来,人们尝试将冷冻光学显微镜与cryo-FIB/SEM系统进行集成。2019年,Gorelick等56将宽场荧光显微镜整合到商业化双束电镜中,获得了第一套集成式光电联用双束电镜。这套系统使用发光二极管(LED)作为照明和激发光源,将物镜安装在电镜腔室内部,将光学部件挂在电镜外壁上,实现了同一真空腔室内的荧光导航FIB减薄。与这套光学系统的结构类似,Delmic公司在2021年推出了商业化宽场荧光成像模块METEOR57图11(a)],适配蔡司、赛默飞等主流双束电镜[图11(b)],为双束电镜升级荧光成像功能提供了商业化解决方案。同年,赛默飞公司也推出了集成式荧光导航FIB减薄系统,将自研发的宽场荧光成像模块iFLM集成到Aquilos 2双束电镜[图11(c)]中。这些集成系统的工作原理类似:样品通过在光镜成像位置和FIB/SEM成像位置间自动切换,可实现同一区域的冷冻光学显微镜和FIB成像,再利用配准标记物进行光电图像配准,实现荧光导航的FIB定点减薄。减薄完成后还可将样品移回光镜位,实时检查切片中的荧光信号,判断定点减薄是否成功,在源头上为透射电镜筛选出含有研究目标的切片。

图 11. 商业化集成式cryo-FLM-FIB/SEM系统。(a)Delmic公司可适配双束电镜的宽场荧光成像模块METEOR;(b)搭载METEOR的双束电镜;(c)搭载自研发宽场荧光成像模块iFLM的赛默飞Aquilos 2双束电镜

Fig. 11. Commercial integrated cryo-FLM-FIB/SEM systems. (a) Widefield FLM module METEOR from Delmic for FIB/SEM; (b) FIB/SEM equipped with METEOR; (c) ThermoFisher Aquilos 2 FIB/SEM with self-developed widefield fluorescence imaging module iFLM

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中国科学院生物物理研究所孙飞团队提出了一种新的宽场荧光成像与双束电镜集成方案ELI-TriScope58图12),对双束电镜腔室门进行了改造,把冷冻样品杆前端直接插入到FIB/SEM位置,再将物镜置于样品杆另一侧,从样品背面进行宽场成像,这样光镜位置与减薄位置重叠,形成光镜、FIB、SEM三束共焦的系统。这种共焦设计的优势是无须切换样品位置即可在FIB减薄过程中进行光学成像,因此不再需要通过光电图像配准来定位研究目标,而是通过在减薄过程中实时观察荧光信号来控制切割过程。当切割到研究目标时,荧光信号会衰减,以此作为停止减薄的依据。利用这一技术,课题组将荧光导航FIB的减薄时间减少至每片约0.8 h,与分体式流程相比,效率提高了近一倍,并在5 d内制备了61片含有中心体的切片样品,并利用cryo-ET实现了中心体原位结构的高精度解析。

图 12. ELI-TriScope系统及应用58。(a)ELI-TriScope系统的三维结构示意图;(b)HeLa细胞中心粒原位结构

Fig. 12. ELI-TriScope system and application[58]. (a) 3D schematic illustration of ELI-TriScope system; (b) in situ structure of centriole in HeLa cells

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图 13. CLIEM系统及应用60。(a)CLIEM系统三维结构示意图;(b)线粒体(M)-脂滴(LD)互作位点的原位结构,箭头所指是在互作面上发现的丝状结构,标尺为50 nm;(c)HeLa细胞中心粒及周边结构的渲染图

Fig. 13. CLIEM system and application[60]. (a) 3D schematic illustration of CLIEM system; (b) in situ structure of contact site between mitochondria (M) and lipid droplet (LD) with tethering structures discovered on interaction surface shown by arrows and scalebar is 50 nm; (c) rendering of HeLa cell centriole and surrounding structure

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3 总结和展望







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