中国激光, 2022, 49 (15): 1507102, 网络出版: 2022-07-29  

鲜红斑痣病灶结构及其光学成像方法在血管靶向光动力治疗中的研究进展 下载: 917次特邀综述亮点文章

Progress in Port-Wine Stains Lesion Structure and Its Optical Imaging Technique in Vascular-Targeted Photodynamic Therapy
刘一荻 1,2陈德福 3曾晶 2邱海霞 2,**顾瑛 2,3,4,*
1 解放军医学院,北京 100853
2 解放军总医院第一医学中心激光医学科,北京 100853
3 北京理工大学医学技术学院,北京 100081
4 中国医学科学院精准激光诊疗创新单元,北京 100730
鲜红斑痣(port wine stains, PWS)是最常见的先天性皮肤微血管病变之一,PWS的病因是皮肤真皮层由浅至深的毛细血管畸形扩张。通常表现为面颈部粉色、红色和紫色斑片,随着年龄的增加,其逐渐加深和增厚,严重影响患者的生活质量。血管靶向光动力疗法 (vascular targeted photodynamic therapy, V-PDT) 可以选择性破坏病变血管,是目前国内治疗PWS的首选方法。V-PDT疗效与PWS病灶结构密切相关。PWS的病灶结构可通过活检或者无创光学诊断设备获取,主要包括表皮层黑色素含量、皮肤厚度及血管管径、深度和形态等。总结了目前常用的无创在体光学成像技术在PWS诊疗中的应用现状及PWS病灶结构特点对V-PDT疗效的影响,旨在为V-PDT精准及个性化治疗PWS提供参考。

Port wine stain (PWS), a skin disease with an incidence of 0.3%-0.5% in infants, is attributed to congenital and progressive cutaneous vascular malformations. PWS lesions appear as purplish red or pink patches on skin. PWS commonly occurs on the face and neck, but it can also appear anywhere on the body (e.g., arms or legs). PWS lesions give patients an extremely severe psychological burden about their cosmetic appearance, which may greatly reduce their life quality. The majority of PWS lesions darkens in color and thickens as time goes by. PWS lesions can become aggravated, leading to progressive disfigurement. Thus, early intervention and treatments are urgent to reduce the likelihood and severity of disfigurement and psychosocial morbidity.

The key point of treating PWS is to selectively and precisely destroy the abnormal blood vessels that cause the discolored lesions. Vascular-targeted photodynamic therapy (V-PDT) has been introduced and remarked as the golden standard of the therapy for PWS in China since the early 1990s, which destroys the ectatic vessesls by using the double selectivity of light and photosensitizer. Several clinical studies show that V-PDT is safe and effective in the treatment of PWS at all ages. Nevertheless, there are still some patients who have relatively low sensitivity to V-PDT. The unsatisfied therapeutic outcome may result from the heterogeneity and complexity of the PWS morphological parameters. Therefore, mastering the relationship between PWS lesion structure and V-PDT efficacy is beneficial to the development of therapeutic plan and the assessment of prognosis.

Skin biopsy is considered as the golden standard of acquiring the information of PWS lesion structure. Nevertheless, it is invasive which may lead to hypersensitivity to local anaesthetic agents, pain of local anaesthesia, bleeding, infection, and scarring. Hence, a painless and non-invasive imaging method for the in vivo assessment of PWS lesion structure will greatly benefit V-PDT treatments. With the development of optical imaging techniques, nowadays, they have showed much potential in obtaining the information of histopathology. Here, the relationship between PWS lesion structure (epidermis thickness, vascular diameter and depth, etc.) and V-PDT efficacy is summarized. In addition, the development of optical imaging techniques for obtaining PWS lesion structure is also reported.


Optical coherence tomography (OCT) called 'optical biopsy’ has been greatly developed in recent 20 years. Conventional OCT is used to visualize the fine structures of skin tissue although it is not an ideal tool for visualizing cutaneous vessels. As a functional modality of OCT, optical Doppler tomography (ODT) and optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) with the use of conjunction with sophistic algorism can provide a powerful tool to visualize and quantitatively analyze the cutaneous vascular networks. ODT and OCTA enhance the blood flow contrast by extracting moving particles (red blood cells) from static tissues without dye injection. To sum up, OCT/ODT/OCTA are capable of acquiring the epidermis thickness, the diameter and depth of vessels. Moreover, ODT/OCTA can further image a three-dimensional (3D) vascular system. However, OCT/ODT/OCTA have a relatively shallow imaging depth (less than 1 mm) because it is based on the optical imaging mechanism.

Photoacoustic imaging (PAI) combines the optical and ultrasonic merits is used to reduce the tissue scattering of photons with one-way ultrasound detection, while retaining the high optical contrast. Moreover, it can image over a 1 mm depth in skin. As an optical-contrast-based imaging technique, the photoacoustic imaging detects the endogenous skin chromophores, i.e., melanin and haemoglobin. PAI can obtain the content of melanin in epidermis, epidermis thickness, and vascular diameter and depth. Moreover, it can also achieve a 3D image of PWS vessels. However, PAI is a contact technique, in which a coupling medium (such as water and ultrasound gel) is required between the detector and tissue surface. Thus, it is unsuitable for an intraoperative use.

Reflectanceconfocal microscopy (RCM) is also a commonly used clinical skin diagnostic device. It uses a low-intensity near-infrared laser to first scan the skin horizontally, and then collects the backscattered light for imaging. RCM is the relatively mature imaging equipment and it can obtain the depth and diameter of skin vessels, nevertheless, it has the drawbacks of two-dimensional (2D) imaging and shallow imaging depth (200-350 μm).

Dermoscope is an imaging device that can magnify tens or even hundreds of times and eliminate the reflected light on the skin surface. Skin pigment and blood vessels are the two main elements of its observation, which have been widely used in the clinical practice. Although the dermoscope is convenient to use and fast to image, its imaging depth is limited (~250 μm), which cannot completely reflect the overall structure of PWS lesions, and the PWS manifestations under the dermoscope are irregular. Currently, the clinical application of dermoscope in PWS is still few.

Laser Doppler imaging (LDI) and laser speckle imaging (LSI) are able to get the information of blood perfusion, however, they only offer 2D information and the resolution is relatively low.

By applying the above techniques to obtain PWS lesion structure or biopsy, the relationship between PWS lesion structure and V-PDT efficacy is obtained as follows. In terms of melanin content in epidermis, it has the negative effect towards the V-PDT efficacy. It locates at the epidermis, absorbs the light, and influences optical absorbance. As for the epidermis thickness, it varies for different individuals and parts of the body, and affects the light penetration depth. Hence, it also has the negative effects towards V-PDT efficacy. In terms of vessels diameter, the larger the vessels, the less light can reach and cover the entire vessel. As for the vascular depth, the deeper the vessels are, the less light energy the vessels can absorb. The vascular morphological parameters also influence the efficacy. If the ratio of perpendicular vessels is higher than that of the curved ones, the efficacy is reduced due to the fact that the perpendicular vessels absorb less light than the curved ones. As for the blood perfusion, it is the mix-information which can be detected by LDI and LSI, and it may contain the information of diameter and depth. It is reported that if it decreases after V-PDT, the efficacy will be decent.

Conclusion and prospect

This paper summarizes the current application of the non-invasive in vivo optical imaging technology in the diagnosis and treatment of PWS as well as the relationship between PWS lesion structure and V-PDT efficacy. By mastering the above information, the clinical doctors can develop an accurate and personalized V-PDT treatment of PWS and thus improve the therapeutic effects.

1 引言

鲜红斑痣(port wine stains,PWS)又称为“葡萄酒样痣”,是最常见的先天性皮肤病之一,发病率为0.3%~0.5%[1-3]。PWS以真皮内存在多量畸形扩张的毛细血管为特征[4],畸形扩张血管的管径通常为10~150 μm,在增厚型PWS中甚至可达500 μm[5-7]。PWS的临床表现为单侧(偶为双侧)皮肤呈现粉红、暗红或紫红色斑片,好发于头皮、面、颈部等外露部位。随着年龄的增长,PWS 病变颜色逐渐加深,病灶增厚,并且约有65%患者的病灶在50岁之前会明显增生并产生多量结节样改变,创伤后易出血[8],严重影响患者面容并降低其生活质量。

PWS的进展性和毁容性给患者带来了巨大的身心负担[9],患者迫切需要临床治疗。治疗PWS的关键是选择性地祛除扩张畸形的毛细血管网而不损伤表皮和真皮深层。在早期,同位素放射性治疗和冷冻等非选择性治疗方法被用于 PWS 的治疗,但疗效差、副作用大,会导致病灶明显的瘢痕及色素异常,目前上述治疗方法已经被淘汰。脉冲染料激光(pulsed dye laser,PDL)在国外一直被认为是治疗PWS的金标准[10-11],该波长(585 nm或595 nm)激光可被PWS畸形血管内的血红蛋白选择性吸收,产生凝固变性,血管机化闭塞,从而畸形血管遭到破坏。在治疗PWS时,大多数患者病损颜色的消退程度可达50%以上,但是有多项研究表明,约有20%的PWS患者对PDL治疗不敏感[12-16],且在PDL治疗后10年内,会出现原本已治疗褪色的病灶区返红的情况[17]。血管靶向光动力疗法(vascular targeted photodynamic therapy,V-PDT)[18]于 1991 年由解放军总医院激光医学科的顾瑛首先提出,其有效性和高安全性使其成为目前国内PWS治疗的首选方法[19-22]。有学者将PWS患者同一部位的病灶一分为二,一半接受PDL治疗,一半接受V-PDT治疗,结果表明,V-PDT的治疗效果显著优于PDL[23]



2 V-PDT治疗PWS的原理

V-PDT治疗PWS的原理:静脉注射光敏剂后,光敏剂立即在血液中形成浓度高峰,此时选择性采用特定波长激光照射病变部位,病变部位的毛细血管网因富含光敏剂,发生Ⅱ型光敏氧化反应,生成具有细胞毒性的单线态氧(singlet oxygen,1O2),导致病变靶血管的破坏[28-30]。正常表皮层因光敏剂含量低而不受损伤,位于真皮深层的营养血管由于激光穿透深度限制而不发生光动力反应[31]


图 1. V-PDT治疗PWS的原理

Fig. 1. Principle of V-PDT used for treating PWS

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3 PWS在体结构成像常用的新型无创光学技术


表 1. 可获取PWS病灶结构的光学设备

Table 1. Optical modality for obtaining PWS lesion structure

Imaging methodModalityObservationRef.AdvantageLimitation
Structural imagingOCTEpidermis thickness, vascular diameter/depth[32-35]Non-contact imaging, quick imaging, high resolutionShallow imaging depth
RCMVascular diameter/depth[36-37]Fast imaging, high resolutionBeing sensitive to motion,shallow imaging depth
DermoscopeVascular morphology[38-39]User-friendlinessTwo-dimensional imaging,shallow imaging depth
Functional imagingPAIMelanin, vascular diameter/depth/morphology[2440-44]Deep imaging depth(>1 mm)Contact measuring
ODT/OCTAEpidermis thickness, vascular diameter/depth/morphology[45-48]Non-contact imaging, quick, imaging, high resolutionShallow imaging depth
LDIBlood perfusion[49-52]Mature techniqueTwo-dimensional imaging
LSIBlood perfusion[53-54]Fast imagingTwo-dimensional imaging


3.1 光学相干层析成像

光学相干层析成像(optical coherence tomography,OCT)是一种可对生物组织浅表微结构进行高分辨成像的光学新技术,被称为“光活检 (optical biopsy)”[55]。OCT 技术在血管成像上还有许多功能性拓展。例如光学多普勒层析成像(optical Doppler tomography,ODT) 系统和光学相干断层扫描血管成像(optical coherence tomography angiography,OCTA),这两者通过算法可以有效地将血管与其他微结构区分开[56-57]

2010年,Zhao等[32]首次使用OCT成功观察并定量提取了 41例位于面颈部的PWS 皮肤的平均表皮层厚度,OCT的图像如图2(a)所示。2012年,Zhou等[33]使用OCT检测并获取了兔耳微血管的管径和深度信息,与金标准病理结果进行对比,结果无统计学差异,说明OCT获取的血管结构信息具有可靠性。2014年,Zhen等[34]用OCT获取了PWS的血管直径和深度信息。2018年,王成铭[35]用OCT获取了PWS的表皮层厚度等信息。以上均表明OCT可以进行PWS病理结构信息的获取。在OCT功能成像上,2002年,Zhao等[58]使用ODT获得了PWS和正常皮肤的血管三维图,能够较清晰地观测到PWS中的畸形血管层及血流分布等,如图2(e)所示。2016年,Latrive等[45]采用ODT定量测量了一名PWS患者的病变血管的平均管径和深度。2018年,Waibel等[46]使用OCTA系统首次检测并量化提取了28名PWS患者的不同粗细的血管在皮肤中不同位置处的分布情况。2020年,Liu等[47]应用OCTA观察了三名病灶位于面部的PWS患者并进行了高分辨的三维血管成像,如图2(f)所示。此外,该研究还提供了血管深度和血管管径等信息。2021年,Mehrabi等[48]使用OCTA观察了粉红型、红型和紫型PWS患者的血管情况,并总结了各型血管位置和管径的特点。以上结果均显示,ODT/OCTA可以获取PWS血管形态、管径和深度。

图 2. 常用光学设备对PWS的成像结果。(a)OCT [32];(b)RCM [36];(c)皮肤镜 [38];(d)PAI [43];(e)ODT [58];(f) OCTA [47];(g)LDI [52];(h)LSI [70]

Fig. 2. Imaging results of PWS under common optical imaging equipment. (a) OCT[32]; (b) RCM[36]; (c) dermoscope [38]; (d) PAI [43]; (e) ODT [58]; (f) OCTA[47]; (g) LDI[52]; (h) LSI[70]

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OCT/ODT/OCTA可以获取表皮层厚度及血管管径和位置。此外,功能性OCT成像ODT/OCTA还可以获取血管形态,进行三维成像。但是,OCT/ODT/OCTA均是基于纯光学成像方式,随着成像深度的加深,空间分辨率会急速下降,在皮肤中的成像深度不足1 mm。但是大多数PWS平均病变血管深度为300~600 μm[59],故OCT及其相关扩展功能在PWS病灶结构检测方面具有良好应用前景。

3.2 光声成像

光声成像(photoacoustic imaging,PAI)技术是基于光声效应发展而来的在体无损成像技术[60]。它结合了纯光学成像的高对比度和纯超声成像的高穿透深度,可以实现类似超声的深层组织成像(成像深度>1 mm),还能得到类似OCT的高分辨率[61]

2002年,Viator等[40-41]使用PAI探测了一名PWS病灶位于左上肢的患者,其病灶血管的深度为310~570 μm,表明PAI可以无创获取病变血管的深度信息。2008年,Kolkman等[42]使用 PAI 对三名病灶位于面颈部的PWS患者进行检测和血管的三维成像,并获取了病变血管层的厚度和深度信息,结果显示,三名患者的血管层厚度和深度信息具有显著个体差异性。2012年,Yuan[24]选取4名PWS患者进行了PAI血管三维成像,分别提取了平均(最大)血管管径、平均(最大)血管深度等信息。2021年,如图2(d)所示,Ma等[43]使用PAI对PWS的三维血管结构进行了成像,还测量了PWS患者的表皮层厚度及血管管径和深度等。2022年,Wang等[44]也进行了相关研究。以上研究均说明PAI可用于PWS结构信息的获取。


3.3 反射式共聚焦显微镜

反射式共聚焦显微镜(reflectance confocal microscopy,RCM)也是临床常用的皮肤诊断设备,其采用低功率密度近红外激光水平扫描皮肤,通过收集背向散射光进行成像[62-65]

2010年,Astner等[36]采用 RCM 检测了包括 PWS 在内的多种良性血管疾病,发现 PWS 真皮浅层有许多畸形、扭曲、扩张的血管,如图2(b)所示,血管管径分布从75 μm到远大于100 μm,通常位于真皮上乳头层,而正常血管的平均管径为17 μm[66]。2014年,Ren等[37]通过使用RCM,观察了血管深度和管径的变化,评估了具有不同脉冲时间间隔的PDL对PWS治疗疗效的影响,显示RCM可应用于PWS诊治上。

RCM可观测到皮肤血管并获取其管径、深度信息,但是RCM 成像对振动或移动非常敏感,故在好动型患者(如儿童等) 检测上受限。此外,其成像的深度浅(200~350 μm),只能对浅层病灶结构进行成像且仅能提供二维信息。

3.4 皮肤镜


皮肤镜可观察到PWS病变血管形态,已有多项研究将其与PDL疗效相关联[38-39]。1997年,Motley等[38]用皮肤镜观察15名PWS患者的血管形态。如图2(c)所示,研究者将PWS血管的形态分为三型:I型,表面的、弯曲的、扩张的毛细血管末端袢 (斑点状,blobs);II型,扩张的、水平的血管网(戒指状,rings);III型,混合型,包含I和II型。Motley等[38,68]发现,I型患者的PDL疗效最好,III型其次,II型最差。Sevila等[39]用皮肤镜也发现了这一现象。


3.5 激光多普勒成像和激光散斑成像

激光多普勒成像 (laser Doppler imaging, LDI)是目前较常见的非介入性组织血流监测技术,其测量原理是基于光学多普勒频移效应、光混频原理及随机信号处理技术[51]。LDI目前已经被应用于临床皮肤血流量的监测,可对PWS病灶区域的血液灌注量进行快速测定。激光散斑成像(laser speckle imaging, LSI)是一种基于激光散斑现象的非接触式血流光学成像方法[69]



4 PWS病灶结构对V-PDT疗效的影响


4.1 表皮层黑色素含量


4.2 表皮层厚度


婴幼儿的皮肤特点是表皮层较薄,平均厚度约为40 μm[75],而成年人的表皮层平均厚度约为100 μm[76]。黄乃艳[77]对儿童、成人皮肤的表皮层厚度进行了数学仿真,发现在相同的V-PDT剂量下,儿童浅层血管的1O2含量高于成人。Gan等[73]用V-PDT治疗82名1~14岁的PWS患者,发现1~2岁的患者比3~6岁,7~14岁的治疗效果好。Zhang等[74]用V-PDT 治疗婴儿面部PWS一次(平均年龄为1.74岁),随访有效率为98%。而Zhao等[78]用V-PDT 治疗青年和成人PWS(14~65岁)一次,随访有效率仅为89.7%。除年龄外,同一个体的不同部位,表皮层厚度也有差异。Yu等[79]取了15名病灶位于四肢的患者的病理,结果显示,肢体近端的角质层、表皮层的厚度均比中间、远端部位薄,同时 PDL治疗的结果也显示,位于肢体近端的PWS的疗效优于病灶位于远端的。综上所述,对于具有较薄表皮层的婴幼儿和身体部位,在同样的光剂量下,到达病变血管的光子量较多,V-PDT疗效较好。

4.3 血管管径

血管管径的粗细会显著影响光的穿透,从而影响光在组织的分布。Jacques[80]使用蒙特卡罗模型模拟了同一束光在不同粗细血管中的穿透,发现随着血管管径的增加,反射率增加,光不能覆盖整根血管。Tan等[81]发现,在用波长为577 nm 和585 nm 的PDL治疗PWS时,血液对其的吸收系数分别为430 cm-1和200 cm-1,穿透深度分别为23 μm和50 μm,若血管管径大于23 μm和50 μm,则血管中心和下部所吸收的能量十分有限,从而限制治疗效果。这一研究说明,血管管径的大小显著影响光的分布。

血管管径能表征PWS的病变程度,血管管径越大,病变颜色越深[26]。如表2所示,Waner等[82]根据畸形血管的扩张程度,将PWS分为I-V级:I级(血管管径为50~80 μm)、II级(血管管径为80~100 μm)、III级(血管管径为100~120 μm)、IV级(血管管径为120~150 μm)和V级(血管管径在150 μm以上)。顾瑛等[19]根据皮色和皮肤是否增厚将PWS分为三(四)型:粉红(鲜红)、紫红和增厚型。该方法由于简单便捷,目前被广泛用于PWS的分型和术后疗效判断。黄乃艳等[71]用数学建模的方法模拟粉红、紫红、增厚型PWS的血管(血管管径分别为60,120,180 μm)对V-PDT的响应,结果显示,管径粗的血管平均1O2产量较管径细的血管少,管径粗的血管难以被破坏。可能原因是血管管径越粗,抵达血管中心和血管深层部分的光子数已经不足以激发光敏剂,血管内的1O2产生不均匀,这种不均匀可能会导致管径较粗的血管的破坏不完全。Gan等[73,83-84]在临床中同样发现,V-PDT治疗粉红型的效果最佳,其次为紫红型,增厚型的疗效最差。除了病变类型外,同一个体不同部位的疗效也有差异。Yu等[25]对13名病灶位于面部中心区和边缘区的患者进行活检,发现面部中心区、边缘区的血管平均管径分别为46 μm和32 μm,平均深度为510 μm 和289 μm,进行PDL治疗后,中心区的褪色率不如边缘区。Han等[85]用V-PDT治疗对PDL不敏感的67例PWS患者,发现46.2%患者病灶显示出较好的褪色效果,同时发现中心区的治疗效果不如边缘区。

表 2. PWS的临床分型

Table 2. Clinical classification of PWS


A: constricted type

B: dilated type

C: intermediate type

D: deep located type

A: blood vessels are differed little from the normal pattern and their number is not more than that in normal skin

B: vessels are considerably enlarged and often contain red cells

C: this type shows histological features common to those of A and B types

D: vessels scatter throughout dermis


Type I:dilated type

Type II:dilated type with cavernous vascular malformation

Type III:functional developmental type

Type IV:cobblestone

Type I: number of vessels increase or blood vessels dilate, and surrounding tissues are normal

Type II: this type shows dilated vessels with cavernous vascular malformation

Type III: this type shows formation of single or multiple nodules

Type IV:dilatation of blood vessels is throughout lesion


Type I:blobs

Type II:rings

Type III:containing I and II

Type I: this type shows superficial, tortuous, dilated end capillary loops

Type II: this type shows dilated vessels in superficial horizontal vascular plexus

Type III: this type contains I and II


Grade I

Grade II

Grade III

Grade IV

Grade V

Grade I: vessel diameter is 50-80 μm

Grade II: vessel diameter is 80-100 μm

Grade III: vessel diameter is 100-120 μm

Grade IV: vessel diameter is 120-150 μm

Grade V: vessel diameter is >150 μm

[19]Naked eyes

1: pink (red)

2: purple

3: thickening (nodules)

1: ectatic vessels are mostly located in papillary layer (pink); ectatic vessels are mostly located in middle dermis layer (red)

2: dilated vessels are mostly located in papillary and middle dermis layers, however, some are located in deep dermis and presented like cluster

3: dilated vessels are distributed from superficial to deep dermis layers and even to subcutaneous tissue, presenting like cluster[94]



4.4 血管深度



4.5 血管形态

PWS病理结构是由真皮乳头层和网状层内发育畸形、扩张的毛细血管组成。扩张的血管不规则,有垂直于皮肤表面的,也有弯曲成弧线的。有学者数学仿真了这两种血管模型,发现对于垂直于皮肤表面的柱状血管,只有靠近表面的部分能吸收较多的光能。对于弧线形的血管,弯向皮肤表面的部分吸收了较多的光能,而伸向真皮深层的两脚则吸收的能量较少,这说明对于形状复杂的血管,其破坏可能是呈节段状,不能一次完全均匀地消失[77]。在PWS空间形态的获取上,Smithies等[87]在一个对PDL无反应的患处取了病理组织,该病灶位于前臂,呈浅紫色,对其进行连续切片、HE染色后再进行三维重构,发现该处由多个小管径 (10~50 μm) 的血管簇组成,说明小血管、高度簇集、复杂形态的血管团可能会限制疗效。



4.6 血流灌注

除了结构信息外,也有V-PDT治疗前后血流灌注量的变化与V-PDT疗效的关系的相关研究。LDI和LSI均可对PWS进行功能成像并获取PWS区域的血流灌注信息[52,70]。1998 年,Jiang等[50]采用 LDI 检测了 28 个PWS 病灶区在 V-PDT 治疗前后的血流灌注量变化,发现所有病灶的血流灌注量在治疗后均发生下降,而且灌注量改变与V-PDT疗效呈现较好的相关性,显示了 LDI 用 于 V-PDT疗 效 评 估 的 潜 力。2014 年,Chen等[91]使用LDI研究了 V-PDT 治疗前和治疗过程中PWS 血流灌注量的变化,发现术前病灶区的灌注量高于或等于对侧正常区,术中 PWS 的血流灌注量呈现出先上升后缓慢下降的变化趋势。2014年,Ren等[92]使用LSI检测V-PDT治疗PWS前后血流灌注量的情况,发现术后3~6个月内血流灌注量显著下降的患者疗效更好,表明 LSI 检测结果与病变颜色消退呈现较好的相关性,显示了 LSI 可以评估V-PDT 治疗 PWS 的疗效。以上研究均说明,V-PDT前后血流灌注量的下降越多,治疗的效果越好。

4.7 小结


表 3. PWS病灶结构与V-PDT疗效的关系

Table 3. Relationship between PWS lesion structure and V-PDT efficacy

FactorOptical methodRelationshipReason
MelaninPAI(-)It is located in epidermis, influencing optical absorbance
Epidermis thicknessPAI(-)It varies for different individuals and parts of body and influences light penetration depth
Vascular diameterPAI(-)The larger the vessels, the less light can reach and cover entire vessel
Vascular depthPAI(-)The deeper vessels are, the less energy of light that vessels can absorb
Vascular morphologyPAIPerpendicular (-)Perpendicular vessels absorb less light than curved ones
Blood perfusionLDIDecreased after V-PDT (+)Decreased blood perfusion is equal to decreased number of dilated vessels


5 结束语



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