中国激光, 2024, 51 (3): 0307205, 网络出版: 2024-01-26  


Non-Invasive Measurement of Blood Flow Velocity Based on Photoacoustic Calorimetric Measurement
1 西安交通大学动力工程多相流国家重点实验室,陕西 西安 710049
2 西安交通大学第二附属医院眼科,陕西 西安 710004
光声成像是一种结合光学和声学原理的多模态成像技术,可用于观察和获取组织内部的结构和功能信息。血液流速是评估血管功能的重要指标,血液流速的测量与疾病的发生和发展密切相关。推导了基于热测量法测量血液流速的基本理论,搭建了光声测速/成像实验系统,并开展了光声速度测量和成像实验。通过实验研究,获得了光声声压与流体速度间的定量关系,经实验验证流速测量的平均误差为8.2%,最大测速范围可达200 mm·s-1。在此基础上,采用二维机械扫描的方式实现了分辨率为10 μm的光声形态/流速协同测量。

Photoacoustic imaging is a multimodal imaging technique that integrates principles of optics and acoustics, enabling the observation and acquisition of structural and functional information within tissues. Blood flow velocity serves as a crucial indicator for evaluating vascular function and is closely associated with the occurrence and development of diseases. Accurate measurement of blood flow is particularly crucial for the diagnosis of various conditions, such as burns, stroke, atherosclerosis, diabetes, and cancer. Furthermore, the dynamics of blood flow have a significant impact on the effectiveness of pharmaceutical interventions in the human body, which emphasizes the importance of precise quantitative measurement of blood flow in clinical medicine. Photoacoustic measurement technology is a non-contact measurement approach based on the photoacoustic effect. It involves the application of pulsed laser energy to the target object, inducing thermal expansion and pressure waves that generate acoustic signals. The resulting acoustic signals are detected by an ultrasound transducer, and relevant algorithms are applied to measure fluid flow information (Fig. 1). Compared with traditional flow velocity measurement techniques, photoacoustic measurement technology offers higher resolution, greater imaging depth, increased contrast, and does not involve ionizing radiation.


This study employs the photoacoustic thermal measurement method to measure blood flow velocity. The principle of the photoacoustic thermal measurement method is rooted in the dependence of the photoacoustic signal amplitude on the temperature of the flowing medium. This dependence can be modulated through external heating and is influenced by the flow velocity. In the photoacoustic thermal measurement method, a pulsed laser beam is directed onto the fluid (blood). The absorbed optical energy induces a transient increase in local fluid temperature, creating a "thermal marker" and generating a corresponding ultrasound signal. Due to the acceleration of thermal transfer caused by fluid motion, the equilibrium temperature of the "thermal marker" varies at different flow velocities under the same laser irradiation, and it is correlated with the flow velocity. In this study, the fundamental theory for measuring blood flow velocity is deduced based on the thermal measurement method, establishing the relationship between velocity and the average photoacoustic signal amplitude. Furthermore, an experimental system for photoacoustic velocity measurement and imaging is constructed (Fig. 2). Utilizing LabVIEW for centralized control of the mechanical displacement stage and the signal acquisition system, experiments on photoacoustic velocity measurement and imaging are being conducted.

Results and Discussions

Through experimental investigation, quantitative relationships between photoacoustic pressure and fluid velocity are obtained. The study includes uncertainty analysis, and the experimental validation reveals an average measurement error of 8.2% for flow velocity within a relatively large range (0-200 mm/s) (Figs. 7 and 8), ascertaining the accuracy of the measurement. The lateral resolution of the imaging system is determined to be 10 μm (Fig. 9). Subsequent experiments involve two-dimensional scanning imaging, confirming the structural imaging capability of the system (Fig. 10). Finally, morphological and velocity photoacoustic co-measurements are conducted, demonstrating the system multimodal imaging functionality (Fig. 11). While the study does not consider the potential impact of vascular viscoelasticity on results, its underlying principle is based on the thermal equilibrium of laser heating, conduction, and blood convection within the heated volume, mitigating the effects of blood being a non-Newtonian fluid with shear forces and viscosity. Challenges in photoacoustic blood flow measurement, including measurement depth and signal interference, will be the focus of future research. Additionally, further experiments under different conditions, such as phantom and animal blood flow measurements, will be conducted to validate the feasibility of this method.


This study develops a thermal measurement-based photoacoustic experimental system for concurrent measurement of vascular morphology and blood flow velocity. The system utilizes a single light source to achieve synchronized measurements of vascular morphology and flow velocity. The experimental setup comprises optical excitation and laser shaping modules, photoacoustic detection module, sample pool, scanning motion module, and data acquisition module. The LabVIEW platform is employed for the control and storage of photoacoustic data. Through in vitro single-point velocity experiments, quantitative relationships between the photoacoustic pressure and fluid velocity are established. The system velocity measurement average error is validated to be 8.2%, with a maximum measurable velocity range of up to 200 mm/s. Building upon this foundation, a two-dimensional mechanical scanning approach is implemented to achieve concurrent photoacoustic morphology and flow velocity measurements with a resolution of 10 μm. Subsequent work will involve in vivo measurements of blood flow velocity and vascular morphology using this experimental system, aiming to further enhance the system imaging resolution and velocity measurement accuracy.

1 引言




已有的光声测速方法,或需要结合加热源和光源才能完成测量26,或需要借助于光声多普勒、密度追踪等方法,对测量介质有较高要求,如需要非均匀介质等27-28,且流速测量范围(<20 mm·s-1[29)较小,无法满足临床多场景的使用需求。光声热测量方法在光声测速的过程中引入“热标记”,通过标记流速与温度、温度与光声声压间的关系对血液流速进行测量。光声热测量方法仅需单一激光光源即可完成测量,既可用于均质流体,也可用于非均质流体,测速范围大,且在测速的同时可实现二维高分辨率成像。本文详细推导了光声热测量方法测量血液流速的基本原理,搭建了光声测速/成像实验系统,先后完成了单点测速、二维平面内形态/流速协同测量,并分析了系统的成像分辨率及流速测量误差。

2 测量原理与实验系统

2.1 光声热测量法的基本原理


图 1. 光声热测量法测量血液流速基本原理

Fig. 1. Basic principle of measuring blood flow velocity using photoacoustic thermal measurement method

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2.2 测量基本理论推导

2.2.1 光声信号与温度间的定量关系的推导






                    P(r,t)=aηth(r)μa(r)F(r)+                              bT(r,t)ηth(r)μa(r)F(r)






2.2.2 光声信号与流速间的定量关系的推导

















对于均匀的稳定流动的流体,式(11)中的ABC都是不随时间变化的常数,因此平均光声压力幅值P¯(t)是关于t的函数。当时间t足够长时,便有limtAexp-Ct=0。应当注意的是,此处的t并不是真正意义上的时间无限长,而是指被激光激发的体积Ω,在热传导、热对流和激光加热源三者共同影响下,平均光声压力幅值稳定所需要的时间。根据Liu等30的研究,当t>30 ms时,P¯(t)就已经趋于稳定。

因此,当激光作用时间(比如大于30 ms)足够长时,式(11)可改写为






2.3 光声实验系统

本文搭建的光学分辨率光声显微镜(OR-PAM)实验系统如图2所示。激光器发出脉冲激光,经光路整形后再聚焦照射在流体样品上,流体样品被恒流泵注入至微管中,样品被脉冲激光照射后产生光声信号,信号被超声换能器接收,随后经过滤波、放大后由高速数据采集卡采集,最后由计算机进行后续数据处理。实验中选取牛血红蛋白配制血红蛋白溶液,将2.4 g牛血红蛋白加到20 mL水中,盖好盖后,轻轻摇动,直至牛血清蛋白完全溶解,从而制备出牛血液样本2630。实验中通过数据采集软件控制激光的发射和光声信号的同步采集。如图2所示,实验系统包含光学激发和激光整形模块、光声采集探测模块、样品池、扫描运动模块、数据采集模块等。

图 2. 光声测量系统示意图

Fig. 2. Schematic of photoacoustic measurement system

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光学激发和激光整形模块包括激光光源和多种光学器件,用于激光束的整形、扩束和聚焦。实验采用的激光光源为纳秒激光器,激光器的工作波长为532 nm,重复频率在60~200 kHz范围内可调。在100 kHz下平均功率为33.2 W,脉宽约为23.13 ns。由于高分辨光声显微成像的分辨率取决于聚焦光斑的大小,聚焦光斑的质量在很大程度上决定了成像质量的好坏,因此,需要通过一系列光学元件对激光光束进行整形。这些光学元器件包括:透镜、反射镜、光阑、滤光片、针孔等。其中滤光片是由在400~650 nm波段都有平稳吸收率的肖特玻璃基底制成的衰减片,在532 nm波长下光密度(OD)值为1,可透过约1/10(能量占比)的光,使得经过滤光片的激光能量降低到不损害样品的安全范围内。但是激光器出口激光光斑已经很小,直接照射在滤光片上会使滤光片局部温度过高而发生破裂,所以利用凸透镜-光阑-凸透镜对激光进行扩束,放大倍率为20,使其单位面积能量降低,可以安全地照射在滤光片上。经过整形得到的激光光斑更小,成像质量更高,激光能量也降低至不损害样品的安全范围。

光声采集探测模块和样品池实物图如图3所示。其中光声采集探测模块包含反光镜、聚焦透镜和超声换能器。反光镜和聚焦透镜与激光整形模块同轴固定,光束整形后经反光镜及聚焦透镜偏转聚焦于样品上,产生的光声信号由共聚焦的超声换能器采集。在选择超声换能器时,需要考虑适当的中心频率和带宽,以满足特定的研究需求。频率应根据所需的探测深度和分辨率来确定。此外,吸收体的大小和激发光斑的大小也会对光声信号的频谱产生影响,需要进行合理的匹配。综合该成像系统的要求,选用超声换能器,中心频率为5 MHz,晶片直径为20 mm。在样品池内安装水槽,方便固定毛细玻璃管、毛细橡胶管、头发丝及金属丝等待测样品。样品池内还设计有卡槽,可用于超声换能器的固定,方便超声换能器和探测激光共焦点。

图 3. 光声采集探测模块和样品池实物图

Fig. 3. Photoacoustic acquisition and detection module and physical image of sample chamber

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扫描运动模块选用高精密线性位移平台。该位移台具有102 mm行程,最大空载运行速度为2000 mm·s-1,定位精度为±4 μm。将两个位移台叠加组合,便得到了可以提供XY两个维度的二维扫描位移台。Z方向选用剪式升降台固定高度。本文采用二维机械式扫描进行光声信号的采集,扫描方式如图4所示。

图 4. 扫描运动模块扫描方式示意图

Fig. 4. Schematic of scanning method of scanning motion module

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数据采集模块包括信号发生器、数据采集卡以及相关的计算机控制软件。信号发生器是主要的触发源,通过将触发信号连接到采集卡的Trigger In接口实现光声数据采集。激光器发光时,采集卡按照100 MHz的采样率对输入的模拟信号进行模数转换,并将结果存储在板卡缓冲区中。为了满足Nyquist采样定理,选择超过信号频率两倍的采样频率。为避免过大的数据量,根据高分辨率光声的成像深度,将A-line采样点数设置为10080。实验基于LabVIEW平台实现光声数据的采集和存储控制,其控制界面如图5所示。

图 5. 系统控制界面

Fig. 5. System control interface

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3 结果分析与讨论

3.1 单点测速实验结果

选取内径为1 mm的玻璃微管作为实验对象,将其固定在样品池内并浸没于水中,容量为10 mL、内径为4.6 mm的注射器与注射泵连接,将血液样品注入微管。通过注射泵设定不同的流速,并开始光声固定单点测速,获得对应流速v下的光声信号。测得的单点光声波形信号如图6(a)所示,“▽”所示为波形的峰值位置。将峰值单独作图并进行高斯平滑处理,便可得到平均光声压力幅值P¯(t),如图6(b)所示。

图 6. 固定单点测速过程中的光声信号。(a)寻找超声信号波峰;(b)波峰提取并平滑处理

Fig. 6. Photoacoustic signals during fixed single-point speed measurement. (a) Locating ultrasound signal peaks; (b) peak extraction and smoothing processing

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本文以25 mm·s-1为间隔测量了25~200 mm·s-1不同流速下的光声压力幅值P¯(t),并根据式(14)进行数据拟合,得到了P¯(t)v的确切表达式。原始数据和拟合曲线如图7所示,拟合曲线由非线性最小二乘法迭代求解获得,相关指数R2=0.989

图 7. 不同流速下的P¯(t)-v曲线

Fig. 7. P¯(t)-v curves at different flow rates

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图 8. 光声测量速度与真实速度比较

Fig. 8. Comparison of measured speed and true speed

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将本文结果与文献[30]中的实验结果进行比较。文献中较低流速范围(3~57 mm·s-1)内的平均测量误差为6.2%,较高流速范围(60~120 mm·s-1)内的平均测量误差为20%。本文中较大流速范围(0~200 mm·s-1)特别是高流速范围内的测量准确度更高。

3.2 光声二维成像实验

在完成系统固定单点测速之后,本文开展了光声二维成像实验。首先使用直径为6 μm的碳丝作为吸收体测试系统的水平面分辨率。将碳丝埋入琼脂仿体,琼脂仿体具有极低的光吸收系数,但是光散射系数与生物组织接近。在垂直于碳丝的光声图像上,提取各像素点对应的光声信号幅值,并进行高斯拟合,得到的点扩散函数曲线如图9所示。求得曲线的半峰全宽为10 μm,则成像系统的横向分辨率为10 μm。

图 9. 系统横向分辨率

Fig. 9. System lateral resolution

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确定光声系统的分辨率后,本文以细铜丝为实验对象开展了二维扫描成像。激光脉冲频率为100 kHz,位移台每个B-scan的耗时约为1 s,电机y轴步进步长为10 μm,整个扫描过程的持续时间大约为5 min。扫描结果如图10所示。图10(a)为铜丝实物图,图10(b)为测得的平均光声压力幅值P¯(t)图10(c)为二维散点图,图10(d)为利用高斯滤波器生成的平均光声压力幅值曲面,图10(e)为最终得到的二维铜丝结构图像。经测量铜丝的直径为160 μm,可见本文光声系统可对细微铜丝进行清晰成像。

图 10. 细铜丝的光声成像。(a)铜丝实物图;(b)平均光声压力幅值;(c)二维散点图;(d)高斯滤波后所生成的平均光声压力幅值曲面;(e)二维铜丝结构图像

Fig. 10. Photoacoustic imaging of copper wire. (a) Physical image of copper wire; (b) average photoacoustic pressure amplitude; (c) two-dimensional scatter plot; (d) average photoacoustic pressure amplitude surface generated after Gaussian filtering; (e) two-dimensional image of copper wire structure

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3.3 形态、速度的光声协同测量

为了进一步验证系统的二维成像及测速性能,本文利用实验系统开展了双玻璃微管不同速度条件下的形态、速度光声协同测量,结果如图11所示。注射泵的双通道与两个不同内径的注射器组成一对流速不同的毛细玻璃管,其中玻璃管A的速度设置为30 mm·s-1,玻璃管B的速度设置为50 mm·s-1。成像区域的实物图如图11(a)所示。图11(b)为光声压力幅值的三维散点图,图11(c)为玻璃管横截面光声压力幅值的二维散点图,可以得到玻璃管A和B最大光声幅值的比值为5∶3(对应速度比约为3∶5),说明该系统通过基准流速测试后,可以实现二维成像及准确测速。图11(d)为最终处理得到的速度分布图,可以看出玻璃管A和B的速度均符合速度设定值,A、B管内的速度平均值分别为31 mm·s-1和52 mm·s-1。两个玻璃管清晰成像,说明本系统可实现玻璃管形态、速度的协同测量。后续将基于该系统进一步开展活体血液流速和血管形态的光声测量研究。

图 11. 形态、速度光声协同测量结果。(a)成像区域实物图;(b)光声压力幅值三维散点图;(c)玻璃管横截面光声压力幅值二维散点图;(d)速度分布图

Fig. 11. Morphology and speed co-measurement results. (a) Physical image of imaging area; (b) three-dimensional scatter plot of photoacoustic pressure amplitude; (c) two-dimensional scatter plot of photoacoustic pressure amplitude in cross-section of glass tube; (d) velocity distribution

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4 结论

开发了一套基于热测量法的血管形态/流速协同测量的光声实验系统,采用单一光源实现了血管形态和流速的协同测量。该实验系统包含光学激发及激光整形模块、光声采集探测模块、样品池、扫描运动模块、数据采集模块等。借助LabVIEW平台实现了光声数据的采集和存储控制。通过体外单点测速实验获得了光声声压与流体速度间的定量关系,并经验证本系统流速测量的平均误差为8.2%,最大测速范围可达200 mm·s-1。在此基础上,采用二维机械扫描的方式实现了分辨率为10 μm的形态/流速的光声协同测量。后续将基于该实验系统实现血液流速和血管形态的活体测量,并进一步提升系统的成像分辨率及测速准确性。


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