中国激光, 2023, 50 (15): 1507105, 网络出版: 2023-07-17   

基于高分辨光声显微成像的肝癌微血管特征分析 下载: 526次

Characteristics Analysis of Micro‐vessels Liver Cancer Based on High Resolution Photoacoustic Microscopy
孙彤 1,2黄国家 3,*张振辉 1,2,**
1 华南师范大学生物光子学研究院激光生命科学教育部重点实验室,广东 广州 510631
2 华南师范大学生物光子学研究院广东省激光生命科学重点实验室,广东 广州 510631
3 南方医科大学附属广东省医学科学院广东省人民医院医学研究部,广东 广州 510080

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most common primary liver malignancy and the second leading cause of cancer death worldwide. The development of HCC leads to abnormalities in the structure and function of blood vessels, which further lead to high pressure and hypoxia in the tumor microenvironment (TME). The most common clinical methods for identifying HCC nowadays are magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), and ultrasound. MRI can measure multifunctional parameters of the liver; however, it has significant limitations in imaging resolution and is costly. CT can image the blood vessels in the liver; however, it uses X-ray, thus increases the risk of cancer. Ultrasound imaging is widely used to evaluate HCC; however, its sensitivity and specificity are low. Therefore, a more complete and reliable technique to analyze the micro-vascular morphology of HCC and TME is urgently needed. Photoacoustic imaging is a rapidly developing imaging technology in recent years. It offers a wide range of potential applications in the field of medical imaging and can visualize the structure and function information of biological tissues without labeling of contrast agents or invasion. Photoacoustic imaging has high specificity and sensitivity in the diagnosis of HCC and can visualize functional imaging of tumors and morphological examination of blood vessels.


A mouse model of in situ liver cancer was established, and the bioluminescence signal was activated by an in vivo fluorescence imaging system to locate the tumor. The microvascular structure characteristics and oxygen saturation of normal liver lobules, tumor centers, and adjacent tumors were accurately observed using photoacoustic microscopy. The concentrations of oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobins were quantified using the spectroscopic separation method to calculate blood oxygen saturation. The photoacoustic images were converted into binary images, and the vascular signals were extracted for density and diameter analysis.

Results and Discussions

The results obtained using photoacoustic microscopy via two wavelengths (532 nm/559 nm) show that the blood vessels in the normal liver are evenly spaced and well differentiated, whereas large irregular vessels appear at the edges of the tumors, and the vascular joints are curved and dilated. The blood vessels inside the tumors are unevenly distributed and the branch diameter increases. The oxygen concentration in the blood around the tumors decreases, resulting in a hypoxic and high-pressure TME.


In microvascular monitoring of hepatocellular carcinoma, the photoacoustic imaging can provide high-resolution images, which can more accurately detect the morphology of tiny and abnormal blood vessels, improving the accuracy of early cancer detection. Through image analysis, indicators such as the density and diameter of microvessels and other information such as oxygenation level and metabolic activity of tumor tissues can be evaluated to assess the growth state of tumors and predict the degree of malignancy. Photoacoustic imaging demonstrates a high application potential for studying the development of HCC. It can provide further insights into the antiangiogenic therapy of tumors and the diagnosis of numerous liver-related diseases.

1 引言


光声成像(PAI)是一种结合了光学成像高分辨率和声学成像高穿透性的非侵入性成像技术16。与传统的成像方式相比,PAI提供了高对比度和高分辨的图像,可以同时采集生物体的结构和功能信息17。PAI在生物医学研究和临床实践中有许多潜在的应用,包括癌症检测和血管成像18-19。PAI利用血红蛋白对不同波长的特异性吸收,可以对血管的结构和功能进行高对比度可视化处理,检测肝癌细胞的血氧供应情况和血管密度,为肝癌的早期诊断和治疗提供指导20-21。在成像过程中,基于血液对激光(500~800 nm)的特异性吸收,选择532 nm和559 nm激光激发肝脏血液的声波信号,利用超声换能器检测声波信号的强度和时间延迟,重建血管的光吸收分布图22-23。多项研究表明,PAI在肝癌的诊断中取得了显著的成果。Yin等24利用光声染料实现了HCC细胞特异性光声成像。Zhou等25利用表皮生长因子受体(EGFR)的靶向作用,成功提高了光声技术对HCC的特异性检测效率。Qi等26利用光声成像进行实时测量,准确实现了腹腔内HCC的诊断和治疗。PAI在HCC的诊断和治疗中具有广泛的应用,有望成为一种诊断HCC的新型成像手段,为肝癌治疗提供更加准确的指导。


2 材料与方法

2.1 实验仪器

本文使用的高分辨率光声显微镜(PAM)成像系统如图1所示,使用两台波长分别为532 nm和559 nm的独立激光器,脉冲宽度为10 ns。两束脉冲激光由分束器耦合,经过聚焦透镜、针孔、镀铝反射镜后被物镜[数值孔径(NA)为0.1,焦距为60 μm]聚焦在样品上激发超声信号。配置传输模式,使用超声换能器(中心频率为50 MHz,-6 dB带宽为70%,灵敏度为-13 dB)采集反射回的光声信号,利用放大器和数据采集卡在计算机上进行重建。数据采样率、扫描步距和激光触发均由计算机控制。

图 1. 光声显微成像系统示意图

Fig. 1. Schematic of photoacoustic microscopy imaging system

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为了验证光声显微系统的性能,分别用刀片和直径为10 μm的碳纤维丝对系统的分辨率进行测试。对锋利的刀片边缘[图2(a)]进行成像,电机的扫描步距为2 μm,速度为5 mm·s-1。利用刀片光声图像[图2(b)]在x扫描方向上的一维信号值,拟合得到边缘扩散函数。通过对边缘扩散函数(ESF)进行求导,得到线扩散函数(LSF),并高斯拟合后取其半峰全宽(FWHM)作为系统的横向分辨率,该成像系统的横向分辨率为6 μm。我们对琼脂中交叉碳纤维丝[图2(d)插图]的单点信号进行高斯拟合[图2(d)],取其FWHM作为系统的轴向分辨率,测得的结果为25 μm。

图 2. 光声显微系统的分辨率测试结果。(a)手术刀片实物图;(b)手术刀片光声图;(c)系统横向分辨率函数拟合图;(d)系统轴向分辨率拟合图,插图为碳纤维丝光声图

Fig. 2. Resolution test results of photoacoustic microscopy system. (a) Physical image of surgical blade; (b) photoacoustic image of surgical blade; (c) system lateral resolution function fitting diagram; (d) system axial resolution function fitting diagram with photoacoustic image of carbon fibers shown in inset

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2.2 LM‐3细胞准备

在37 ℃温度下将肝癌细胞LM-3放在含有5%(体积分数)CO2的培养箱中培养。当细胞达到对数生长期时,利用质量分数为0.25%的胰蛋白酶[溶剂是磷酸缓冲盐溶液(PBS)]进行消化。在1000 r/min的转速下利用离心机收集细胞。用PBS制备细胞悬液,浓度为5×107 mL-1,并与基质胶混合备用。

2.3 小鼠肝细胞癌原位模型的构建

6周龄的BALB/c雄性裸鼠[体重为(20±25)g]被饲养在26 ℃无特定病原体的条件下。本实验所用动物均来自广东省实验动物中心。实验方案经广东省医院伦理委员会批准,符合所有相关伦理规范。对小鼠进行消毒处理,麻醉后用无菌手术器械进行手术。在小鼠腹部切开长度约为5 mm的伤口以暴露肝叶。用接种针吸20 μL的细胞与基质胶的混合物并将其注射到小鼠肝脏浅表,缝合小鼠腹部伤口,打抗生素观察3天。注射7天后,使用小动物活体荧光成像系统对小鼠肝脏进行成像,以确定肿瘤位置。

2.4 利用小动物活体光学成像系统定位肿瘤

在进行活体成像之前,将小鼠暴露在暗室中12 h,将体积质量为15 mg·mL-1的D-荧光素溶液通过腹腔注射到小鼠体内。荧光素底物在体内发生代谢反应5 min后,使用小动物活体荧光成像系统进行活体成像分析,观察荧光素在小动物体内的分布以确定肿瘤位置。将活体成像数据导入到图像分析软件中,对图像进行处理和分析。

2.5 肿瘤微血管结构和血氧饱和度的光声显微成像

利用高分辨率光声显微镜对小鼠的HCC组织和正常组织进行结构和功能成像。将采集到的原始数据导入到Matlab R2020a软件中,通过反投影滤波重建和光谱分离算法,提取血管密度等参数进行数据分析。利用532 nm波长激光对肝表面微血管进行结构成像。实验中控制照射在组织上的激光平均功率为200 μW,激光能量密度为14 mJ·cm-2,低于美国国家标准协会规定的激光能量安全阈值20 mJ·cm-2。sO2是指血液中含氧血红蛋白与全部血红蛋白的浓度比,反映了肿瘤新生血管的氧水平,是表征肿瘤微环境的重要指标27。氧气是生命活动正常进行的关键物质之一,缺氧环境会导致细胞代谢异常,免疫调节失衡甚至心肺功能下降28-29。研究表明,通过提高组织和细胞的氧气供应可以改善肿瘤缺氧状态,增强药物疗效,降低肿瘤复发和转移的风险30。血红蛋白分子与氧气结合形成的含氧血红蛋白(HbO2)与不含氧的脱氧血红蛋白(HbR)在不同波长下的摩尔消光系数不同。我们利用532 nm和559 nm波长激光激发肿瘤微血管中血液的光声信号,量化含氧血红蛋白浓度(CHbO2)和脱氧血红蛋白(CHb)浓度,从而得到总血红蛋白浓度和血氧饱和度(PsO2)。计算公式31


式中:CHbO2CHb分别为HbO2和HbR的相对浓度;εHbO2εHb分别为HbO2和HbR的摩尔消光系数;PA532PA559分别为532 nm和559 nm光声信号幅值;F532F559分别为532 nm和559 nm光通量。

3 结果与分析

3.1 小动物活体成像的定量分析


图 3. 利用生物发光成像方法对肿瘤进行定量分析。(a)生物发光成像原理示意图;(b)肿瘤定位

Fig. 3. Quantitative analysis of tumors by bioluminescence imaging method. (a) Schematic of bioluminescence imaging; (b) tumor localization

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3.2 肝脏正常组织的微血管结构观察

肝脏正常组织表面的PAM图像显示了肝小叶及中央静脉微血管的结构图。肝脏正常组织的血管分布均匀,排列整齐,肝小叶清晰完整,如图4(a)所示。门静脉和肝动脉的分支互相交错,汇集到中央静脉[如图4(b)箭头所示]后,又辐射到门脉区域,形成六边形形状的肝小叶汇管区[如图4(b)虚线框所示],促进了小叶内的血液循环。进一步放大成像,可观察到靠近中央静脉的肝血窦交织成连贯的血管网络。我们对肝脏微血管进行了定量分析,正常肝脏肝血窦[如图4(c)虚线所示]的直径大约为20 μm。

图 4. 正常肝脏微血管结构的光声显微成像与直径分析。(a)正常肝组织肝小叶的光声图像;(b)中央静脉和肝血窦;(c)肝血窦直径的定量分析

Fig. 4. Photoacoustic microscopic imaging and diameter analysis of normal liver micro-vascular structure. (a) Photoacoustic image of hepatic lobules of normal liver tissue; (b) central vein and hepatic sinuses; (c) quantitative analysis of diameter of hepatic blood sinuses

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3.3 肝细胞癌的微血管结构观察


图 5. HCC小鼠肝脏肿瘤微血管结构的光声显微成像。(a)癌旁肝小叶结构;(b)(c)癌旁血管结构;(d)肿瘤中心血管

Fig. 5. Photoacoustic microscopic imaging of micro-vascular structure in HCC mice liver tumors. (a) Structure of hepatic lobules adjacent to carcinoma; (b) (c) structures of vessels adjacent to cancerous tissue; (d) central vessel of tumor

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我们对图5中癌组织周围及肿瘤中心的微血管的直径进行了定量分析。正常小鼠右下肝叶位置的肝小叶血管直径为15~20 μm,测得相同位置(即注射肿瘤细胞位置)HCC鼠的癌旁小叶间肝静脉分支直径约为25 μm,如图6(a)中插图虚线所示。我们选取了直径为正常血管2~4倍的异常血管作为特征血管进行了定量分析。癌旁肝静脉异常分支直径分别为38 μm和30 μm,如图6(b)、(c)中插图虚线所示;肿瘤中心血管直径约为75 μm,如图6(d)中插图虚线所示。与正常血管相比,肿瘤血管直径显著增加。

图 6. HCC微血管直径定量分析。(a)癌旁肝小叶静脉分支直径;(b)(c)癌旁血管直径;(d)肿瘤中心血管直径

Fig. 6. Quantitative analysis of HCC microvascular diameter. (a) Diameter of hepatic lobular vein branches adjacent to carcinoma; (b) (c) diameters of vessels adjacent to cancerous tissue; (d) diameter of central vessel of tumor

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3.4 肿瘤微血管的特征分析

肿瘤血管特征是描述肿瘤血管形态、结构和功能的参数。我们对光声图像进行了二值化处理,提取肿瘤血管的信号观察其密度。与正常血管比较,癌变组织的血管密度整体减小,如图7(a)所示。利用聚类算法将血管分成不同的簇,根据血管直径特征对其进行分类。然后沿同一水平线提取信号值以统计血管的直径。癌旁血管出现异常增生,血管直径显著增加,如图7(b)所示,主要集中在0~40 μm,而正常肝脏组织的血管直径主要分布在0~20 μm范围内。

图 7. 正常组织与癌变组织的血管密度和直径分析。(a)血管密度;(b)血管直径频数分布

Fig. 7. Analysis of vascular density and diameter in normal and cancerous tissues. (a) Vascular density; (b) frequency distribution of vessel diameter

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3.5 肝细胞癌微血管氧代谢功能


图 8. 正常肝脏血管和肿瘤微血管的氧饱和度分布。(a)正常肝脏血管氧气代谢;(b)癌旁肝小叶氧气代谢;(d)正常肝小叶氧气代谢;(c)(e)癌旁血管的氧气代谢;(f)肿瘤中心血管氧气代谢

Fig. 8. Oxygen saturation mapping in normal liver blood vessels and tumor micro-vessels. (a) Oxygen metabolism in normal liver vessels; (b) oxygen metabolism of hepatic lobules adjacent to carcinoma; (d) oxygen metabolism in normal hepatic lobular; (c)(e) oxygen metabolism in vessels adjacent to cancerous tissue; (f) oxygen metabolism in central vessels of tumor

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4 结论





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