中国激光, 2022, 49 (24): 2407202, 网络出版: 2022-11-15   

浮游藻类细胞显微明场图像与荧光同步测量图像配准方法研究 下载: 618次

Registration Method of Microscopic Bright Field and Fluorescence Synchronous Measurement Images of Phytoplankton Cells
1 中国科学技术大学环境科学与光电技术学院,安徽 合肥 230026
2 中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院安徽光学精密机械研究所中国科学院环境光学与技术重点实验室,安徽 合肥 230031
3 合肥学院,安徽 合肥 230601
4 安徽省合肥生态环境监测中心,安徽 合肥 230088
5 安徽大学,安徽 合肥 230601
通过融合浮游植物藻类细胞显微明场图像和荧光图像对浮游植物进行鉴定可以有效提高浮游植物鉴定的精度,然而在图像采集过程中存在明场图像与荧光图像中藻细胞位置不匹配的问题。为此,本文以刚体变换作为明场图像与荧光图像的空间变换模型,以明场HSV颜色空间S通道二值化图像与荧光灰度二值化图像的归一化互信息作为明场图像与荧光图像的相似度,利用粒子群优化算法对小波五级分解的低频分量进行粗配准,然后将初步配准的平移量和旋转角度作为初始值,利用鲍威尔算法对小波三级分解的低频分量进行配准精度微调。栅藻、羊角月牙藻和念珠藻的实验结果表明:对明场图像与荧光图像进行处理后的归一化互信息具有明显的峰值,可以更好地表征浮游藻细胞明场图像与荧光图像的相似度;将粒子群优化算法与鲍威尔算法结合的多分辨率图像配准方法,对栅藻、羊角月牙藻、念珠藻显微明场图像与荧光图像配准的误配率分别为0、9.4%、6.5%,平均配准时间分别为10.43、27.98、17.02 s,配准后的归一化互信息分别为0.673、0.495、0.631。研究结果验证了所提方法在配准精度、运行时间等方面的优势,为融合显微荧光图像和明场图像进行浮游植物鉴定奠定了基础。

Detection of phytoplankton diversity is an important part of a water quality bioassessment. The traditional manual microscopic detection of algae species requires professional operation and is time-consuming and laborious; therefore, these challenges can be overcome by the development of a method for automatic identification of phytoplankton cell images. Similar to manual identification, deep learning and other automatic identification technologies identify phytoplankton cells based on the morphological characteristics of bright field cell images; however, the practical applications of such technologies encounter complications, such as the difficulty of accurate segmentation of phytoplankton cells and the limitation in high recognition accuracy of algae species only with a small range of groups. Previous studies have shown that the accuracy of algal cell segmentation and recognition can be effectively improved by fusing the bright field and fluorescence images of phytoplankton cells. However, the fusion of bright field and fluorescence images synchronously measured from phytoplankton cells requires significantly high accuracy and shockproof capability of the mechanical structure of the acquisition system. Under a high-power microscope, even a small error in the mechanical structure or a small vibration of the camera can lead to a dislocation between the bright field and fluorescence images, thus causing difficulties in the fusion of the images. Therefore, the registration of bright field and fluorescence images of algae is of great significance for the automatic identification of phytoplankton.


The displacement between bright field and fluorescence images can be represented by a rigid transformation model, which consists of three parameters: the translation in the x direction, translation in the y direction, and rotation angle. Normalized mutual information is used to calculate the similarity between the bright field and fluorescence images. The goal of image registration is to find a set of rigid transformation parameters that maximize the normalized mutual information of the two images. Owing to the significant difference between the bright field and fluorescence images of phytoplankton cells, the similarity is difficult to be characterized by directly calculating the normalized mutual information. In this study, the normalized mutual information of the S channel binary image of the bright field HSV color space and the binary image of the fluorescence gray level was assumed as the similarity between the bright field and fluorescence images. The S component of the bright field HSV image and the fluorescence gray image were decomposed using a two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform, and the low-frequency components were binarized, to accelerate the registration. First, the particle swarm algorithm was used to register the low-frequency components of the five-level wavelet decomposition. Subsequently, the translation and rotation angle of the preliminary registration were assumed as the initial values, and the low-frequency components of the wavelet three-level decomposition are further registered using Powell’s algorithm.

Results and Discussions

Scenedesmus sp., Selenastrum capricornutum, and Nostoc sp. are used as experimental objects. The similarity and registration methods are compared and analyzed. As shown in Figs. 3 and 4, the normalized mutual information of the bright field S channel and the fluorescence grayscale image has an obvious peak value after binarization, which is extremely conducive to parameter optimization in the registration process. As shown in Fig. 5, after the bright field and fluorescence images are decomposed by the wavelet, the noise in the high-frequency component is concentrated, and the low-frequency component has a higher normalized mutual information. Therefore, the normalized mutual information of binary images of low-frequency components after wavelet decomposition is chosen as the similarity measurement index for bright field and fluorescence images. Table 1 presents an experimental comparison between the proposed method and other registration methods. Compared with particle swarm optimization algorithm, the proposed method reduces the mismatch rate by 0, 8.1, and 0.7 percentage points, shortens the running time by 128.26 s, 448.95 s and 237.20 s, and improves the normalized mutual information by 0.065, 0.083, and 0.106; Powell’s method depends on the initial value; therefore, it is easy to fall into the local maximum in the process of optimization, which leads to a high mismatch rate; compared with GA, the mismatch rates of proposed method are reduced by 6.1, 26.2, and 10.2 percentage points, the running time is shortened by 23.78 s, 60.95 s and 33.74 s, and the normalized mutual information after registration is improved by 0.149, 0.170, and 0.180. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method has obvious advantages in terms of registration accuracy and running time compared with other registration methods.


In this study, the bright field image is converted into a binary image by processing the S channel of the HSV color space; the fluorescence gray image is binarized; normalized mutual information is used as the similarity criterion to characterize the similarity of the bright field and fluorescence image. Using Scenedesmus sp., Selenastrum capricornutum, and Nostoc sp. as experimental objects, the application of wavelet decomposition in the registration of microscopic bright field and fluorescence images of phytoplankton cells was studied. The global search advantage of the particle swarm optimization algorithm is used for preliminary registration in the high-level decomposition component, and the local search ability of Powell algorithm is used for fine-tuning the registration accuracy in the low-level decomposition component. A comparative analysis is performed with other commonly used registration methods, and the experimental results verify the feasibility of the registration method.

1 引言


2 实验与方法

2.1 浮游藻类细胞显微明场图像和显微荧光图像的采集

采用中国科学院安徽光学精密机械研究所研制的双光路成像系统采集实验室培养的栅藻(Scenedesmus sp.)、羊角月牙藻(Selenastrum capricornutum)、念珠藻(Nostoc sp.)三种浮游藻类细胞的显微明场图像和显微荧光图像。藻种均采购于中国科学院水生生物研究所淡水藻种库。

双光路成像系统的结构如图1所示,主要由光源(白光,450 nm和638 nm)[16-17]、显微镜头(40×)、分光器、发射光滤光片(675 nm)、明场CCD相机(2160 pixel×4096 pixel)、荧光CCD相机(2160 pixel×4096 pixel)和计算机组成。当测量明场图像时,白光经显微物镜传至分光器,分光器将光路按等功率分为两束,其中一束光传至明场CCD相机,完成明场图像的采集;当测量荧光图像时,将光源切换为激发光,浮游藻类叶绿素经激发光照射后处于激发态,发射出的荧光经显微物镜传至分光器,再经发射滤光片过滤后传至荧光CCD相机,完成荧光图像的测量,从而实现明场图像与荧光图像的同步测量。然而,融合浮游植物藻类细胞同步测量的明场图像和荧光图像,对采集系统机械结构的精度和防振能力要求非常高。在高倍显微镜下,即使机械结构的微小误差、相机的微小波动等都会导致明场图像与荧光图像发生错位。为此,本团队研究了浮游藻类细胞显微明场图像与显微荧光图像的配准方法,采用2.2节图像配准方法对同步测量的明场图像和荧光图像进行配准。

图 1. 双光路成像系统

Fig. 1. Dual optical path imaging system

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2.2 藻的显微荧光图像与显微明场图像的配准方法

图像的配准模型可以用刚体变换模型表示。假设荧光图像中的点(xy)旋转θ角度并在x方向平移tx、在y方向平移ty后到达明场图像上的点(x′,y′),则可以通过式(1)表示变换模型。[xy1][cosθ    sinθ   txsinθ    cosθ    ty  0             0       1][xy1]


由于浮游植物藻类细胞显微明场图像和荧光图像的差异比较大,直接计算两幅图像的归一化互信息难以表征其相似度。在藻类的显微明场图像中,藻的颜色特征十分明显,如绿藻呈现绿色而蓝藻呈现蓝色,因而将采集的RGB(Red Green Blue)格式转换为HSV(Hue Saturation Value)颜色空间,利用饱和度S通道较好地定位藻所在区域[18]。如图2所示,本文将明场图像HSV颜色空间的S分量二值化图像与荧光灰度二值化图像的归一化互信息作为明场图像和荧光图像的相似度计算方法。为加快配准速度,使用二维离散小波变换分别对明场HSV图像的S分量和荧光灰度图像进行小波分解,并对分解后的低频分量进行二值化处理,利用粒子群优化算法的全局搜索能力在五级分解的低频分量上进行全局最优值搜索,然后在三级分解的低频分量上利用鲍威尔算法进行局部最优值的微调。

图 2. 明场图像与荧光图像配准方法的流程图

Fig. 2. Flow chart of bright field and fluorescence images registration method

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1) 将明场RGB格式图像转换为HSV格式图像,得到明场S分量图像;

2) 对荧光图像进行灰度化处理,得到荧光灰度图像;

3) 采用小波变换分别对明场S分量和荧光灰度图像进行五级分解,得到分解后各自的低频分量,并对低频分量进行二值化处理;

4) 利用粒子群优化算法对五级分解的低频分量进行粗配准,得到初步配准的平移量txty和旋转角度θ

5) 将平移量 4tx、4ty和旋转角度θ[19]设置为初始位置,利用鲍威尔算法对三级分解的低频分量进行细配准,从而对平移量和旋转角度进行微调。

3 实验结果与分析

3.1 藻样显微明场图像与荧光图像的相似度分析



图 3. 平移量与归一化互信息。(a) 明场灰度图像与荧光灰度图像;(b)明场S通道与荧光灰度图像;(c)明场灰度二值化图像与荧光灰度二值化图像;(d)明场S通道二值化图像与荧光灰度二值化图像

Fig. 3. Translation and normalized mutual information. (a) Gray image of bright field and fluorescence; (b) bright field S channel and fluorescence gray image; (c) binarized gray image of bright field and fluorescence; (d) binarization of bright field S channel and fluorescence gray image

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图 4. 旋转角度与归一化互信息

Fig. 4. Rotation angle and normalized mutual information

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图 5. 小波分解后各分量的归一化互信息。(a)低频分量;(b)水平高频分量;(c)垂直高频分量;(d)对角高频分量

Fig. 5. Normalized mutual information after wavelet decomposition. (a) Low frequency component; (b) horizontal high frequency component; (c) vertical high frequency component; (d) diagonal high frequency component

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3.2 藻样显微明场图像与荧光图像配准方法的比较分析


图 6. 栅藻、羊角月牙藻和念珠藻细胞的显微明场图像和荧光图像。(a)明场图像;(b)荧光图像;(c)明场S通道三级小波分解的低频分量的二值化图像;(d)荧光灰度图像三级小波分解的低频分量的二值化图像

Fig. 6. Bright field and fluorescence images of cells of Scenedesmus sp., Selenastrum capricornutum and Nostoc sp. (a) Bright images; (b) fluorescence images; (c) binarization images of low frequency component of three-level wavelet decomposition in bright field S channel; (d) binarization images of low frequency component of three-level wavelet decomposition in fluorescence gray image

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图 7. 明场图像与荧光图像的融合

Fig. 7. Fusion of bright field and fluorescence images

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表 1. 明场图像与荧光图像配准方法的对比

Table 1. Comparison of bright field and fluorescence images registration methods

SampleMethodMismatch rate /%Time /sNMI
Scenedesmus  sp.PSO0138.690.608
Selenastrum capricornutumPSO17.5476.930.412
Nostoc sp. PSO7.2254.220.525
Powell73.8 6.140.237


对于栅藻、羊角月牙藻、念珠藻图像,本文方法与粒子群优化算法相比误配率分别降低了0、8.1、0.7个百分点,运行时间分别缩短了128.26、448.95、237.20 s,配准后的归一化互信息分别提高了0.065、0.083、0.106。鲍威尔算法的配准效果依赖于初始值,在寻优过程中易陷入局部最小值,导致其具有较高的误配率。与遗传算法相比,本文方法的误配率分别降低了6.1、26.2、10.2个百分点,运行时间分别缩短了23.78、60.95、33.74 s,配准后的归一化互信息分别提高了0.149、0.170、0.180。同时可以观察到,藻的大小会对配准结果产生一定影响。如:羊角月牙藻体积较小,导致其配准时间长于栅藻和念珠藻,配准精度略低于栅藻和念珠藻。实验结果表明,与其他配准方法相比,所提方法在配准精度、运行时间等方面具有明显优势。

4 结论



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