中国激光, 2024, 51 (8): 0811002, 网络出版: 2024-03-29  


Multi-Element Quantitative Analysis of Shale and Sandstone Based on Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
1 西安交通大学电气工程学院,电气绝缘与电力设备国家重点实验室,陕西 西安 710049
2 西安交通大学电子科学与工程学院,电子物理与器件教育部重点实验室,陕西 西安 710049

Shale oil is an important unconventional resource that has become a major development focus. Owing to the possible reserves of petroleum and natural gas, information from core samples, which mainly contain geochemical and mineralogical information, has attracted increasing attention from geologists and energy enterprises. Conventional analytical methods for mineralogical analysis, including inductively coupled plasma optical emission or mass spectrometry (ICP-OES/MS), instrumental neutron activation analysis (INNA), and X-ray fluorescence (XRF), are unsuitable for the in-situ analysis of shale because of their slow analysis speed and limited detection range. Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) is a novel analytical method for various materials that uses laser pulses focused on a sample to generate laser-produced plasma and spectral emissions. With the advantages of minimal sample preparation, remote analysis, microsample ablation, and high analytical speed, LIBS is an optional access method for analysis of cores. In this study, multi-element quantitative analysis of natural shale and sandstone samples is conducted using a micro-LIBS system. A standardized spectral preprocessing method is developed to reduce spectral uncertainty, and a model input parameter optimization process is established to prevent model overfitting while improving model prediction accuracy. A quantitative analysis of Si, Ca, Fe, Al, Mg, and other elements in the shales and sandstones is performed, and the average predicted root-mean-square error of most samples is less than 1%, providing technical support for regular mineral component analysis and lithology identification of shales and sandstones.


A micro-LIBS system was established in this study, consisting of a laser, spectrometer, timing synchronizer, computer, and optical microscope. The system used a nanosecond-pulse laser to generate a laser beam that passes through a laser beam splitter and was sampled by a photodiode to detect the laser timing. The transmitted laser beam was introduced into an optical microscope, adjusted to be coaxial with the microscope illumination light path through a laser mirror, and finally focused on the sample surface through a near-infrared objective lens to generate plasma. Plasma emission was collected by a short-focus lens to an optical fiber and connected to a six-channel spectrometer for spectrum collection; the integration time was set to 1 ms. The laser pulse energy was adjusted to 30 mJ, and the detection delay of the spectrometer was set to 800 ns. Before the spectrum acquisition, two laser shots were applied for pre-ablation to stabilize the pulse energy, and 10 accumulated spectra were collected and analyzed. Partial least squares regression was used for the data analysis.

Results and Discussions

Because of the variety, inhomogeneity, and complexity of the samples, it is necessary to perform spectral line preprocessing and characteristic spectral line identification of the extracted spectra before quantitative analysis. Therefore, this study establishes a set of spectral data pre-processing procedures. After spectral preprocessing, the average relative standard deviation of a single shale sample (Rsingle) decreases from 32.50% to 14.53%, whereas the average Rsingle of the sandstone samples decreases from 56.01% to 33.92%. Simultaneously, the spectral relative standard deviation RS-S between shale and sandstone samples is also reduced after spectral processing, proving that the spectral preprocessing process can significantly reduce spectral uncertainty and improve the precision of the quantitative analysis prediction results. Based on the leave-one-out method, this study constructs a set of PLSR model input dataset parameter optimization processes. When the number of input spectra is fixed, the optimization parameters initially decrease, and then increase as the number of principal components increases. This is because lower principal components cause model underfitting and insufficient interpretation of the training set samples, and the RMSEC is too high. The number of principal components causes overfitting of the model, poor interpretation of the new prediction set, and a high RMSECV value. The PLSR model achieves the best performance only when an appropriate number is selected. Under the optimized parameters, R2>0.95 and RMSEC<1% for most samples, indicating that the PLSR model can better achieve multi-element quantitative analysis of shale and sandstone.


To meet the demands of rapid quantitative determination of mineral element content in natural shale and sandstone samples, a microanalysis laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy system with automated analysis capabilities is developed to rapidly detect and analyze oil and gas shale and sandstone natural samples. A standard process for spectral data preprocessing is established, and the average relative standard deviation of shales is reduced from 32.50% to 14.53%, and from 56.01% to 33.92% for sandstones. This study proposes a quantitative analysis process based on partial least squares regression (PLSR) with Si, Ca, Fe, Al, and Mg quantitatively predicted. The R2 value for most samples is 0.95, and the RMSEC and RMSEP values are lower than 1%. This study provides technical support for the rapid analysis of the mineral components in shale and sandstone samples. The proposed data pre-processing and quantitative analysis is expected to become a technical standard for LIBS analyses.

1 引言



面向岩石样本的多元素检测,国内外研究人员已经取得了一定研究进展。目前已经实现了岩石样本的多元素检测,如可对Si、Ca、Mg、Al等矿物元素进行成功识别和定量分析,同时,基于LIBS技术实现了岩石表面二维元素分布的表征15-16。2015年,Washburn17将LIBS技术应用于油气页岩的检测分析,结合偏最小二乘(PLS)方法初步实现了页岩中多元素定量预测。四川大学的Xu等18-19研究了页岩等离子体温度、电子密度与发射光谱的时间演化过程,并基于等离子体特性优化实验参数实现了元素定量分析与二维表征。2018年,Jain等20基于LIBS技术对开采的页岩样本表面进行了8 mm×8 mm二维多元素绘相,并将其应用于井场油气资源的识别与储层评价分析。上述研究证明了LIBS技术在岩石组分检测方面具有较大的应用优势,但由于岩石样本矿物组分构成多样并且基质效应显著,LIBS检测光谱存在不确定度较高、检测准确度和精密度较差的问题。针对这些问题,研究人员通过改进制样方法与引入机器学习方法降低了光谱不确定性,提高了定量分析的准确度21-23。然而,较为复杂的制样方法会增加LIBS检测的时间成本,降低LIBS技术的优势,同时多变量方法的应用尚未形成标准流程,且极易面临模型过拟合的风险。


2 实验与方法

2.1 实验设置

实验中使用自主设计搭建的显微分析LIBS系统,如图1所示,该系统主体由激光器、光谱仪、时序同步器、计算机与光学显微镜组成。使用一台纳秒脉冲激光器(DAWA-100,镭宝光电)产生激光束(波长为1064 nm,脉宽为8 ns,脉冲能量在0~200 mJ可调),激光束经过激光分束镜1(BSF10-C, Thorlabs)分光后由光电二极管(DET10A, Thorlabs)进行采样,以检测激光时序;透射激光束进入一台光学显微镜(BX53M,Olympus)并通过激光反射镜(NB1-K14, Thorlabs)调节至与显微镜照明光路共轴,最终经过近红外物镜(M Plan APO NIR 20×,焦距f=10 mm,工作距离dw=20 mm, Mitutoyo)聚焦于样品表面产生等离子体。等离子体自发光由一短焦透镜收集至光纤并被送入六通道光谱仪(AvaSpec-Mini4096CL-6-Cus, Avantes,光谱探测范围为180~885 nm, 平均光谱分辨率为0.05~0.18 nm)进行光谱采集,积分时间设置为1 ms。激光器和光谱仪的相对工作时序通过数字延时发生器(DG645, Stanford Research Systems)进行同步,通过计算机软件(DeltaPix Insight)识别、监视相机图像。通过调节Z轴电动高度升降台实现自动对焦。

图 1. 显微LIBS系统设置图

Fig. 1. A diagram for the micro-LIBS system setup

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在实验中,调节激光脉冲能量为30 mJ,光谱仪探测延时设置为800 ns,通过调节Z轴电动高度升降台控制激光聚焦光斑的直径约为120 μm,每一个采集点进行2发次激光预烧蚀,并累计采集10发次光谱。为了降低由样本表面不均匀和等离子体不确定性造成的光谱波动,使用XY电动位移平台,在每个样品表面均匀采集30幅光谱,并对每三幅光谱进行平均。每个样品最终获取10幅光谱。

2.2 样品制备

实验中使用的样品为油气页岩与砂岩天然柱塞岩心与岩屑,共45块,其中页岩样本23块,砂岩样本22块。使用岩石线切割机对所有岩石样本进行切割,以获取适合LIBS检测的平整表面。典型的页岩与砂岩照片如图2所示。依据国家标准GB/T 21114—2019《耐火材料 X射线荧光光谱化学分析 熔铸玻璃片法》,对所有样本中Si、Ca、Fe、Al、Mg元素组分参考值进行测定,所使用的岩石样本中各元素质量分数的平均值、中位数、最小值、最大值、标准偏差(STD)与相对标准偏差(RSD)汇总于表1

图 2. 页岩与砂岩代表性样本照片

Fig. 2. Photos of representative shale and sandstone samples

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表 1. 页岩与砂岩样本中各元素的质量分数

Table 1. Mass fraction of each element in shale and sandstone samples

Data setMass fraction /%
Shale (sample size is 23)Mean26.512.775.6112.922.13
RSD /%16.9341.7761.1357.4849.06
Sandstone (sample size is 22)Mean29.066.672.294.611.67
RSD /%25.4268.0229.0725.6969.12


2.3 分析方法与指标






3 分析与讨论

3.1 光谱处理与分析


图 3. 页岩与砂岩样本的典型光谱

Fig. 3. Typical spectra of shale and sandstone samples

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表 2. 预处理前后光谱的相对标准偏差

Table 2. Relative standard deviation of spectra before and after pretreatment

Data setSiCaFeAlMg



3.2 多元素组分定量分析


图 4. PLSR参数优化流程图

Fig. 4. PLSR parameter optimization flow chart

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图 5. Si元素的参数优化过程

Fig. 5. Parameter optimization process of Si element

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图 6. 参数优化后的输入光谱(页岩样本2)

Fig. 6. Input spectrum after parameter optimization (shale No. 2)

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图 7. Si、Ca、Fe、Al、Mg元素的定标曲线。(a) Si元素;(b) Ca元素;(c) Fe元素;(d) Al元素;(e) Mg元素

Fig. 7. Calibration curves of Si, Ca, Fe, Al, and Mg elements. (a) Si element; (b) Ca element; (c) Fe element; (d) Al element; (e) Mg element

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表 3. Si、Ca、Fe、Al、Mg元素定量分析结果的评价指标

Table 3. Evaluation indexes of quantitative analysis of Si, Ca, Fe, Al, Mg elements

Sample and elementR2RMSEC /%RMSEP /%RMSECV /%



4 结论




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