光子学报, 2023, 52 (10): 1052412, 网络出版: 2023-12-05  


Limited-aperture Quantitative Inverse Imaging Based on Rytov Integral Approximation(Invited)
杭州电子科技大学 电子信息学院 射频电路与系统教育部重点实验室,杭州 310018
Currently, there are two primary approaches to addressing nonlinear electromagnetic inverse scattering problems. One method involves linearizing these issues, while the other treats them as iterative optimization problems. However, a significant challenge arises in real-world applications, where achieving uniform antenna coverage around the target proves to be exceptionally difficult. To surmount this challenge, limited aperture imaging methods have been proposed. Although limited aperture imaging provides more significant flexibility, it amplifies the nonlinearity of electromagnetic inverse scattering problems, resulting in relatively limited research on this front.This paper introduces a novel method founded on the limited aperture Rytov integral approximation for the purpose of quantitative inversion imaging of high relative permittivity and large-sized target objects. That is, the antennas are distributed only on one side of the region of interest or on some specific angles; limited aperture imaging provides greater flexibility. To begin, we introduce the concept of the phaseless Rytov approximation and meticulously analyze the complex refractive index within low-loss media. By analyzing the reflection and transmission of the incident field from the free space to the lossy media, the concept of effective refractive index is introduced and combined with Snell's theorem to solve the relationship between the effective refractive index and the actual refractive index, and the relationship between the actual refractive index and the dielectric constant is established according to the relationship between the dielectric constant and the refractive index in the low-loss media. Under the conditions of high frequency and low loss, we estimate the contrast function by taking into account the interplay between the effective refractive index, the actual refractive index, and the dielectric constant. We then employ mathematical corrections to approximate the scattered field and its gradient within the scattering object, thereby enhancing the traditional Rytov approximation. This enhancement results in the development of a phaseless limited aperture Rytov integral approximation model.In the simulation section, three different scattering objects with varying strengths are selected, namely weak scatterers, medium scatterers, and strong scatterers. This model is capable of providing quantitatively better reconstruction results for weak and medium scatterers with different shapes, characterized by high permittivity and large target size. For strong scatterers, it accurately reconstructs the target shape by considering the imaginary component of the contrast function. Additionally, for multi-target scenarios, both medium and strong scatterers are well-reconstructed in terms of object shapes. Furthermore, the model also yields favorable results when altering the operating frequency and antenna placement layout. Lastly, this model exhibits strong noise resistance capabilities.The proposed method is expected to be widely used in medical imaging, non-destructive testing and ground penetrating radar.

0 引言


求解非线性逆散射问题主要有两种方法,一种是将非线性问题线性化,如玻恩近似反演方法(Born Approximation inversion method,BA)4、直接采样法(Direct Sampling Method,DSM)5、线性抽样法(Linear Sampling Method,LSM)6等。这些方法适用于弱散射体,对于强散射体得到的结果较差。另一种方法是直接求解非线性方程,常用非迭代方法有后向传播算法(Back-Propagation,BP7)、扩展波恩近似方法(Extended Born Approximation,EBA8)。非迭代方法与线性方法类似仅适用于弱散射问题。非线性的迭代方法是将逆散射问题转化为最优化问题进行求解,主要包括对比源反演算法(Contrast Source Inversion,CSI)9、子空间优化算(Subspace-based Optimization Method,SOM)10、基于SOM方法提出的双重子空间法(Two-fold SOM,TSOM)11和基于乘性正则化12和快速傅里叶的TSOM(a Fast Fourier Transform TSOM,FFT-TSOM)13。相比于线性算法,非线性算法的反演能力强很多,但当未知目标介电常数和电尺寸增大时,迭代时间较长且容易陷入最优解导致反演失败。

上述提到的各种算法,无论是线性的还是非线性的都是指发射天线和接收天线均匀围绕在感兴趣区域周围的全口径成像方法。而在实际应用中,比如石油勘探、墙体检测,很难实现天线均匀围绕被测物体。为了拓展电磁反演成像的应用,提出了有限口径成像方法;即天线只分布在感兴趣区域的某边或某些角度。但是有限口径会进一步增加电磁逆散射问题的非线性,目前基于有限口径的电磁反演成像研究很少,多数是关于电子计算机断层扫描(Computed Tomography,CT)成像14-15的研究。因此本文提出一种基于Rytov积分近似的方法用于实现有限口径下高相对介电常数和大尺寸目标物体的定量反演成像。

1 逆散射模型

基于有限口径的二维电磁逆散射模型如图1所示,图中的矩形称为感兴趣区域(Domain Of Interest,DOI),目标物体存在于DOI内,发射天线和接收天线均匀分布在DOI两侧,图中天线代表发射天线或者接收天线。

图 1. 有限口径下电磁逆散射成像模型

Fig. 1. Electromagnetic inverse scattering model under limited aperture

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1.1 无相位Rytov近似






EtrEir=exp (jk0φsr)



式中,Er=Ei(r)ln (Etr/Ei(r))


EtrEir=exp k2Eirgr,r'nr'2-1-φsr'φsr'Eir'dr'2



Ptr=Pir+ARe k2Eirgr,r'χ r'Eirdr'2


χ r'=nr'2-1-φsr'·φsr'


1.2 低损耗介质






2 高频低损耗介质的近似

2.1 有效折射率


sin θt=sin θi/nr


Eir=E0exp jk0ei·rErr=E1exp jk0er·rEtr=E2exp jk0NRet·r+jNIn1·r


图 2. 自由空间入射到有损介质

Fig. 2. Free space incident on lossy media

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m·ei=m·er=m·NRet+jNIn1sin θi=sin θr=NRsin θt


NR2-NI2=nR2-nI2NRNIcos θt=nRnI,    et·n1=cos θt


NR=12(nR2-nI22+4nRnIcos θt2+nR2-nI2)NI=nRnINRcos θt


NRnR1+sin θi2nR2-sin θiδ2nRεRNInRnInR2-sin2θi1-nR2sin2θi2nR2-sin2θiδ2nRnIvR2-sin2θiεI2εR-sin2θi

2.2 φs·φs近似


Etr=E2exp jk0(NRdr et· et+jNIdrn1 · et))=E2exp -k0NIdrcos θt)expjk0NRdr


Etr=E2exp -k0NIcos θtdrexp jk0NRdr


φsr=1jk0lnE2Eiexp-k0NIcos θtdrexp jk0NRdr  =1jk0ln E2E0+NRdr-ei·r+jNIcos θtdr


φsr·φsr=NR2+1-2NRet·ei-NI2+2jNRet-ei·NIn1-                      1k02ln E2E0ln E2E0-j2 k0 ln E2E0NRet-ei+jNIn1

图2可以看出ei·n1=cos θiet·ei=cos θs,其中θs定义为散射角,可以把式(27)转化为

φsrφsr=NR2+1-2NRcos θs-NI2-1k02ln E2E0ln E2E0+2 k0 ln E2E0NIn1+2jNRNIcos θt-NIcos θi-1 k0 ln E2E0NRet-ei

2.3 对比度近似


χ r=2NRcos θs-2+1k02ln E2E0ln E2E0-2 k0 ln E2E0NIn1+j2NIcos θi+2 k0 ln E2E0NRet-ei


χ r=2εRcos θs-1+1k02ln E2E0ln E2E0-2 k0 ln E2E0NIn1+jεIεR-sin2θicos θi+2 k0 ln E2E0nRet-ei

当频率较高时(大于1 GHz),式(30)中的交叉项中包含 1/k01/k02,只要ln E2E0项的值很小,省略交叉项的近似就是有效的。在成像中假设物体在很大程度上是均匀的,因此ln E2E0在物体内外都是最小的,省略交叉项是可行的,即

χ r=2εRcos θs-1+jεIεR-sin2θicos θi


Im χ=1π-π2π2εIεR-sin2θicos θidθi=2εIπarcsin1εR

3 仿真示例

设置工作频率为2.4 GHz,感兴趣区域(DOI)选择为3 m×3 m的矩形区域,区域中心与原点重合。在DOI左右两侧的边界处分别放置20个天线,这些天线既可作为发射天线也可作为接收天线。计算前向问题时,都将感兴趣区域剖分为240×240个小网格,在逆问题中,将感兴趣区域剖分为120×120个小网格。在逆问题求解中使用增强拉格朗日和交替方向算法的TV最小化(TV AL3)的正则化方法21

3.1 示例1

工作频率设置为2.4 GHz,在感兴趣区域中心处放置半径为2λ的圆,如图3所示,XY轴单位为m,分别选择4组不同介电常数值,弱散射体(εR1,εRεI)(第一行,εR=1.1,εI=0.11,Im χ=0.088 6);中等散射体(εR>1,εRεI)(第二行,εR=5,εI=0.5,Im χ=0.147 6);强散射体(εR1,εRεI)(第三行,εR=15,εI=1.5,Im χ=0.249 4;第四行,εR=50,εI=5,Im χ=0.451 7)。

图 3. 有限口径与全口径成像对比

Fig. 3. Limited aperture versus full aperture reconstruction images

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3.2 示例2


图 4. 中等散射体不同形状重建结果

Fig. 4. Reconstruction results for different shapes of medium scatterers

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3.3 示例3


图 5. 加入高斯白噪声后的重建结果

Fig. 5. Reconstruction images after adding Gaussian white noise

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3.4 示例4

在本实例中选择圆形目标,如图6所示,在示例1的基础上减少天线的数目,左右两边各摆放10个天线,反演中等散射(εR=5,εI=0.5)和强散射目标(εR=15,εI=1.5);当天线数目减少后仍然可以重建出目标的形状。如图7,减少天线数目为左右两边各摆放5个天线,反演中等散射(εR=5,εI=0.5)和强散射(εR=15,εI=1.5)目标,由重建结果可以看出当天线数目过少时无法分辨出目标形状。如图8,改变工作频率设置,选择中等散射(εR=5,εI=0.5)目标,频率为1.5 GHz和3 GHz,由重建结果可以看出,增加工作频率和降低工作频率后仍然可以重建出目标形状。

图 6. 减少天线数目为左右两边各10个的重建结果

Fig. 6. Reconstruction results after reducing the number of antennas to 10 on each left and right side

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图 7. 减少天线数目为左右两边各5个的重建结果

Fig. 7. Reconstruction results after reducing the number of antennas to 5 on each left and right side

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图 8. 改变频率后的重建结果

Fig. 8. Reconstruction results for changing frequency

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3.5 示例5


图 9. 多目标物体重建结果

Fig. 9. Multiple target object reconstruction results

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图 10. 重构天线布局

Fig. 10. Modified antenna layout

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图 11. 重构天线布局重建结果

Fig. 11. Reconstruction results for modified antenna layout

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4 结论



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