光学学报, 2024, 44 (2): 0217001, 网络出版: 2024-01-11   


Multi-Spectral Blood Oxygen Saturation Detection in Endoscopic Environment
1 浙江大学光电信息科学与工程学院,浙江 杭州 310027
2 浙江省医疗器械审评中心,浙江 杭州 310009
3 之江实验室类人感知研究中心,浙江 杭州 311100
采用蒙特卡罗模拟技术对血管组织在可见光波段的多光谱成像进行建模仿真,通过分析不同血氧饱和度下血液后向散射功率的绝对值、相对值、绝对差值和对比度,并考虑可能的干扰因素,优选出适合内窥环境下使用的450 nm、525 nm、630 nm和660 nm 4个成像波段。基于4个优选的成像波段展开了血氧饱和度检测的实验验证。在血管仿体组织上的实验结果表明,在95%的置信水平下,血氧饱和度的检测偏差为1.24%。研究结果验证了利用四波段进行内窥组织血氧饱和度检测的可行性。

Hypoxemia is a common clinical phenomenon that is closely associated with various pathological changes caused by a decrease in oxygen saturation to different degrees. We aim to develop a low-cost blood oxygen saturation detection technology that can be adapted to a wider range of endoscopes for clinical practice and patient diagnosis and treatment. By expanding the application scenarios of endoscopic blood oxygen detection and enriching its practical application value, we hope to help popularize the application of endoscopic technology in remote and resource-scarce areas and improve the coverage and quality of medical services.


We initially employ the Monte Carlo simulation technique to model and simulate multi-spectral imaging of blood vessel tissue in the visible light range. The absolute value, relative value, absolute difference, and contrast of the backscattering power of blood at different levels of oxygen saturation are analyzed. In response to the complexity of multi-spectral blood oxygen saturation detection in an endoscopic environment, the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is used to comprehensively analyze various factors that could potentially interfere with the results. By adopting a hierarchical analysis approach, the factors that could potentially interfere with blood oxygen detection are categorized into four major groups: controllable conditions before the experiment, controllable conditions during the experiment, errors before the experiment, and errors during the experiment. After assigning importance ratings to these factors, questionnaires are distributed to laboratory researchers, physicians, and other professionals, so as to gather their opinions on the various sub-categories within each major group. By combining the opinions obtained through the questionnaire with AHP, we derive the importance weightings of the top 16 factors that could potentially interfere with the experimental results, and all weightings are below 0.06. Based on this analysis, four imaging bands suitable for endoscopic environments are selected: absolute difference, relative value, absolute value, contrast, and disturbance resistance. With the blue and green light bands primarily used to measure changes in light source power and consider imaging contrast and the red light band primarily used to measure changes in blood oxygen saturation and highly influenced by interfering factors, these four optimal imaging bands are utilized for experimental verification of blood oxygen saturation detection.

Results and Discussions

When the optimal bands were selected, in response to the complexity of multi-spectral blood oxygen saturation detection in an endoscopic environment, AHP is employed to comprehensively analyze various factors that could potentially interfere with the results. The weights of indicators representing the level of resistance to external interference in an endoscopic environment are obtained through this analysis (Fig. 3). Considering the impact of each influencing factor, we conduct an optimal analysis of the blood oxygen saturation detection bands by combining the characteristics of contrast and backscattering power. The potential effects of various influencing factors on endoscopic blood oxygen detection results are determined (Fig. 4). Based on this analysis, four imaging bands suitable for endoscopic environments are selected, namely, 450 nm, 525 nm, 630 nm, and 660 nm (Fig. 5). Built upon these selected wavelengths, a blood oxygen saturation prediction model is established by defining an intermediate variable based on the difference ratio of two backscattering powers. The model considers both fixed endoscopic detection distances and arbitrary intervals. The accuracy and effectiveness of the model are validated through experiments. The results indicate that under equidistant conditions, the deviation of blood oxygen saturation is 0.77% at a confidence level of 95% and 1.01% at a confidence level of 99%. Under non-equidistant conditions, the deviation of blood oxygen saturation is 0.94% at a confidence level of 95% and 1.24% at a confidence level of 99% (Fig. 9).


We investigate the diffuse reflectance power and contrast of different bands of visible light under different blood oxygen saturation conditions in an endoscopic environment using the Monte Carlo simulation algorithm. Additionally, we examine 16 influencing factors that may affect blood oxygen saturation detection in an endoscopic environment and combine AHP to determine the resistance to interference of various bands under red light. Based on the characteristics of the red, green, and blue bands, a comprehensive analysis combining contrast, resistance to interference, absolute value of power detection, absolute difference, and relative value is conducted to select the optimal bands, namely 450 nm, 525 nm, 630 nm, and 660 nm. Moreover, based on these selected bands, blood oxygen saturation analysis formulas are proposed for both equidistant and non-equidistant states, utilizing a quadratic cubic expression. These formulas have the advantages of simplicity in structure and quick calculation. Furthermore, laboratory experiments are conducted on vascular phantoms using an endoscope to verify the feasibility and scientific validity of the simulation experiments and the selected band method. Finally, we compare the four-band selection method with the three-band selection method, the non-equidistant band method, and the blood oxygen reverse construction method, demonstrating the advantages of the four-band selection method in terms of the accuracy and cost of blood oxygen saturation detection.

1 引言


目前检测血氧的方法中:血气分析仪利用穿刺皮肤获取血液,利用电化学或光学原理测量血液中的氧气分压,虽然精确度较高,但实时性和无创性得不到保证2;透射式血氧饱和度检测技术利用红光与红外光的组合,通过分光光度法3估测动脉血的氧饱和度,虽然这种方法具有无创性、实时性、便携性等优点,但不适用于内窥镜与静脉中;反射式血氧饱和度检测技术可以通过红外光4或激光5的后向散射探测功率动态估测出局部组织或静脉中的血氧饱和度,为疾病诊断提供参考,这种方法可以实现对内窥镜或静脉6中的血氧检测,且不易受组织厚度、皮肤色素7等因素的影响,但在精度和稳定性方面还有待进一步提升。作为目前唯一一台已经集成血氧检测应用的商用内窥镜,ELUXEO 7000X是一款由日本富士公司开发的内窥成像系统8,其在使用蓝激光成像(BLI)技术通过蓝光清晰观察黏膜表层微小血管9的基础上,使用内镜联动成像(LCI)技术并通过光谱滤镜和信号处理算法来增强显示图像红色区域中轻微色差10,实现对组织中血红蛋白氧饱和度(ξSO2)的实时可视化。ELUXEO 7000X虽然可以提高诊断准确性,但是集成度较高,无法应用于多种内窥镜中,成本也相对较高。因此,探索成本较低且适配于更多类型内窥镜的血氧饱和度检测技术不仅有助于拓宽内镜血氧检测的应用场景,提升其实际应用价值,还有助于推动内窥镜技术在偏远地区和资源匮乏地区的应用,提高医疗服务的覆盖率和质量。


2 血氧饱和度检测的波段优选

2.1 组织成像的蒙特卡罗仿真


在仿真实验中,采用多层介质蒙特卡罗(MCML)模拟方法12中的基于网格的蒙特卡罗方法模拟光在层状混浊介质中的传输。为了模拟类似管状血管的结构,选用基于网格的蒙特卡罗模拟方法13,该方法使用三维网格结构来实现不同折射率边界之间的折射和反射。为了在贴近实际应用场景的同时,尽可能探索更多情况14,初始设定的数字模型由均匀的软体组织块(肠黏膜上层)和5根平行的均匀血管组成,如图1所示。这5根血管的直径从左到右依次为1、2、3、4、5 mm,它们之间的距离设置为10 mm且保持不变。血管壁的厚度为0.02 mm,每个血管壁顶部位于组织表面下方0.06 mm处,选择这一深度是为了平衡周围软组织体积的混淆效果,同时保持血管的合理可探测性。由两个对称光源与中心CMOS探测器组成的内窥镜被放置在直径为3 mm与4 mm的血管的中垂面且距离组织表面2 cm的位置。为了综合考虑内窥镜探测光源的实际情况与服务器性能,采用朗伯辐射体15的场角分布来设置两侧的光源。这些实验条件综合考虑了仿体与实际组织的情况,具有一定的代表性。

图 1. 血管组织仿体的多光谱蒙特卡罗仿真模型

Fig. 1. Multispectral Monte Carlo simulation model of vascular tissue mimics

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图 2. 蒙特卡罗仿真结果。(a)不同血氧饱和度下后向散射光谱;(b)血液与组织对比度光谱

Fig. 2. Monte Carlo simulation results. (a) Backscattering spectra at each blood oxygen saturation; (b) blood-tissue contrast spectra

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2.2 干扰因素对血氧饱和度检测的影响


图 3. 层次分析法赋予权重

Fig. 3. AHP assigns weights to influencing factors

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图 4. 各影响因素的扰动离差值。(a)误差;(b)可控条件和可控条件加权后的综合得分

Fig. 4. Disturbance deviation fraction of various influencing factors. (a) Error; (b) controllable conditions and weighted composite score

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2.3 优选波长分析





蓝、绿光波段主要用于衡量光源功率变化,且需要考虑成像对比度,在此选取绝对差值、相对值、绝对值和对比度4个指标,按0.4∶0.1∶0.1∶0.4赋值并相乘后可得最终得分,如图5(a)所示。结合实验室已有窄波段光源情况,分别优选出蓝光波长为450 nm和绿光波长为525 nm。

图 5. RGB光各波段的最终得分。(a)蓝绿光;(b)红光

Fig. 5. Final score for each wavelength of RGB light. (a) Blue and green light; (b) red light

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红光波段主要衡量血氧饱和度变化,受干扰因素影响大,也需要考虑成像对比度,因此选取抗扰动值、相对值、绝对差值和对比度这4个指标,按照0.4∶0.4∶0.1∶0.1赋值并相乘后得到最终得分,如图5(b)所示,结合实验室已有窄波段光源情况,分别优选出红光波长为630 nm和660 nm。

3 实验结果与分析

3.1 血氧饱和度的计算思路



式中:MN分别为功率差值比参量;PR1PR2PGPB分别表示630 nm、660 nm、525 nm、450 nm 4个波段的后向散射功率;R1R2BG分别表示内窥镜CMOS得到图像转为灰度图后的灰度响应参数,即图像灰度值与实际探测功率之比。灰度响应参数受各波段光源发光效率、滤光片、CMOS响应强度、RGB图转灰度图效率的影响,因此在实际应用中,每类内窥镜都有专属的个性化灰度响应参数16



ξSO2C=A3 M3+A2 M2+A1 M+B3 N3+B2 N2 +B1 N+C


ξSO2V = Φ3(Δd)ξSO2C3+Φ2(Δd)ξSO2C2+Φ1(Δd)ξSO2C+Φ0(Δd)


图 6. 仿真中的血氧分析结果。(a)等距状态下;(b)非等距状态下

Fig. 6. Blood oxygen analysis results in simulation. (a) In equidistant state; (b) in non-equidistant state

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3.2 血氧饱和度检测实验及分析

实验室所用的内窥镜是高倍率大视场细胞内镜,变焦系统由负组、调焦组和正组组成,总长为7.8 mm。该内窥镜配备有常规成像模式和放大成像模式。当使用常规成像模式时,内窥镜提供清晰的、非扩大的图像;当使用放大成像模式时,可以实现近距离成像。通过切换模式,内窥镜可以在2~100 mm范围内实现连续变焦17

本实验使用的便携式管道仿体系统由3D打印技术制备的带血管状管道的聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)以及连接在其上的液体循环装置组成。血管状管道由5根平行管道组成,其直径分别为1、2、3、4、5 mm,血管中心轴间距为10 mm。实验装置示意图如图7所示。

图 7. 实验装置示意图

Fig. 7. Diagram of experimental setup

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图 8. 实验室内窥镜拍摄的450 nm、525 nm、630 nm、660 nm仿体多光谱图像。(a)~(d)d=2 cm,ξSO2=18%;(e)~(h)d=2 cm,ξSO2=98%;(i)~(l)d=3 cm,ξSO2=98%

Fig. 8. Multispectral images of phantom at four wavelengths of 450 nm, 525 nm, 630 nm, and 660 nm captured by laboratory endoscope. (a)-(d) d=2 cm,ξSO2=18%; (e)-(h) d=2 cm,ξSO2=98%; (i)-(l) d=3 cm,ξSO2=98%

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通过分析划定的血管区域,可以拟合出在固定探测距离为2 cm时的定距血氧分析公式,在此基础上,选取0.6~4.6 cm探测距离内的一系列间距计算出非等距血氧分析公式:

ξSO2C=-4.69181M3+53.14716 M2-174.38219M-3.30055N3 +47.23032N2 -206.01041N+477.0521ξSO2V=(-0.000288516Δd2+0.000268423Δd)×ξSO2C3+(0.14029Δd2-0.12559Δd)×ξSO2C2+(-17.32035Δd2+13.47702Δd+1)×ξSO2C-119.65443Δd3+568.29977Δd2-287.05958Δd


图 9. 血氧饱和度计算公式准确性分析。(a)等距状态下;(b)非等距状态下

Fig. 9. Analysis of accuracy of blood oxygen saturation calculation formula. (a) In equidistant state; (b) in non-equidistant state

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为了进一步分析所推导公式的准确性,将四波段计算的结果与3种其他方法的结果进行比较,这3种方法为仅保留三波段分析法(450 nm、525 nm和630 nm)、非等间隔波段法18(544 nm、568 nm和620 nm)以及血氧反构法19(544 nm、552 nm、568 nm、576 nm、592 nm和600 nm)。这些方法在血氧饱和度为80%的条件下,面对不同种类的影响因素干扰时,在99%置信水平下的血氧饱和度偏差如图10所示。结果表明,选取的四波段方法在血氧饱和度检测精确性和成本方面具有一定的优势。

图 10. 99%置信水平下不同方法的血氧饱和度偏差

Fig. 10. Deviation of blood oxygen saturation of different methods at 99% confidence level

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4 结论

首先,通过蒙特卡罗仿真算法探究内窥环境下可见光各个波段在不同血氧饱和度情况下的漫反射功率与对比度。同时,通过研究16类影响因素,结合层次分析法得出红光下各波段的抗干扰程度情况。然后,根据红绿蓝波段特点,通过结合对比度、抗干扰程度、功率探测的绝对值、绝对差值和相对值的综合分析,选出450 nm、525 nm、630 nm和660 nm波段。在此基础上,通过优选出的4个波段,提出等距与非等距状态下的血氧饱和度分析公式,二者均采用二元三次方程的表达形式。最后,使用实验室内窥镜对血管仿体进行实验,验证了所提四波段方法的可行性与科学性。


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