北京交通大学 物理科学与工程学院, 北京  100044
Mn离子掺杂策略被广泛用于提高CsPbX3钙钛矿纳米晶(Nanocrystals,NCs)的稳定性和调控Pb的含量,但离子掺杂反应速率极快,不易控制。本文分别采用一步和两步热注射法对Mn2+的掺杂含量进行大范围和精确调控,制备出具有不同Mn2+掺杂含量的CsPbCl3∶Mn2+ NCs。通过对其结构及发光性能的研究,将其区分为合金结构和掺杂结构,并进一步揭示了一步法和两步法进行Mn2+调控时的不同机制,明确了在相同Pb∶Mn投料比的情况下,一步法合成的合金结构纳米晶具有更高的Mn2+掺杂量,使得纳米晶在610 nm左右与Mn相关的发射峰更为强烈,最高光致发光量子产为77%,而两步法合成的掺杂结构纳米晶在较少的Mn2+情况下同样具有较高的光致发光量子产率。同时,Mn2+的可控掺杂使得钙钛矿纳米晶的稳定性有效提升,放置四周后形貌和发光性能仍稳定。值得注意的是,合金结构对于本征激子发光稳定性的提升比掺杂结构更加有利。此外,还合成了具有优异发光性能的CsPb(ClxBr3-x)∶Mn2+钙钛矿纳米晶,其荧光光谱可在404~640 nm之间调控;但当Br-含量较高时,与Mn相关的发射峰消失,这是由于CsPbBr3的能带与Mn2+4T1-6A1能级不匹配所致。本文强调了在CsPbCl3∶Mn2+钙钛矿制备过程中Mn2+可控掺杂的重要性,对于实现纳米晶的可控合成具有重要意义。
全无机钙钛矿 CsPbCl3∶Mn2+ 组分调控 all-inorganic perovskites CsPbCl3∶Mn2+ tunable component 
2024, 45(2): 185
甄玉冉 1,2邓杰 1,*布勇浩 1,2代旭 1,2[ ... ]周靖 1,2,***
1 中国科学院上海技术物理研究所 红外物理国家重点实验室,上海 200083
2 中国科学院大学,北京 100049
红外偏振探测器 各向异性材料 拓扑材料 手性钙钛矿 偏振选择性光学耦合结构 infrared polarization detector anisotropic materials topological materials chiral perovskites polarization-selective optical coupling structures 
2024, 43(1): 52
吴晓维 1张涵 1,2曾彪 1,2明辰 1,2孙宜阳 1,2,*
1 1.中国科学院 上海硅酸盐研究所, 上海 201899
2 2.中国科学院大学 材料科学与光电工程中心, 北京 100049
在卤族钙钛矿材料的缺陷研究中, 密度泛函理论计算发挥着重要作用。传统的半局域泛函(如PBE)虽然能够得到与实验接近的禁带宽度, 但是已有研究表明其不能准确描述材料的带边位置。采用更准确的杂化泛函, 结合自旋轨道耦合(SOC)效应与充分的结构优化开展缺陷研究十分必要。可以选择两种杂化泛函, 即屏蔽的杂化泛函HSE和非屏蔽的杂化泛函PBE0。本研究以正交相CsPbI3为例, 系统比较了两种方法在缺陷性质计算上的差异。计算结果表明, 对于体相性质, 两种杂化泛函并无明显的差别。但是, 对于缺陷性质, 两种泛函出现定性的差别。HSE计算中预测的浅能级缺陷, 在PBE0计算中大部分变为深能级缺陷, 且缺陷转变能级和Kohn-Sham能级均出现定性差别。上述差别的本质在于, Hartree-Fock交换势具有长程作用特征, 因而普通的杂化泛函如PBE0在计算量允许的超胞尺寸上无法得到收敛的结果, 而HSE对上述交换势具有屏蔽作用, 可采用相对小尺寸的超胞得到收敛的缺陷能级。本研究结果表明, 尽管HSE杂化泛函需要较大的Hartree-Fock混合参数(约0.43), 其仍是准确计算卤族钙钛矿缺陷性质的有效方法。
钙钛矿 本征缺陷 CsPbI3 杂化泛函 第一性原理计算 perovskites intrinsic defect CsPbI3 hybrid functional first-principles calculation 
2023, 38(9): 1110
合肥工业大学 仪器科学与光电工程学院, 测量理论与精密仪器安徽省重点实验室, 合肥 230009
近年来, 有机-无机杂化钙钛矿太阳能电池以其优异的性能和低廉的制造成本受到了广泛关注。然而, 其含有铅元素的毒性以及稳定性阻碍了进一步商业化应用。双钙钛矿材料Cs2AgBiBr6具有稳定性优异、毒性低、载流子寿命长和载流子有效质量小的优势, 是一种颇具潜力的光伏材料, 已被应用于太阳能电池并展现出良好的性能。但是Cs2AgBiBr6钙钛矿太阳能电池的光电转换效率还无法与有机-无机杂化钙钛矿太阳能电池相媲美, 发展仍面临诸多挑战。本文首先介绍了Cs2AgBiBr6的晶体结构及容忍因子等结构参数; 然后介绍了溶液法、反溶剂辅助成膜法、气相法、真空辅助成膜法以及喷涂法等薄膜制备工艺的进展, 评述了各种薄膜制备工艺的优缺点; 接着从元素掺杂、添加剂工程及界面工程(界面能级匹配和界面缺陷钝化)三方面介绍了Cs2AgBiBr6钙钛矿太阳能电池的性能优化策略, 结合近年来的研究进展进行了评述; 最后指出Cs2AgBiBr6钙钛矿太阳能电池面临的挑战, 并从前驱体溶剂工程、带隙工程以及器件降解机理三方面展望了未来研究方向。
Cs2AgBiBr6 太阳能电池 光电转换效率 双钙钛矿 综述 Cs2AgBiBr6 solar cell power conversion efficiency double perovskites review 
2023, 38(9): 1044
Author Affiliations
Department of Chemistry, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), Clear Water Bay Road, Kowloon 999077, Hong Kong SAR, China
Organic-inorganic halides perovskites (OHPs) have drawn the attention of many researchers owing to their astonishing and unique optoelectronic properties. They have been extensively used for photovoltaic applications, achieving higher than 26% power conversion efficiency to date. These materials have potential to be deployed for many other applications beyond photovoltaics like photodetectors, sensors, light-emitting diodes (LEDs), and resistors. To address the looming challenge of Moore's law and the Von Neumann bottleneck, many new technologies regarding the computation of architectures and storage of information are being extensively researched. Since the discovery of the memristor as a fourth component of the circuit, many materials are explored for memristive applications. Lately, researchers have advanced the exploration of OHPs for memristive applications. These materials possess promising memristive properties and various kinds of halide perovskites have been used for different applications that are not only limited to data storage but expand towards artificial synapses, and neuromorphic computing. Herein we summarize the recent advancements of OHPs for memristive applications, their unique electronic properties, fabrication of materials, and current progress in this field with some future perspectives and outlooks.
organic-inorganic halide perovskites resistive switching memristors 
Journal of Semiconductors
2023, 44(9): 091604
电子科技大学材料与能源学院,成都 611731
全无机卤化双钙钛矿 光电性质 制备工艺 光电器件 All-inorganic halide double perovskites photoelectrical properties preparation process optoelectronic devices 
2023, 51(9): 2271
祝熙翔 1,2,*胡斌 2
1 北京交通大学 物理科学与工程学院,发光与光信息技术教育部重点实验室,北京 10044
2 田纳西大学 材料物理与工程学院,田纳西 诺克斯维尔 130022
有机 钙钛矿 磁-光-电 跨学科 organic perovskites magneto-opto-electronic interdisciplinary 
2023, 44(7): 1287
华中科技大学 光学与电子信息学院,武汉 430074
一维 双链钙钛矿 各向异性 二色性 双折射 线性二色比 One-dimensional Double chain perovskites Optical anisotropy Dichroism Birefringence Linear dichroic ratio 
2023, 52(3): 0352111
上海大学材料基因组工程研究院, 上海 200444
有机?无机杂化钙钛矿因其优异的物理化学性质在太阳能电池及其他光电器件中有重要应用。其中, 带隙是材料设计中必须考虑的一个关键物理量。利用机器学习建立准确的带隙模型可以帮助快速预测新材料。本工作通过研究基于Voronoi图方法的结构特征对机器学习的重要性发现, 相比于只有元素特征的机器学习, 通过加入Voronoi图结构描述特征, 符号回归(VS-SISSO)、人工神经网络(ANN)和随机森林(RF)建立的带隙模型精度均有提升。由于符号回归模型相对简单, Voronoi图结构特征的重要性在该方法中体现最高。以上3种机器学习方法给出的模型预测能力接近, 但符号回归模型具有明确的数学表达式, 透明度相对更高。特征重要性分析表明, Voronoi图结构特征在所有输入特征中的重要性最高。本工作展示了 Voronoi图结构特征在提升机器学习模型准确度及可解释性方面的重要价值。
有机?无机杂化钙钛矿 带隙 Voronoi图 机器学习 符号回归 hybrid organic?inorganic perovskites band gap Voronoi tessellation machine learning symbolic regression 
2023, 51(2): 397
Author Affiliations
The past two decades have seen a drastic progress in the development of semiconducting metal-halide perovskites (MHPs) from both the fundamentally scientific and technological points of view. The excellent optoelectronic properties and device performance make perovskites very attractive to the researchers in materials, physics, chemistry and so on. To fully explore the potential of perovskites in the applications, various techniques have been demonstrated to synthesize perovskites, modify their structures, and create patterns and devices. Among them, photo-processing has been revealed to be a facile and general technique to achieve these aims. In this review, we discuss the mechanisms of photo-processing of perovskites and summarize the recent progress in the photo-processing of perovskites for synthesis, patterning, ion exchange, phase transition, assembly, and ion migration and redistribution. The applications of photo-processed perovskites in photovoltaic devices, lasers, photodetectors, light-emitting diodes (LEDs), and optical data storage and encryption are also discussed. Finally, we provide an outlook on photo-processing of perovskites and propose the promising directions for future researches. This review is of significance to the researches and applications of perovskites and also to uncover new views on the light-matter interactions.The past two decades have seen a drastic progress in the development of semiconducting metal-halide perovskites (MHPs) from both the fundamentally scientific and technological points of view. The excellent optoelectronic properties and device performance make perovskites very attractive to the researchers in materials, physics, chemistry and so on. To fully explore the potential of perovskites in the applications, various techniques have been demonstrated to synthesize perovskites, modify their structures, and create patterns and devices. Among them, photo-processing has been revealed to be a facile and general technique to achieve these aims. In this review, we discuss the mechanisms of photo-processing of perovskites and summarize the recent progress in the photo-processing of perovskites for synthesis, patterning, ion exchange, phase transition, assembly, and ion migration and redistribution. The applications of photo-processed perovskites in photovoltaic devices, lasers, photodetectors, light-emitting diodes (LEDs), and optical data storage and encryption are also discussed. Finally, we provide an outlook on photo-processing of perovskites and propose the promising directions for future researches. This review is of significance to the researches and applications of perovskites and also to uncover new views on the light-matter interactions.
perovskites photo-processing optical properties opto-electronic devices 
Opto-Electronic Science
2022, 1(11): 220014

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