1 中国北方车辆研究所 武器控制系统技术部,北京 100072
2 陆军北京军代局,北京 100071
连续变焦系统是一种能够进行连续视场变换的光电成像装置,可对目标进行连续探测和识别,具有快速、稳定的特点。针对其高精度,高稳定控制需求,提出一种分数阶PID(proportion integration differentiation)控制器设计方法,该方法利用内模控制策略构造含有3个整定参数的分数阶PID控制器,且这3个参数通过给定系统穿越频率和相位裕度获得,大大简化了分数阶PID控制器的设计,同时提高了控制器的可实现性。在Matlab平台同传统整数阶PID进行了控制效果对比,仿真结果表明:分数阶PID控制器将稳态误差由0.1 mm提升至0 mm,具有抗干扰性强、鲁棒性强、数字实现后无超调、静差小的特点。最后将数字分数阶PID应用于实际的连续变焦系统,系统可获得清晰稳定的图像,验证了控制策略的有效性。
连续变焦系统 分数阶PID 内模控制 伺服控制 continuous zoom system fractional-order PID internal mode control servo control 
2023, 44(6): 1306
1 海军航空大学 航空作战勤务学院,山东 烟台 264000
2 海军航空大学 岸防兵学院,山东 烟台 264000
针对高光谱影像分类方法精度不足的问题,提出一种基于空间-频谱变换(Spectral-Spatial Transformer,SST)网络的高光谱影像分类方法。首先,将高光谱影像预处理为一维特征向量。然后,设计了具有光谱-空间注意力模块和池化残差模块的SST高光谱影像分类网络。本文所提出的分类方法在Indian Pines数据集和Pavia University数据集上的总体分类精度分别为98.67%和99.87%,表明此方法具有较高的分类精度,为高光谱影像分类及应用提供了一种新方案。
深度学习 高光谱影像 分类 遥感图像 deep learning hyperspectral image classification satellite imagery 
2023, 42(6): 824
杨旭 1,2冉悦 1,2周伟 2徐宝腾 2[ ... ]杨西斌 1,2
1 中国科学技术大学生物医学工程学院(苏州),江苏 苏州 215163
2 中国科学院苏州生物医学工程技术研究所,江苏 苏州 215163
单像素成像 内窥成像 单像素相机 全彩成像 single-pixel imaging endoscopic imaging single-pixel camera full-color imaging 
2023, 52(10): 20230077
舒天娇 1,2,*张玲玲 1,2杜远超 1,2李国旗 1,2[ ... ]陈宇 4
1 上海市激光技术研究所, 上海 200233
2 上海激光直接物标溯源工程技术研究中心, 上海 200233
3 上海集成电路研发中心有限公司, 上海 200233
4 东华大学理学院, 上海 201620
针对SEMI标准对12寸(约300 mm)薄晶圆标识的要求, 采用1 066 nm光纤激光晶圆标识系统对裸硅晶圆与镀膜晶圆进行激光标识工艺的研究。通过控制变量法改变激光器的功率百分比, 分别在两种晶圆上标记Dot样式的SEMI字体, 并对标识的质量和识读率进行评估。研究发现, 裸硅晶圆标识从无到有, 甚至到严重溅射对应的激光功率范围是11.77~19.25 W, 镀膜后的硅晶圆对应的功率范围是4.40~11.77 W。在裸硅晶圆上标识的Dot形貌更符合SEMI标准要求。镀膜后的晶圆熔融阈值变小, 但是工艺窗口变窄, 标识字符和条码Dot圆度较差, 飞溅不易控制。两种晶圆OCR的识读率差异不大。
1 066 nm光纤激光器 裸硅晶圆 镀膜晶圆 OCR读码 1 066 nm fiber laser bare wafer coated wafer OCR code reading 
2023, 43(4): 100
侯冠廷 1徐宝腾 1,2周伟 2刘家林 2[ ... ]杨西斌 1,2,*
1 中国科学技术大学生物医学工程学院(苏州)生命科学与医学部,江苏 苏州 215163
2 中国科学院苏州生物医学工程技术研究所光与健康研究中心,江苏 苏州 215163
共聚焦激光显微内窥镜(CLE)可以进行在体组织显微成像,实现实时病理学诊断,而光电探测器作为CLE系统的核心部件,影响共聚焦图像质量。对比分析光电倍增管(PMT)和雪崩光电二极管(APD)在CLE中的性能表现,建立基于PMT和APD探测电路的CLE成像信号信噪比分析模型,理论分析光电探测器及其放大电路噪声、放大增益、输入光信号等参数对成像信号信噪比的影响。搭建基于PMT和APD双光路探测系统,对均匀荧光溶液和组织样品进行成像。研究结果表明,当样品荧光功率大于10 nW时,所选取PMTSS与APD120A2的输出图像质量接近,信噪比相差小于0.67 dB,APD以更高的性价比实现与PMT相当的成像性能。
医用光学 共聚焦激光显微内窥镜 荧光成像 在体内窥 雪崩光电二极管 光电倍增管 
2023, 43(11): 1117001
1 厦门大学机电工程系,福建 厦门 361005
2 流体动力与机电系统国家重点实验室,浙江 杭州 310027
Overview: Microstructure sensor is a kind of sensor with a 2D or 3D micron-scale structure prepared by advanced manufacturing technology. It is used as a sensitive part to enhance the transmission characteristics of physical, chemical, and biological signals to the environment, and convert the external signals into electrical signals. The microstructure is generally a regular or disordered structure, usually in the shape of microspheres, microcolumns, microcones, microgrooves and micropores. The microstructures with different shapes can realize the functions of puncture, pressure transmission, vibration transmission, drug transmission, bioelectric transmission, heat transmission, sound transmission, gas adsorption, and so on. In recent years, researchers from all over the world have gradually attached great importance to the research on the manufacturing technology of microstructure sensors. At present, researchers have proposed the MEMS manufacturing processes, such as reactive ion etching and chemical vapor deposition, to achieve mass manufacturing of high-precision microstructures on flexible polymer materials and rigid materials. In addition, some researchers have also proposed the manufacturing processes such as template method, self-assembly, nanoimprinting, and soft lithography to realize microstructure manufacturing. However, the above-mentioned manufacturing processes usually cannot prepare microstructure in one step, which has the problems of complex process, high production cost, limited processing materials, and unable to control the microstructure morphology. In contrast, laser manufacturing technology has the advantages of non-contact processing, no mask, customizable manufacturing, etc. By optimizing the parameters of laser process (such as laser power, scanning speed, filling mode and scanning path), it can achieve efficient and low-cost manufacturing of microstructures with different sizes and shapes. Therefore, using laser manufacturing technology to realize microstructure manufacturing and applying it to bioelectricity, temperature, and pressure sensors has become a research hotspot in microstructure sensor manufacturing technology. Laser manufacturing technology mainly includes laser ablation, laser direct writing, laser induction, laser-template processing, etc. Laser ablation is an auxiliary heating process based on the thermochemical and thermophysical effects of a laser beam, which melts the materials to be processed to realize structural forming. Laser direct writing is a manufacturing process that focuses high-energy photon beams on the materials to be processed to produce a photochemical process, and manufacturing the structures through material removal. Laser-induced modification is a manufacturing process to change the physical and chemical properties of the materials to be processed. Laser-template processing is a manufacturing process that uses a laser to produce microstructure molds on silicon, glass, polymer, and other substrates, and then uses soft lithography technology to reverse die the structures on the molds. Based on the interaction between the laser and materials, the induction, removal, and migration of materials to be processed can be realized. By adjusting the laser processing mode and processing parameters, the controlled manufacturing of the 2D or 3D microstructures or the controlled preparation of functional materials for the sensitive units can be realized, breaking through the limitations of efficiency and cost of traditional manufacturing methods for microstructures. In this paper, the types, functions, and manufacturing technologies of microstructures are summarized and classified. The preparation processes of laser manufacturing technology and other advanced manufacturing technologies of microstructures are summarized. The applications of microstructure sensors prepared by laser ablation, laser direct writing, laser induction, and laser-template processing technology in bioelectric sensing, temperature sensing, and pressure sensing are described in detail. Finally, the development trend of the laser manufacturing technology for microstructure sensors is summarized and prospected.
激光制造 微结构 生物电传感器 温度传感器 压力传感器 laser manufacturing microstructure bioelectric sensors temperature sensors pressure sensors 
2023, 50(3): 220041
中国工程物理研究院电子工程研究所, 四川 绵阳 621999
传统的全电子引信无源导通电阻测试均采用外接电阻测试设备或通用的导通电阻测试电路设计, 与全电子引信通电工作的电气性能测试毫无关联, 无法避免故障产品加电后烧毁的风险。为此提出了能对无源导通电阻和全电子引信通电工作电气性能综合诊断的系统性设计思路,设计了一种基于 ARM芯片和 FPGA双核架构的全自动测试控制架构和 24 bit高精确度四线制无源导通电阻测试电路, 对全电子引信的对外接口部分的无源导通电阻及引信加电工作特性进行全面测试。测试结果表明, 该设计能够进行无源导通电阻高精确度测试及通电后工作性能的综合测试, 电阻测量精确度为±0.1%。
双核 全电子引信测试 无源导通电阻 四线制 dual core full electronic fuze test passive-resistance four-wire system 
2023, 21(2): 176
南京邮电大学自动化学院、人工智能学院,江苏 南京 210023
图像处理 多聚焦图像融合 多尺度 空洞卷积 残差学习 注意力机制 
2023, 60(2): 0210003
1 山东省济南生态环境监测中心, 山东 济南 250101
2 生态环境部卫星环境应用中心, 国家环境保护卫星遥感重点实验室, 北京 100094
3 中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院安徽光学精密机械研究所, 中国科学院通用光学定标与表征重点实验室, 安徽 合肥 230031
全球、区域及城市的碳浓度、碳源汇信息是应对气候变化、达成双碳目标、完善国际谈判、支持治理政策制定与执行的重要依据。国际认可的 “自上而下” 方法将卫星观测作为基础的通量计算技术, 是验证温室气体排放清单的重要手段。系统介绍了温室气体的卫星探测载荷原理、类别和发展, 以及反演、估算 CO 2 、CH 4 和 N 2 O 的浓度和排放通量的方法, 还有探测缺失和误差存在的影响因素等; 分析了对卫星探测温室气体能力提高的迫切需求, 浓度反演和排放量估算精度不足, 以及 N 2 O、氟化物等其他温室气体遥感研究缺乏、地基遥感验证能力薄弱等问题; 最后总结了我国温室气体卫星遥感技术的发展趋势, 主要是面向主被动高时空分辨率卫星的研制应用、高精度多尺度排放量估算 (特别针对城市、小区域和点源尺度)、氟化物遥感评估等主题, 以加强对碳排放的量化观测, 并增强对碳循环的理解, 提高感知和应对气候变化的能力。
温室气体 卫星载荷 浓度 通量 反演 greenhouse gas satellite payload concentration flux retrieval 
2022, 17(6): 581
芜湖东旭光电科技有限公司,芜湖 241000
光电显示玻璃 褶皱 炉体温度 photoelectric display glass fold furnace temperature 
2022, 50(12): 23

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